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The civil service system is a general form of the modern administrative system of government's personnel management. It has a history of more than 100 years in the western developed countries. Developing so far, the system has been perfect. But the subject of incentive mechanism of civil servant has some problems in certain degree. For civil servant is a special public staff, it is difficult to investigate their wo;5c. On one hand, the achievement of public service is difficult to investigate. On the other hand, the job of civil servant is permanent. So whether they work well the government can't fire them. So how to reduce the poor efficiency behavior of the civil servant and how to raise the civil servant' efficiency is a system problem not solved satisfactorily yet for a long time.
    Chinese Government' personnel management system keep the original state until 1993. In 1993 Chinese Government began the reform of personnel management. The reform was carried only 11 years ago. To the western developed countries, the implementing effect of the civil service system of our country is still unsatisfactory. Looking from form, China has already possessed the modern civil service system' frame basically. But the system hasn't formed a complete set. The civil servants' enthusiasm and the efficiency of the government need be improved. Civil servant's incentive mechanism is regarded as one of the organic components of the system of public service. There are a great deal of subjects deserve the discussion in theory. " The System of Public Service Incentive Mechanism of China Study " is based on the need of improvement of Chinese public service system .
    The full text is divided into four parts altogether. In the first part the article introduced the current situation and questions of the incentive mechanism of the public service system of our country. Several main concepts were defined at first. The subject study was limited to affirmative encourage of personal civil servant. Then the forming and evolution of the incentive mechanism of the system of public service were introduced according to the time order. The article used the relevant regulations of civil servant's management such as "National Civil Servant's Interim Regulations" etc. as the main basis to introduce the current situation of civil servant's incentive mechanism of our country briefly. Next is theoretical analysis on the question reflected of current situation of the incentive mechanism. Finally, it supplement and confirm the analysis on theory with some real example from the statistical analysis of the questionnaire investigation.
    The second part is the analysis of the relevant theory of civil servant's incentive mechanism. The analysis supports the improvement of civil servant's incentive mechanism in terms of theory. This part launches according to logic order that subject study. It is composed of "theoretical foundation of encouragement-human nature assumption", "motivational theory in early days", "contemporary motivational theory", "psychological agreement meory" and "the new system economics". Among
    them, "psychological agreement theory" and "new system economics" are new research ways. These relevant theoretic analysis is the basis for probing into the improvement of the incentive mechanism of the civil servant.
    The third part is the relatively studied of the incentive mechanism of the civil servant of some developed countries. Through the comparison of these typical countries we can summarize some experience in order to guide Chinese form of the incentive mechanism of the civil service systems. Relatively study according to the appraisal system of the performance, salary system, promotion system to launch sequentially.
    In the fourth part the author put forward his personal opinion on improvement of the incentive mechanism of civil service system of our country on the analysis above. The advices include the improvement on civil servant's performance appraisal system, the salary system, the promotion system and the whole management to civil servant's
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