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灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum)是著名的大型药用真菌,具有极高的营养价值和保健价值,在我国和东南亚国家有着悠久的应用历史。灵芝三萜类化合物是灵芝的主要药用成分之一,具有抗氧化、抗病毒、降血压和抗肿瘤等活性。灵芝三萜含量的多少是目前衡量灵芝质量高低的重要指标。近几年研究发现,灵芝生长或发酵的环境条件能显著影响灵芝三萜的产量。在目前灵芝三萜含量比较低的情况下,通过外源的环境因子诱导灵芝三萜的合成,将是一种有效地提高灵芝三萜含量的手段。
     茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmonate, MeJA)被认为是一种信号分子,能诱导许多植物的生理反应。本课题在灵芝液体培养条件下,研究了茉莉酸甲酯对灵芝三萜生物合成的影响。结果表明:茉莉酸甲酯能显著提高灵芝三萜含量。通过均匀设计实验对茉莉酸甲酯的诱导条件进行优化,建立二元回归曲线方程,得到最佳诱导条件为:以吐温-20为助剂的254μM MeJA,在第6天加入到灵芝液体培养体系中。结果,灵芝三萜的含量进一步提高,达到4.52±0.22mg/100mgDW,比对照提高45.3%。
     磷酸化作用是外源信号识别、内源信号产生和信号传递的主要作用方式。本文克隆了磷酸化相关酶的编码基因。灵芝的Rho (1182bp)、MAPK (1789bp)和mob (1079bp)的全长基因和启动子序列。Rho、MAPK、mob分别编码了小G蛋白、促分裂原蛋白激酶和蛋白激酶激活剂。用PlantCARE对三个基因的启动子序列进行预测,结果显示这些基因启动子中存在TATA-box和CAAT-box等基础的作用元件,同时还发现了多个其它重要的转录因子结合位点,如TGACG-motif (茉莉酸甲酯响应元件),ABRE (ABA响应元件),G-box (光响应元件),I-box, WUN Motif(伤害诱导响应元件),ARE motif(生长素响应元件),Spl结合位点等。
Ganoderma lucidum is a traditional medicinal fungus. Modern researches showed that the chemical composition of G. lucidum complex have a wide range of pharmacological activities. Triterpenes in G. lucidum, also called ganoderic acid, which is one kind of the secondary metabolites, are considered as the main active ingredient. They have important medicinal value, such as:anti-tumor inhibits histamine release, anti-HIV and absorption effects and so on. Ganoderic acids (GAs)have the most important pharmacological activity, so their contents have been taken as an important measurement of the quality of G. lucidum. In the condition of very low amounts of GA, it is an effectively solution to improve the production of GA by changing environmental factors.
     As an endogenous regulator, methyl jasmonate (MeJA)plays an important roles for regulating the stress response, plant growth and development. This is the first time study to assess the novel use of methyl jasmonate (MeJA)to elicit GA biosynthesis in Ganoderma lucidum and the resulting experiments demonstrated that MeJA was indeed a potent inducer. To maximize GA synthesis, a statistical methodology called uniform design (UD)was used to optimize inducement conditions, which were determined to be254μM MeJA solubilized in Tween-20that was added to the culture on day6. The resulting GA yield was4.52mg/100mg dry weight.
     To characterize the effect of MeJA on GA biosynthesis, quantitative real-time PCR was used to measure transcription levels of several genes in the synthesis pathway including hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A synthase (hmgs), hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A reductase (hmgr), mevalonate-5-pyrophosphate decarboxylase (mvd), farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase (fps), squalene synthase (sqs) and oxidosqualene cyclase (osc). These data indicated that hmgr、fps、sqs were important genes in the GA biosynthesis.
     In this work, cDNA-AFLP was used to identify differential expressed genes in response to MeJA.64primer sets, each of which amplified to60transcript-derived fragments (TDFs), were used. Out of the total3910transcript derived fragments (TDFs) obtained using cDNA-AFLP with64primer pairs,919(23.5%)displayed altered expression patterns after induction, of which703showed up-regulated and216down-regulated.390TDFs produced reliable sequences after sequencing of485TDFs selected, of which91(18.8%) had known functions through BLAST searching the GenBank database. Compared with the publicly available databases,91TDFs presented some significant similarity with known sequences, whose functions were involved in metabolism, gene regulation, transcription factor, signal transduction, stress defense, etc.20homologous genes were further selected for validation of cDNA-AFLP expression patterns using qRT-PCR analyses. Results confirmed the altered expression patterns of20genes revealed by the cDNA-AFLP technique.
     According to the TDFs from the results of cDNA-AFLP, three signal transduction relative genes were successfully cloned using the RACE PCR and SEFA PCR techniques. These genes were MAPK (1789bp)、Rho (1182bp)and mob (1079bp), encoding small GTPase, mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinase activator, respectively. The promoter sequences were obtained from genomic DNA by SEFA PCR. Using PlantCARE software, TATA box and CAAT boxes were found. The potential responsive elements associated with light, MeJA, and stress factors were also found in the promoter region.
     In this study, the Gl-rho over-expression vector was transformed into G. lucidum by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system. The gene was silenced by the dual promoter co-silencing system. The results show that, the expression level of Gl-rho gene in OE-rho9(B33)approximately2.5times than that in wild-type strain (wt). The expression level of Gl-rho gene in RNAi-rho-5(GTPi5) is approximately0.25times than that in wild-type strain (wt). The results show that, the triterpenes content was not changed in OE-rho transformants compared with wt. The content of triterpenes in RNAi-rho-5(GTPi5)approximately reached at131%of wt.
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