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本论文针对桥梁伸缩缝病害,引入一种新型无伸缩装置结构—半整体式桥台无缝桥梁,建立该桥型全结构有限元模型并对其受力性能进行全面分析。半整体式桥台无缝桥梁计算模型考虑了上部结构-下部结构-土的共同作用;台后土抗力升温时采用静止土压力加弹性土抗力,降温时采用主动土压力;分析桥梁受力性能时考虑了结构自重、车辆荷载和季节性温变荷载的作用。以一座桥长100m Pc半整体式桥台无缝桥梁为实例,采用大型通用软件Ansys建立平面框架模型,进行弹性、大变形分析,模拟全桥受力和变形特点;同时建立与此对应的有伸缩缝桥梁和整体式桥台无缝桥梁有限元模型,通过三种桥型同步加载对比分析,研究半整体式桥台无缝桥梁独特的受力特点和结构性能,总结其设计控制因素和构造要求。通过本文研究知:半整体式桥台无缝桥梁主梁的剪力、弯矩、挠度和下部结构的轴力与梁式桥相近,结构整体刚度增大,并除去了伸缩缝病害;但主梁增加了轴力,下部结构剪力、弯矩较梁式桥大;综合分析是一种受力合理有实践和推广价值的桥型。
This paper ,in allusion to damage of expansion joint of bridge ,introduces a sort of new structure of jointless device - Semi - Integral Abutment Jointless Bridge , and establishes model of general structure finite element of this bridge ,and in details analyses its qualities of stress .The model considers the interaction of superstructure
    - substructure - soil .Resistance of the soil behind abutment adopts still soil pressure and elastic resistance when the temperature rising ,but active soil pressure when dropping .Analysis of qualities stress of bridge includes of action of dead load ,car load ,temperature load of season character .Taking an 100m length PC Semi
    - Integral Abutment Jointless Bridge as instance , the paper establishes the model of plane frame by applying large common software - Anasys ,and analyses it by elastane and large deformation to imitate character of stress and deformation of general bridge .At the same time corresponding models of finite element of joint bridge and integral abutment bridge are established ,and unique stress and performance of structure of Semi - Integral Abutment Jointless Bridge are researched by comparing and analysing character of three different models under same loading ,and controlling factor of design and constitution are generalized .In conclusion ,for Semi - Integral Abutment Jointless Bridge ,on one hand shear ,moment and deflection of the main beam and axis force of substructure are approximate with that of joint bridge ,and integral stifmess of structure is increased and damage of expansion joint is eliminated ,on the other hand there is axis force in main beam , shear and moment of substructure are bigger than that of joint bridge .In all this type of jointless bridge has rational stress and is worth of application and popularization.
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