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Major global problems facing humanity, such as environmental pollution, climate issues, product safety issues are all closely related with the enterprise, these issues ethically shows that the relations between people of various ethical have deteriorated sharply. Allow enterprises to take more social responsibility on the enterprise's expectations of the world. The main responsibility is the ability of the inability of the object responsible, and responsible ethics is an ethical concept for the future. From the perspective of ethical responsibility to look at the modern corporate social responsibility, the ethics responsibility of corporate can reach to not only the future, but also across the boundaries of space and species. This business development and human development have the possibility of mutual promotion. Currently, the interpersonal and intergenerational relationship, and the relationship between man and nature have become tighter, companies in modern society has a strong influence, as the characteristics of social man, he has the moral responsibility of duty-bound to improve these relationships. From the ethical point of view, this means that from the interpersonal dimension, the intergenerational dimension and the natural dimension to investigate the ethics of corporate social responsibility. Interpersonal dimension refers to the enterprise not only closely related to the interests of the people with responsibility, but also to anyone who are affected by their production and product , regardless of whether that person back to his liability; Intergenerational dimension refers to the modern enterprise has ethical responsibility to the future of human, business activities should not harm the future of human living conditions; natural dimension is to shake off the shackles of anthropocentrism, companies which value the environment and the various species should take responsibility, and how to improve relationships with their ethics, so that sustainable human development. Of course, the complete of moral responsibility of enterprise, the cultivation of moral consciousness of human society depend on the moral external mechanisms to establish and improve, but also depends on the awareness of all human morality.
    ②Bowen,H.R:Social Responsibilities of the Businessman. New York, Harper. 1953.p31.
    ③McGuire, Joseph W. Business and Society. . New York, McGraw-Hill. 1963.p144
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    ②Hans Jonas,The Imperative of Responsibility:In Search of an Ethics for the Tecchnological Age,chicago:University of Chicago Press,October 1985:10.
    ③汉斯·尤纳斯(Hans Jonas).《责任原则》(Prinzip Verantwortung),舒尔凯普1984年版,第231页。
    ④汉斯·尤纳斯(Hans Jonas).《责任原则》(Prinzip Verantwortung),舒尔凯普1984年版,第36页
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