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Patient-centered communication is one of the core clinical skills. Skill-based, structured communication teaching and assessing should play a foundational role in modern medical education. American methods could provide us some new perspectives and useful experiences to promote medical communication education in China.
     With current doctor-patient relationships in tension, communication is becoming one of the social consensuses inside and outside of medical professional community. Medicine not only as a science but also an art, effective and efficient communication is an element of modern medical professionalism. Within traditional biomedical model, doctors always focus on taking biomedical history from patients by interview skills; in biopsychosocial model, providing care should be the main goal of communication.
     Doctor-patient communication as an information exchanging process in patient care should be skill-based. Medical communication as an academic medical field could be divided into clinical practice, education and research three sections. This research mainly pays attention to communication education.
     In the first chapter, we define the core research objective and discus the perspectives, methods and academic resources. In Chapter 2, based on the "L.L.Y case" , we clarify the importance of clinical communication competence training to medical professionals. By describing a case-based ethics teaching, we get a conclusion that traditional teaching and assessing methods are insufficient to communication training. At this point, international especially American educational progress is a good model to develop Chinese communication education. In Chapter 3, we explore the rational ways to implement communication in medical education. After observing the POM model at George Washington University Medical Center (GWUMC), and describing the design and implementing of a workshop concerning about how to teach residents clinical ethics and communication skills using standardized patients by American medical educators, we summarize some highlights about the American learner-centered experiential communication learning methods, and rethink how to improve our working in Chinese context. As a primary conclusion in Chapter 4, we explore the philosophy of doctor-patient communication that is understanding, trust and healing.
     In the appendix, we submit a communication teaching module design as the primary outcome of this research.
1 Engel GL.The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model.Am J Psychiatry 1980,137:535-544.
    2 Cassell EJ.Talking with patients,volume 1:the theory of doctor-patient communication.MIT press.1985.
    3 Members of the Medical Professionalism Project(ABIM Foundation,ACP-ASIM Foundation,European Federation oflnternal Medicine).Medical professionalism in the new millennium:A physician charter.Ann Int Meal 2002,136:243-246.
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    3 我曾利用一星期的时间在一所著名的妇产专科医院门诊观察并体验过医忠沟通的实际情况。在第一天门诊时,我即向老师表达了对自己性别(男性)的担心,老师也要求我沣意控制自己的表情,看到有意思的病例即使很高兴表情也不要表现出兴奋,尤其注意眼神,妇科患者往往很敏感,不要让患者误解对她们有歧视和轻视。另外,强调问诊时候千万不要让患者“牵着走”。但面对女性患者,尤其问及性生活史的时候,还是经常感觉非常不安和尴尬。例如,在病史采集过程中,如何有效率的询问患者性生活史,同时又避免让患者感到不适,这给我出了很大的难题,特别是患者比我年龄大时和有家属陪伴时。妇科门诊量非常大,医生问诊往往非常简略,并经常打断患者表述,与每名患者接触时间也就是2~3分钟,病人没有自由表达的时间,医患之间没有肢体接触,更没有互称姓名。患者有时会跟医生提及与医生的亲属、朋友、同事等具有某种私人或社会关系,希望赢得医生的好感与关注,但忙碌的医生好像对诊断之外的信息没有什么反应。狭小的诊室挤满了患者,往往问诊一个患者的同时,其他病人仿佛都在“饶有兴致地分享”着她的病情和“故事”,病人因此也不愿意讲得太多。病人的背景也非常复杂,当医生判断出患者可能是“小姐”,或初步诊断为性病时,表情和语气往往都有明显变化。在体格检查过程中,指导医生表示,尽管是教学医院,很多患者已经开始明确拒绝学生见习,特别是男学生。于是,我和指导医生达成了默契,在做妇科检查时,由她先选择合适的患者,然后点头暗示是否可以到床边见习。这时,医生往往选择年龄偏大的患者,没有家属陪伴的忠者,另外是很多通过口音判断为农村的患者。
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    2 比如,周国平.妞妞——一个父亲的札记.上海人民出版,1996;傅伟勋.死亡的尊严与生命的尊严.北京大学出版社,2006.
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    1 Introduction.参见Post S G.,Editor in Chief.Encyclopedia of Bioethics(3rd Edition).Macmillan Reference,2004:1737.
    1 Jonsen AR.The birth of bioethics.Oxford university press.1998.
    2 指由改编自日本小说家芥川龙之介同名小说,并由黑泽明的导演的电影《罗生门》(1950)。
    1 Charles C,Gafni A,Whelan T.How to improve communication between doctors and patients.BMJ.2000,320:1220-1221.
    2 Appelbaum P S.Assessment of Patients' Competence to Consent to Treatment.N Engl J Med.2007,357:1834-1840.
    3 我曾经向部分中国医学生针对该案例询问过“你是否愿意冒着被诉的风险去救治患者”,多数人很诚恳地向我表示他们不愿患冒这个风险;该案例发生时正值我在美学习,遂将该案例翻译介绍给与我同班的美国医学生和几名医生,询问同样的问题,多数人却表示会救治患者。这种随机访谈可能不具代表性,但也可能确实因为中美医生对法律和伦理确实有不同的理解。从亚丽教授曾经同样发现过该问题,参见从亚丽.北京大学和芝加哥大学医学伦理学教育和实践机制比较研究.中外医学哲学,2002:第Ⅳ卷1期。
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    2 讴歌对老协和人物的描述反映了这一点,特别是杨秀玉医生的一句话,“假如态度好能治好病,我态度能比谁都好”,参见讴歌.协和医事.三联书店,2007:214-223.
    3 Kurtz SM,Silverman J,Draper J.Teaching And Learning Communication Skills In Medicine(2nd edition).Radcliffe Publishing,2005:21-22
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    3 王锦帆主编.医患沟通学.人民卫生出版社,2003,2006.
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    1 Simpson M,Buckman R,Stewart M,Maguire CP,Lipkin M,Novack D,Till J.Doctor-patient communication:theToronto consensus statement.Br Med J,1991;303:1385-7.
    2 Makoul,G.,Schofield,T.Communication teaching and assessment in medical education:An international consensus statement.Patient Education and Counseling,1999;37:191-195.
    1 Bayer-Fetzer Conference on Physician-Patient Communication in Medical Education.Essential elements of communication in medical encounters:the Kalamazoo Consensus Statement.Academic Medicine,2001;76:390-393.
    1 AAMC.Learning Objectives for Medical Student Education.Association of American Medical Colleages,1998.
    2 AAMC.Contemporary Issues in Medicine:Communication in Medicine.Association of American Medical Colleages,1999.
    1 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.ACGME Outcome Project.www.acgme.org/Outcomes.
    1 Duffy,FD.,Gordon,GH.,Whelan,G,Cole-kelly,K.,Frankel,R.& all participants in the american academy on physician and patient's conference on education and evaluation of competence in communication and interpersonal skills(2004)assessing competence in communication and interpersonal skills:the kalamazoo ⅱreport,Academic Medicine,79:495-507.
    2 Makoul G.The SEGUE Framework for teaching and assessing communication skills.Patient Educ Couns.2001,45:23-34.
    3 Silverman J,Krutz S,Draper J.Skills for Communicating With Patients.Abingdon,Oxon,UK:Radcliffe Medical Press,1998.
    4 Cohen-Cole SA,Bird J.The Medical Interview:The Three Function Approach(2nd Edition).Mosby-Year Book,2000.
    5 Makoul G.Communication Skills Education in Medical School and Beyond.JAMA,2003,289:93.
    6 参见美国医帅执业证书考试网站,http://www.usmle.org/examinations/step2/step2.html.
    1 Kaufman DV.Applying educational theory in practice.BMJ,2003,326;213-216
    2 Kurtz SM,Silverman J,Draper J.Teaching And Learning Communication Skills In Medicine(2nd edition).Radcliffe Publishing,2005.
    1 戴正德.医学伦理教学有效性之研究.医学与哲学,2003,24:55-58.
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    2 Aaron Lazare,Mack,Lipkin,Jr.,Mack,Lipkin,Samuel M.Putnam.The Medical Interview:Clinical Care,Education.and Research.New York:Springer-Verlag,1995.
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    4 Post S G.,Editor in Chief.Encyclopedia of Bioethics(3rd Edition).Macmillan Reference,2004:1737.
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    3 Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America(IOM).Crossing the Quality Chasm:A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington,DC:National Academy Press,2001.
    4 Mead N.Patient-centredness:a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literature.Soc Sci Med,2000.51(7):1087-110.
    5 Roter D.Patient-centered communication.BMJ,2004,328:303-304.
    1 AMA.Communication consensus report,http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/16245.html.
    1 在美期间,我利用访谈方法,向数名留美多年的华裔人士请教,请他们就自己经历谈谈对美国医生的印象,普遍反映美国医生专业化、态度好,愿意花时间听病人倾诉等等;有意思的是,何人也表达了不适感,即有的时候医生的沟通行为显得有点“假”和“过”,这种观点可能不很具代表性,但也可能是由于文化差异造成的对医生态度认知差异的反映,也可能是美国行为主义对医学教育的影响,值得研究。
    2 Unger JP,Ghilbert P,Fisher JP.Doctor-patient communication in developing countries.BMJ,2003,327(7412):450.
    3 Cong Yali.Doctor-Family-Patient Relationship:The Chinese Paradigm of Informed Consent,J of Medicine and Philosophy,2004,29(2):149-178.
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    [109] Duffy, FD., Gordon, GH., Whelan, G., Cole-kelly, K., Frankel, R. & all participants in the american academy on physician and patient's conference on education and evaluation of competence in communication and interpersonal skills assessing competence in communication and interpersonal skills: the Kalamazoo Ⅱ report[J], Academic Medicine, 2004,79: 495-507.
    [110] Engel GL. The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model[J]. Am J Psychiatry 1980; 137:535-544
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    [117] Makoul G. Communication Skills Education in Medical School and Beyond[J]. JAMA,2003, 289: 293.
    [118] Makoul G. The SEGUE Framework for teaching and assessing communication skills[J]. Patient Educ Couns,2001, 45:23-34.
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    [123] Members of the Medical Professionalism Project (ABIM Foundation, ACP-ASIM Foundation, European Federation of Internal Medicine). Medical professionalism in the new millennium: A physician charter[J]. Ann Int Med,2002,136:243-246.
    [124] Peggy Wallace. The History of Standardized Patients in Medical Education[J]. Caduceus, 1997,13:5-28.
    [125] Peggy Wallace. Coaching Standardized Patients: For Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence[M]. Springer Publishing Company,2006.
    [126] Post S G, Editor in Chief. Encyclopedia of Bioethics (3rd Edition) [M]. Macmillan Reference,2004.
    [127] Roter D. Patient-centered communication[J]. BMJ,2004,328:303-304.
    [128] Silverman J, Krutz S, Draper J. Skills for Communicating With Patients[M]. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Radcliffe Medical Press, 1998.
    [129] Simpson M, Buckman R, Stewart M, Maguire CP, Lipkin M, Novack D, Till J. Doctor-patient communication: the Toronto consensus statement[J]. Br Med J,1991,303:1385-1387.
    [130] Stewart MA. Effective physician-patient communication and health outcomes: a review[J]. Can Med Assoc J,1995,152(9):1423-1433.
    [131] Unger JP, Ghilbert P, Fisher JP. Doctor-patient communication in developing countries[J]. BMJ,2003,327(7412):450.
    [132] Williams, John R. Medical ethics manual [M]. World Medical Association,2005.
    1 AMA.Communication consensus report[EB/OL].http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/16245.html.
    2 Balint E.The possibilities of patient-centered medicine[J].J R Coll Gen Pract.1969May;17(82):269-76.
    3 Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America(IOM).Crossing the Quality Chasm:A New Health System for the 21st Century[M].Washington,DC:National Academy Press;2001.
    4 Mead N,Bower E Patient,centredness:a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literature[J].Soc Sci Med.2000 Oct;51(7):1087-110.

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