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On November26,2010, the supreme people's court promulgated "on the caseguidance system requirements"(hereinafter referred to as the regulations). Althoughthe regulation is consisted of only ten statutes, it did build China’s case guidancesystem, and also, it is an official response to the issue, which has been discussed for along time, of building China’s case guidance system.The regulation includes thesystem construction, purpose, case issued subject, case, specific responsibilities rangeprocedures for institutions, and case guidance system for six aspects of the buildupthe system, but following criticism of also has a lot of. Not mention to the generalityof the regulation, much sharp criticism comes from the validity of the regulation. OnDec.20,2011, the supreme people's court announced the first batch of guiding cases.And in the case after the announcement, some doubts have been clarified, such ascase the validity of the guidance system. But for other questions such as thelegitimacy is still not giving a definite reply. Visible, at present the case guidancesystem still have lots of flaws.The paper tries to find out the flaws, and make somebasic analysis.
     This study is based on the country's present case guidance system, which can bedivided into three parts. The first part is the summary of the guidance system,including the system's development history and the current situation of the structure.The author thinks that only when the system been thorough understood that theadvantages and disadvantages can be grasped fasten. As the pre-founding system isnot the key point, so only roughly introduced. While the guidance case after thefounding of the system is so important, so the discussion comes from four periods.What's more, in this part, the case guidance system was destructed into six aspects such as the purpose of the system construction,responsible subject, source of the case,formulate and release procedure and the power of the guidance system, which canhelp us understand the system better. The second part of this article is about thedisadvantage of the current case guidance system, which divided into the internalproblems and external problems. Some of the problems derive from nature of the caseitself, while some others because of the country realism. From the current situation inChina, case guidance system still on the meaning of system, for the essence of thecontents of the guiding case, it's difficult to realistic the value of the guidance system.In addition, the case of the guidance system fuzziness, legitimacy, such as mechanicalapplicable problems exists significantly. From the outside term, the smoothly runningof the guidance system needs a certain social environment, also need good judicialenvironment. But the fact is, our country's thinking model already entrenched, so,improve the external environment could improve its soft power. Follow the secondpart of the question raised by, the third part is proposed on solve these problems. Boththe specific system advice, such as case guidance system, and compiling the cycle ofthe compilation, etc., also to the exploration of the institutional problems, such as thedouble authority examination system, it is not only a innovation, but also thebreakthrough of the traditional concept. Therefore, to perfect our case guidancesystem, not only need to enrich our country guiding case, but also to emancipate themind, endow the system with the compulsory effect.
1武树臣:《对十年间大陆法学界关于借鉴判例制度之研讨的回顾与评说》,载于《判例与研究》,1997年第2期2潘华仿、高鸿钧、贺卫方:《当代西方两大法系主要法律渊源比较研究》,载于《比较法研究》,1987年第3期3梁治平:《英国判例法》,载于《法律科学》,1991年第1期4徐蔡燎:《应建立有中国特色的判例制度》,载于《法律与实践》,1986年第2期5孔小红:《判例与审思:西方两大法系国家和中国在盘里问题上的比较研究》,载于《北京大学研究生学刊》,1988年第2期6关于对中国法律制度的定位有学者做了十分深入的研究,代表人物是武树臣教授。他以中国传统法律文化为切入点,在采纳了居正的观点基础上,从历史和文化的角度向学界宣称,中国的法律传统,不可片面地归入成文法传统,但也不是严格意义上的判例法传统,而是以特有的“以例辅律”面貌构成特有的“混合法”传统。代表著作有《中国传统法律文化》,北京大学出版社,1994等。代表文章有《走出“法系”——论世界主要法律样式》,载于《判例与研究》,1995年第2期、《走向东方,走向“混合法”——从中国法律传统的角度看判例法》,载于《判例与研究》,1995年第2期7陈光中、谢正权:《关于我国建立判例制度问题的司考》,《中国法学》,1989.28徐景和编著:《中国判例制度研究》,中国检察出版社20069周道銮:《建立和完善案例指导制度的几个问题》,载于《中国法律》,2009年第3期10曾宪义、郑定:《中国法制史》,中国人民大学出版社2000版,其中讲到作为律法的《法律问答》中多次提到以“廷行事”断狱,表明官方对判例的肯定态度。11赵玉环:《中国古代判例制度及特征》,载于《政法论丛》,2005年第5期12“混合法”的提出始于民国,居正和杨洪烈都肯定有明确提出中国古代法律的“混合法”特征。当代学者武树臣也是坚持“混合法”特征进行学术研究,其观点被很多学者接受。13展恒举:《中国近代法制史》,台湾商务印书馆1994年版,第218页,转引自董皞主编《中国判例解释构建之路》,中国政法大学出版社2009年版,第24页14周道鸾:《中国案例制度的历史发展》,载于《法律适用》,2004年第5期15李仕春:《案例指导制度的里一条思路——司法能东主义在中国的有限适用》,载于《法学》,2009年第6期17郑州市中原区人民法院审判“刘政军诉郑州商业大厦销售假冒产品”一案,因为有2011年6月12日“刘政军诉河南泰隆商场销售假冒产品”一案为先例,所以,只用了20分钟该案便宣告结案。这也是中原区人民法院第一起按照“先例判决”原则审判的案件。18谢庆、屈婷:《先例判决制度利弊争锋》,HTTP://WWW.civil law.com.c/ar tical/default.asp?id=221919邓志伟、陈健:《恪守与超越:指导性案例裁判要旨的价值及其实现—以最高人民法院公报案例为研究对象》,载于《法律适用》,2009年第6期20董皞:《迈出案例通向判例的困惑之门—我过实现法律统一适用合法有效之路径》,载于《判例与研究》2007年第1期21龚稼立:《最高人民法院公报的指导性案件》,(2005年4月北京“中国司法解释与外国判例制度国际研讨会”论文),转引自董皞《中国判例解释构建之路》,中国政法大学出版社,2009年版,第71页22高岩:《我国不宜采用判例法制度》,载于《中国法学》,1992年第1期24《最高人民法院发布第一批指导性案例》,中国广播网,2011年12月21日发布,http://www.cnr.cn/china/gdgg/201112/t20111221508954193.shtml25[美]罗斯科·庞德:《法理学》,邓正来译,中国政法大学出版社,2007年版26黄伟东、赵峰:《关于建立和完善案例指导制度的思考》,载于《山东审判》,2009年第4期28周溯:《案例指导制度的构建与完善》,载于《法制资讯》,2011年第5期29高鸿钧:《现代法治的出路》,清华大学出版社,200330转引自徐景和:《中国判例制度研究》,中国检察出版社,2006,第87页31李仕春:《案例指导制度的里一条思路——司法能东主义在中国的有限适用》,载于《法学》,2009年第6期32张炜达、李瑰华:《我国案例指导制度的发展和完善—基于盘里概念的启示》,载于《河北法学》,2011年第6期33公丕祥:《完善中国特色案例指导制度之我见》,载于《法制资讯》,2011年第5期34康为民:《中国特色社会主义司法制度的自我完善》,载于《法律适用》,2011年第8期35徐景和:《中国判例制度研究》,中国检察出版社,2006,第97页

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