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As a mixed legal system, scots law has both civil law tradition and common law tradition. The paper studies the trait of mixture in the light of legal system.The first two charters describe the whole course of reception of Roman law and remoulding of Scots law according to English law through which the trait formed. The former depicts the tide of studying abroad and the establishment of the Session which ensure success of reception. In the latter years of the eighteenth century the academic Scots law is ripe which marks completion of reception of Roman law. The latter is about channels of influence, leading status and in varied legal divisions varying degrees of influence of English law.Following three charters examine the trait from three angles: the division of jurisdiction, the sources of law , and institution of justice, which are nuclear essentials of legal system. The analyse discloses state of mixture of those parts in varying degrees. Civil law tradition dominants the division of jurisdiction which is disturbed by English influence. The sources of law take Common law tradition as primary factor. At the same time Civil law tradition plays a second but still important role. Institution of justice are made up of three main parts: courts, procedures and lawyers. In each part the two traditions are well-matched.The last charter considerates transplantations of trust and floating charge. The two typical cases show how mixture took place on a small scale. They are modified by Civil law tradition but not free their foundation of theory from Equity. All that advance and deepen the state of mixture.The paper concludes that is only too true that Scots law is a mixed legal system. Moreover it is closely linked with special history, culture and ethos of Scotland.
1 Kenneth G.C. Reid, ‘The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems’, 78 Tulane Law Review 5(2003-2004).
    2 F.P.Walton, ‘The Civil Law and the Common Law in Canada’, 11 Juridical Review 282(1899), 291.
    3 这段学术史的梳理详见 Kenneth G.C. Reid, ‘The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems’, 78 Tulane Law Review
    4 可惜史密斯教授的相关研究是在 1958-1972 年,其代表作都出版于六十年代,在国内无法查到,只能找到一些论文。
    5 T.B.Smith,iii in Studies Critical and Comparative(1962).转引自 Kenneth G.C. Reid, ‘The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems’, 78 Tulane Law Review 5(2003-2004), 11.
    6 Leonard Oppenheim, The Civil Law: Lectures I-III, Reception of the Civil Law in The American Continents (1960).转引自 Kenneth G.C. Reid, ‘The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems’, 78 Tulane Law Review 5(2003-2004), 14.
    7 Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdiction Worldwide—The Third Legal Family, Cambrige University Press, 2001, 469.
    8 当然也有不同的观点,如有学者认为,把混合法律体系当作欧洲统一私法的样板是过分夸大普通法与大陆法的差异和过分关注法律形式(制度与概念)的不幸后果,但他没有作详细解释。参见 Martijn W. Hesselink, The New European Private Law:Essays on the Future of Private Law in Europe, Kluwer Law International, 2002, 62.
     9 “Mixed jurisdictions are legal systems in which the Romano- Germanic tradition has become suffused to some degree by Anglo-American law.” Maurice Tancelin, Introduction, in F.P. Walton, The Scope and Interpretation of the Civil Code 1 (Wilson & Lafleur Ltee, 1907, reprinted by Butterworths, 1980).转引自 William Tetley, ‘Mixed Jurisdictions:Common Law v. Civil Law(Codified and Uncodified)’, 60 Louisiana Law Review 677(2000), 679.史密斯教授也有类似的定义,参见:Editor:Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdiction Worldwide—The Third Legal Family, Cambrige University Press, 2001, 7.
    10 “…a legal system which, to an extensive degree, exhibits characteristics of both the civilian and the English common law traditions.” Robin Evans-Jones, ‘Receptions of Law, Mixed Legal Systems and the Myth of the Genius of Scots Private Law’, 114 L.Q.R. 228, 228 (1998). 转引自 William Tetley, ‘Mixed Jurisdictions:Common Law v. Civil Law(Codified and Uncodified)’, 60 Louisiana Law Review 677(2000), 679. 这里指苏格兰法这一混合法律体系,所以特别强调了“英国”的普通法传统。
    11 William Tetley, ‘Mixed Jurisdictions:Common Law v. Civil Law(Codified and Uncodified)’, 60 Louisiana Law Review 677(2000), 684-685.
    12 Editor:Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdiction Worldwide—The Third Legal Family, Cambrige University Press, 2001, 7.
    13 Kenneth G.C. Reid, ‘The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems’, 78 Tulane Law Review 5(2003-2004), 21-22.
    14 Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdiction Worldwide—The Third Legal Family, Cambrige University Press, 2001, 7-10.
    15 Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdiction Worldwide—The Third Legal Family, Cambrige University Press, 2001, 470.
    16 Daniel Visser, Cultural Forces in the Making of Mixed Legal Systems, 78 Tulane Law Review 41(2003-2004)。
    17 F.P.Walton, ‘The Civil Law and the Common Law in Canada’, 11 Juridical Review 282(1899). 291.
    18 Proposals for the Formation of a Scottish Legal History Society, reprinted in A Scottish Legal History Society, 46 Jurid. Rev. 197 (1934) (emphasis added).签名者包括当时上议院三名苏格兰大法官、苏格兰最高民事法院院长、副院长、爱丁堡大学和阿伯丁大学苏格兰法教授、爱丁堡大学民法教授和后来的大法官 Cooper。转引自 Kenneth G.C. Reid,The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems, 78 Tulane Law Review 5(2003-2004) 5, 10,14.
    19 H. Levy-Ullmann., The Law of Scotland,37 Juridical Review 370(1925), 390.
    20 [美]格伦顿、戈登、奥萨魁:《比较法律传统》,米健、贺卫方、高鸿钧译,中国政法大学出版社 1993年版,第 105 页。
    21 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典、米健、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,法律出版社 2003年版,第 302 页。
    22 Editor: Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(v.1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 8.
    23 最好把这时的英国法视为后来普通法的前身,事实上英格兰的普通法直到十三世纪末爱德华一世时才基本形成。
    24 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 90.
    25 J. Dove Wilson., ‘Historical Development of Scots Law’, 8 Juridical Review 217(1896), 240, (a).
    26 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(II), W. Green, 1990, 758. 不过沃克并不同意“黑暗时期”的提法。
    27 Alan Watson, Legal Transplants:An Approach to Comparative Law, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993, 36.
    28 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 372, 391.
    29 [德]Franz Wieacker:《近代私法史》,陈爱娥等译,五南图书出版股份有限公司 2004 年版,第 108 页。
    30 一部以伦巴第地区封建法为主要内容的书籍,参见《牛津法律大辞典》。
    31 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 373. OF Robinson, TD Fergus and WM Gordon, European Legal History:Sources and Institutions, Second Edition, Butterworths, 1994, 226.
    32 Peter Stein., ‘Roman Law in Scotland’, Part V, 13b of Ius Romanum Medii Avei, Milan, 1968, 42. OF Robinson, TD Fergus and WM Gordon, European Legal History:Sources and Institutions, Second Edition, Butterworths, 1994, 226.
    33 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 386.Cf. R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 145-146.
    34 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 384-385.
    35 Alan Watson, Legal Transplants, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993, 46.
    36 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 374.
    37 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 374-375.
    38 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 377.
    39 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 374.
    40 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 377.
    41 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 374-375, 378.
    42 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 375.
    43 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 378-380.
    44 T. B. Smith., ‘Meditation on Scottish Universities and the Civil Law’, 33 Tulane Law Review 621 (1958-1959), 624.
    45 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 375, 377.
    46 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 376-377.
    47 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 377-378.
    48 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 10.
    49 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 15.
    50 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 29. OF Robinson, TD Fergus and WM Gordon, European Legal History:Sources and Institutions, Second Edition, Butterworths, 1994, 165.
    51 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 35.
    52 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 49.
     53 OF Robinson, TD Fergus and WM Gordon, European Legal History:Sources and Institutions, Second Edition, Butterworths, 1994, 232.
    54 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 375, 483.以及 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 124.
    55 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 122.
    56 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 381.
    57 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 137.
    58 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 139.
    59 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 140, 143.
    60 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 237.
    61 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 160.
    62 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 150, 154.
    63 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 156-157.
    64 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 149.
    65 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.
    66 参见本章 二 ㈢。
    67 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 510.
    68 ‘Legal Education in Scotland’, 8 Law Magazine: Or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, New Series 120(1848), 127-130.
    69 ‘Legal Education in Scotland’, 8 Law Magazine: Or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, New Series 120(1848) 125, 123.
    70 [美]艾伦·沃森:《民法法系的演变及形成》,李静冰等译,中国政法大学出版社 1992 年版,第 43 页。
    71 J. Dove Wilson., ‘Historical Development of Scots Law’, 8 Juridical Review 217(1896), 240, (a).
    72 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 597.
    73 OF Robinson, TD Fergus and WM Gordon, European Legal History:Sources and Institutions, Second Edition, Butterworths, 1994, 121.
    74 S Ollivant, The Court of the Official in Pre-Reformation Scotland (Stair Society, vol 34, Edinburgh, 1982), 131.转引自 OF Robinson, TD Fergus and WM Gordon, European Legal History:Sources and Institutions, Second Edition, Butterworths, 1994, 120.
    75 [美]孟罗·斯密:《欧陆法律发达史》,姚梅镇译,中国政法大学出版社 1999 年版,第 213 页。
    76 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法》,潘华仿等译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 71-72 页。
    77 J. Dove Wilson., ‘History Development of Scots Law’, 8 JURIDICAL REVIEW 217(1896), 218(a).
    78 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 384.
    79 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 415-416.
    80 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 337.
    81 [美]艾伦·沃森:《民法法系的演变及形成》,李静冰等译,中国政法大学出版社 1992 年版,第 62 页。
     82 Radbruch, Einf. in d. Rechtswiss.(1919)332f.转引自[德]Franz Wieacker:《近代私法史》,陈爱娥、黄建辉译,五南图书出版股份有限公司 2004 年版,第 161 页。
    83 [美]艾伦·沃森:《民法法系的演变及形成》,李静冰等译,中国政法大学出版社 1992 年版,第 66 页。
    84 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 127.
    85 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 333, 336.
    86 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 334.
    87 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 17.
    88 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 380.
    89 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 382.
    90 [美]艾伦·沃森:《民法法系的演变及形成》,李静冰等译,中国政法大学出版社 1992 年版,第 7 页。
    91 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 11.
    92 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 386, (a).
    93 Alan Watson, Legal Transplants, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993, 46-47.
    94 Alan Watson, Legal Transplants, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993, 48.
    95 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 11-21.
    96 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 390.
    97 [法]勒内·达维德:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海译文出版社 1984 年版,第 54 页。
    98 戴东雄:《中世纪意大利法学与德国的继受罗马法》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年版,第 271-280 页。
     99 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 114.
    100 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 125.
    101 苏格兰法上的可继承财产是指土地、土地上的及与土地相联系的权益,在 1868 年 12 月 31 日之前,
    102 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(III), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 370.
    103 Alan Watson, Legal Transplants, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993, 37.
    104 《牛津法律大辞典》,“Institutional Writings”条。
    105 [美]艾伦·沃森:《民法法系的演变及形成》,李静冰等译,中国政法大学出版社 1992 年版,第 80 页。
    106 [美]艾伦·沃森:《民法法系的演变及形成》,李静冰等译,中国政法大学出版社 1992 年版,第 43 页。
    107 Alan Watson, Legal Transplants, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993, 37.
    108 Alan Watson, Legal Transplants, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993, 37.
    109 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 114.
    110 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 10.
    111 G.. Scott and F. A. Pottle(ed.), Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle(1928-34), vol.15, 290-1.转引自 Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann(ed.), A History of Private Law in Scotland, Oxford University Press, 2000, vol.1, 167.
    112 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 391.
    113 J. Dove Wilson., ‘The Reception of the Roman Law in Scotland’, 9 JURIDICAL REVIEW 361(1897), 392.
     114 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 84-85.各条内容并非原文,而是大意。
    115 Onstitutional and Administrative Law(12th ed. 1997), 41.转引自 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch,Constitutional law in Scotland,W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 5.
    119 Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 58, 140-141.
    120 Thomas Beven, ‘The Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords’, 17 Law Quarterly Review 155(1901), 162-163.
     121 Thomas Beven, ‘The Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords’, 17 Law Quarterly Review 357(1901), 358.
    122 Thomas Beven, ‘The Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords’, 17 Law Quarterly Review 357(1901), 369.
    124 1993 年制定、1995 年生效的法官津贴和退休法将退休年龄降为 70 岁。
    125 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 445.
    126 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 251.
    127 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.参见 W. B. Gray., ‘Proceedings of Parliament of Scotland’, 36 JURIDICAL REVIEW 151(1924), 150.Cf. 以及D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 251.
    128 W. B. Gray., ‘Proceedings of Parliament of Scotland’, 36 JURIDICAL REVIEW 151(1924), 150.Cf. T. B. Smith, ‘Scotland’s Laws under Two Queens’, 70 South African Law Review 355(1953), 358.也有不同意见D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 251.
    129 Malcolm., ‘The House of Lords and Appeals from Scotland’, 22 JURIDICAL REVIEW 295(1910-1911), 298.
    130 后来斯克特(Sir Walter Scott)认为向上院的上诉是一项“当事人十分需要的特权,……最高民事法院法官一反其前辈的作为,所表现出的公正、独立之品格的形成毫无疑问受到了这一权利的影响。”格雷对此表示赞同。(W. B. Gray., ‘Proceedings of Parliament of Scotland’, 36 JURIDICAL REVIEW 151(1924), 151)
    131 Malcolm., ‘The House of Lords and Appeals from Scotland’, 22 JURIDICAL REVIEW 295(1910-1911), 299.
    132 1708 年、1713 年、1714 年上院又分别取得了对苏格兰财政法院、高等刑事法院以及什一税(Teind)案件的上诉管辖权,但对高等刑事法院的上诉管辖权于 1781 年取消。
    133 这与英格兰和爱尔兰不同,英、爱的案件上诉到上院不能阻止原判决的执行。
    134 Malcolm., ‘The House of Lords and Appeals from Scotland’, 22 JURIDICAL REVIEW 295(1910-1911), 301.
    135 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 447.And Malcolm., ‘The House of Lords and Appeals from Scotland’, 22 JURIDICAL REVIEW 295(1910-1911), 300.
    136 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 448-449.
    137 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 449.
    138 Yorke, Life of Lord Hardwicke, II, 481.转引自 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 451-452.
    139 Campbell, Life of the Lord Chancellors , VII, 135.转引自 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 452.
    140 Campbell, Life of the Lord Chancellors , VII, 201.转引自 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 452.
    141 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 452.
    142 《牛津法律大辞典》,第 114 页,“布鲁厄姆”条。
    143 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 454.
    144 A. Dewar Gibb, Law from over the Border Green, Edinburgh, 1950.转引自 T. B. Smith., ‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’, 3 American Journal of Comparative Law 535(1954), 529.
    145 Bartonshill Coal Co. v. Reid, (1858) 3 Macq. 266, 285.转引自 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 134.
    146 Crabb Watt, John Inglis, 256-257.转引自 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 134-135.
    147 Omond, Lord Advocates of Scotland, 1834-80, 146.转引自 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 135.
    148 Malcolm., ‘The House of Lords and Appeals from Scotland’, 22 JURIDICAL REVIEW 295(1910-1911), 302.
    149 ‘Cultivation and Progress of Law in Scotland’, 14 Law Review, and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurisprudence 241 (May 1851-August 1851), 250,251.
    150 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 453.
    151 苏格兰长老会(Prebyterian)不欢迎主教制,反对英格兰圣公会式的礼拜。D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 119.
    152 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 119.
    153 有学者统计,从 1800-1899 年在加入苏格兰高级律师协会的 1082 人中,只有 50 人毕业于作为替代荷兰的主要留学地德国,仅占总数的 4.6%;其中,在留学潮有所恢复的 1851-1899 年,在 512 名加入高级律师协会的人员中,毕业于德国大学的仅有 41 人,只占总数的 8%。Alan Rodger, ‘Scottish Advocates in the Nineteenth Century:The German Connection’, 110 Law Quarterly Review 563(1994), 563-564.
    154 N. J. D. Kennedy, ‘Legal Education’, 17 JURIDICAL REVIEW 240(1905), 246.
    155 T. B. Smith.,‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’ , 3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),534.
    156 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 255.
    157 P.S. Lachs, ‘Scottish Legal Education in the Nineteen Century’, in Law, Litigants and the Legal Profession, Edited by E.W. Ives and A.H. Manchester, Royal Historical Society, 1983, 156.
    158 张薇:“苏格兰大学发展研究”,河北大学教育学博士论文,2004 年,第 97 页。
    160 John W. Cairns, ‘Rhetoric, Language, and Roman Law: Legal Education and Improvement in Eighteenth-Century Scotland’, 9 Law & History Review 31(1991), 32.
    161 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, Acta Juridica 227(1965-1966), 227.
    162 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 253.
    163 Lindsay Farmer, Criminal law, tradition, and legal order , Cambridge University Press, 1997, 42.
    164 Hume, 1844, I, 13.转引自 Lindsay Farmer, Criminal law, tradition, and legal order , Cambridge University Press, 1997, 37.
    165 Cairns, ‘Hamesucken and the Major Premiss in the Libel,1672-1770:Criminal Law in the Age of Enlightment’, in R. F. Hunter(ed.), Justice and Crime:Essays in Honour of the Right Honourable Lord Emslie, T. and T. Clark, 1993, 139, 177-178.转引自 Lindsay Farmer, Criminal law, tradition, and legal order , Cambridge University Press, 1997, 34.
    166 Lindsay Farmer, Criminal law, tradition, and legal order , Cambridge University Press, 1997, 29.这是作者征引一般观点,他本人的观点不尽相同。
    167 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 353.
    168 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 144.
    169 Robin Evans-Jones, ‘Receptions of law, Mixed Legal System and the Myth of the Genius of Scots Private Law’,114 Law Quarterly Review 228(1998), 246.尽管作者是针对不当得利而言的,但完全适用于其它领域。
     170 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 298 页。 Influences on Law of Scotland’,3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),531.
    177 参见《法与宪法》([英]W·Ivor·詹宁斯著,龚祥瑞、侯健译,生活·读者·新知三联书店 1997 年版。)、《苏格兰的宪法》(详见注 155)的相关章节。
    178 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch, Constitutional law in Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 62.
    179 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch, Constitutional law in Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 83.
    180 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch, Constitutional law in Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 84.
    181 有代表性的案件包括:Gibson v. Lord Advocate(1975 S.L.T. 134)、Sillars v. Smith(1982 S.L.T. 539)、Robbie the Pict v. Hingston(No.2)、(1998 S.L.T. 1201)等等。
    182 Gibson v. Lord Advocate(1975 S.L.T. 134).转引自 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch, Constitutional law in Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 84.
    183 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch, Constitutional law in Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 481.
    184 1921 S.C. 847.转引自 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch, Constitutional law in Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 475.
    185 Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch, Constitutional law in Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 483.
    186 龚祥瑞:《比较宪法与行政法》,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 315 页。
    187 《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社 1988 年版,第 20 页。
    188 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 309, 310.
    189 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 454.
    190 T. B. Smith.,‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’,3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),536.
    191 T. B. Smith., ‘Unification of Law in Britain:Problems of Co-ordination’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 93(1965-1966), 100.
    192 T. B. Smith.,‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’,3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),537.
    193 Joe Thomson, ‘Legal Change and Scots Private Law’, in Critical Studies in Ancient Law, Comparative Law and Legal History, Edited by John W. Cairns and Olivia F. Robinson, Hart Publishing, 2001, 382-383.
    194 罗马天主教会于 1563 年废除“非正式婚姻”,但苏格兰在 1560 年宗教改革之后已脱离天主教会,故“非正式婚姻”在苏格兰得以延续。
    195 Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann(eds), A History of Private Law in Scotland, Oxford University Press, 2000, 194.
    196 Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann(eds), A History of Private Law in Scotland, Oxford University Press, 2000, 195-196.
    197 Jacques du Plessis, ‘Common Law Influences on the Law of Contract and Unjustified Enrichment in Some Mixed Legal Systems’, 78 Tulane Law Review 219(2003-2004), 8-10.
    198 Jacques du Plessis, ‘Common Law Influences on the Law of Contract and Unjustified Enrichment in Some Mixed Legal Systems’, 78 Tulane Law Review 219(2003-2004), 10-12.
    199 T. B. Smith.,‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’,3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),539.
    200 Lord Hope of Craighead, ‘The Place of a Mixed System in the Common Law World’, 35 Tsrael Law Review 1(2001), 17.
    201 Evans-Jones, ‘Unjustified Enrichment’, in A History of Private Law inScotland(vol.2), Kenneth Reid & Reinhard Zimmermann eds., Oxford University Press, 2000, 400-401.
    202 G. MacCormack, ‘Cupla in the Scots Law of Reparation’, 19 Juridical Review 13(1974), 26.
    203 T. B. Smith.,‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’,3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),538.
    204 T. B. Smith.,‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’,3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),538.
    205 1929 S.C. (H.L.) 51.
    206 T. B. Smith.,‘English Influences on Law of Scotland’,3 American Journal of Comparative Law535(1954),539.
    207 F.P.Walton, ‘The Civil Law and the Common Law in Canada’, 11 Juridical Review 282(1899), 291.
    208 H. Levy-Ullmann., The Law of Scotland,37 Juridical Review 370(1925), 390.
    209 Proposals for the Formation of a Scottish Legal History Society, reprinted in A Scottish Legal History Society, 46 Jurid. Rev. 197 (1934) (emphasis added).签名者包括当时上议院三名苏格兰大法官、苏格兰最高民事法院院长、副院长、爱丁堡大学和阿伯丁大学苏格兰法教授、爱丁堡大学民法教授和后来的大法官库柏勋爵。转引自 Kenneth G.C. Reid,The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems, 78 Tulane Law Review 5(2003-2004)5, 10,14.
    210 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典、米健、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,法律出版社 2003年版,第 302 页。
    211 [美]格伦顿、戈登、奥萨魁:《比较法律传统》,米健、贺卫方、高鸿钧译,中国政法大学出版社 1993年版,第 105 页。
    213 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法》,潘华仿等译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 51 页。
    214 [德]马克斯·韦伯:《论经济与社会中的法律》,张乃根译,中国大百科全书出版社 1998 年版,第 200页。
    215 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法》,潘华仿等译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 51 页。
    216这些书包括:R. J, Walker, The English Legal System, Fifth Edition, Butter Worths, 1980. Gary Slapper &David Kelly, English Law, Cavendish Publishing Limited, 2000. S. H. Bailey and M. J. Gunn, Smith & Bailey on the modern English legal system, Second Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 1996. Gary Slapper and David Kelly, The English legal system, Fourth Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999. Denis Keenan, Smith and Keenan's English Law, Twelfth Edition, Financial Times Pitman Publishing, 1998. Penny Darbyshire, English Legal System in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2004.
    217 [比]R. C. 卡内冈:《法官、立法者与法学教授》,薛张敏敏译,北京大学出版社 2006 年版,第 125 页。
    218 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 171.
    219 D.M.沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社 1989 年版,第 533 页,“法律概念”。
    220 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 370.
    221 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法》,潘华仿等译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 17 页。
    222 徐爱国:《英美侵权行为法学》,北京大学出版社 2004 年版,第 3 页。
    223 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法》,潘华仿等译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 13 页。
    224 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 172.
    225 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 390.
    226 J Trayner, Latin Maxims and Phrases, 4th edn, 1894, 607.转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 2.
    227 Joseph Evans £ Sons v John G Stein £ Co(1904) 7 F 65 at 71, 12 Slt 462 at 465. 转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 3.
    228 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 3.
    229 Editor in Chief:Bryan A Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary, Eighth Edition, West, 1320, “remedy”.
    230 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 413.
    231 Ewan McKendrick, “Good Faith:A Matter of Principle?”, in Good Faith in Contract and Property, Edited by A. D. M. Forte, Oxford-Portland Oregon, 1999, 46.
    232 Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 67.
    233 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 413.
    234 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 363.
    235 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 363.
    236 [德]克雷斯蒂安·冯·巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上卷),张新宝译,法律出版社 2001 年版,第379 页。
    237 D.M.沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社 1989 年版,第 251 页,“不法侵害”条。Cf. D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 213.
    238 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 363.“但单独的原则不足以成为刑罚或刑事救济的直接依据,它们只能用于说明含糊不清的规则。” General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 364.
    239 A. D. M. Forte, “Good Faith and Utmost Good Faith:Insurance and Cautionary Obligations in Scots Law”, in Good Faith in Contract and Property, Edited by A. D. M. Forte, Oxford-Portland Oregon, 1999, 77.
    240 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 19), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 416.
    241 A. D. M. Forte, “Good Faith and Utmost Good Faith:Insurance and Cautionary Obligations in Scots Law”, in Good Faith in Contract and Property, Edited by A. D. M. Forte, Oxford-Portland Oregon, 1999, 78.
    242 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 417.
    243 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 19), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 417.
    244 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 206.
    245 Ewan McKendrick, “Good Faith:A Matter of Principle?”, in Good Faith in Contract and Property, Edited by A. D. M. Forte, Oxford-Portland Oregon, 1999, 46, 48.Cf. Scott Crichton Styles, “Good Faith:A Principled Matter”, in Good Faith in Contract and Property, Edited by A. D. M. Forte, Oxford-Portland Oregon, 1999.
    246 D.M.沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社 1989 年版,第 802 页,“苏格兰法”条。
    247 1997 SC(HL) 111.
    248 参见[德]莱茵哈德·齐默曼、[英]西蒙·惠特克主编:《欧洲合同法中的诚信原则》,丁广宇等译,林嘉审校,法律出版社 2005 年版,第 38 页。
    249 A. D. M. Forte, “Introduction”, in Good Faith in Contract and Property, Edited by A. D. M. Forte, Oxford-Portland Oregon, 1999, 3.
    250 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 228.
    251 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 200-201.
    252 在十九世纪之前,英国完全拒绝公、私法的划分,因为从理论上说,所有的诉讼都是以王家法院颁发令状开始的,都是公法性的,而且英国人认为这种划分会赋予国王超越法律的特权。二十世纪以来,学者出于论述上的方便,常有借用“公法”、“私法”这两个名称的作法,当代英国法学者也经常把它当作法的一种基本分类,但让它发挥实际作用的想法仍受到质疑而难以立足。总的来说,公、私法的划分在英国缺乏历史和理论基础,更谈不上成为英国法的基本结构。
    253 [法]勒内·达维德:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海译文出版社 1984 年版,第 318 页。
    254 参见[法]勒内·达维德:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海译文出版社 1984 年版,第 328 页。
    255 [罗马]查士丁尼:《法学总论——法学阶梯》,张企泰译,商务印书馆 1997 年版,第 5-6 页。
    256 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 190.
    257 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 11.
    258 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 196, 206.
    259 George L. Gretton, ‘Trusts Without Equity’, 49 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 599(2000), 620, 注 106.
    260 王晋、刘生荣主编:《英国刑事审判与检察制度》,谢鹏程等译,中国方正出版社 1999 年版,第 99 页。
    261 Cf. General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 11), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 363-364.以及 N. C. H. Dunbar, ‘Lessons from Scottish Criminal Procedure’, 2 University of Tasmania Law Review 1(1964-1967), 7.另,“罪行法定”是英国法上的原则,因为创制新罪名是立法机关的事,1972 年上院对“克努勒股份有限公司诉检察长”案的判决否定了法院创制新罪名的权力(何勤华主编:《英国法律发达史》,法律出版社 1999 年版,第 401 页)。
     262 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 196, 212-213.
    263 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 196, 216-217.
    264 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 18), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1993, 61, 62.
    265 关于动产和不动产的原则性区别以及国家建立与土地相关的强制性登记制度之必要性可参见[德]鲍尔、施蒂尔纳:《德国物权法》(上册),张双根译,法律出版社 2004 年版,第 18-19、272 页。
    266 Ockrent, Scottish Land Registration, pp. 66 seq.转引自 Christian De Wulf, ‘The Functiond of Trusteeship and Some Aspects of the Law of Trusts in the Civil Law of Scotland’, 1962 Acta Juridica 91(1962), 97.苏格兰和大陆国家的土地登记制度相比,虽然实质和效果相同,但两者仍有一点差别,苏格兰是土地契约登记制度,而大陆国家是土地权利登记制度。
    267 土地象征性转让包括一般和特殊两种,后者于 1868 年废止,所以现在登记机构称为一般土地象征性转让登记处(General Register of Sasines)。
    268 它与一般土地象征性转让登记处都在苏格兰土地登记官的领导之下,人员组成也相同,但土地登记处尚处于试验阶段,它只适用于 Renfrew、Dumbarton、Lanark、Barony and Regality of Glasgow 四个地区。
    269 Cf. General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 6), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1988, 158, 160, 280, Vol. 19, 317.另见 D.M.沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社 1989 年版,第 759 页,“土地象征性转让登记簿”条。
    270 C. F. Kolbert and N. A. M. Mackay, History of Scots and English Land Law, 1977, 280.这是针对 1925 年《土地登记法》(Land Registration Act)出台之前的状况而言的,转引自 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 294.1925 年以后英国实行有限的土地登记制度,只覆盖约占全国总人口 70%的地区,且只登记所有权移转和 21 年以上的土地租赁,直到 1990 年才开始对全部有关土地权利的转移实行强制性登记。(参见吕萍:“英国的土地登记制度”,载《中国房地产》1996 年第五期)
    271 David G. Antonio, Scots Law:for Administrative, Commercial and Professional Students, Collins, 1971, 10, 114.
    272 David G. Antonio, Scots Law:for Administrative, Commercial and Professional Students, Collins, 1971, 147-148.参见 D.M.沃克:《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社 1989 年版,第 808 页,“苏格兰法”条中“财产法”部分。
    273 这是沃克的观点(D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 196, 218)。里德认为信托法不应归入债法,他还提到 1998 年《苏格兰法》(Scotland Act 1998, s126(4))将其归入财产法(Kenneth G. C. Reid, ‘Patrimony Not Equity:the trust in Scotland’, 3 European Review of Private Law 427(2000), 434)。
    274 最新的观点参见 George L. Gretton, ‘Trusts Without Equity’, 49 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 599(2000).And Kenneth G. C. Reid, ‘Patrimony Not Equity:the trust in Scotland’, 3 European Review of Private Law 427(2000).
    275 参见本章第一部分之㈡ “权利之法”。
    276 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法》,潘华仿等译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 48 页。
    277 [法]勒内·达维德:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海译文出版社 1984 年版,第 85 页。
    278 关于商法独立性的争论参见以下论著的相关部分:①范健:《德国商法:传统框架与新规则》,法律出版社 2003 年版。②《商法论文选粹》,中国法制出版社 2004 年版。③范健、王建文:《商法的价值、源流及本体》,中国人民大学出版社 2004 年版。④范健、王建文:《商法基础理论专题研究》,高等教育出版社 2005 年版。
    279 范健、王建文:《商法的价值、源流及本体》,中国人民大学出版社 2004 年版,第 124-125 页。
    280 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法》,潘华仿等译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 162-163 页。
    281 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 223-224.
    282 Cf. Chris Willett and Aidan ODonnell, Scottish Business Law, Blackstone Press, 1991. Moira MacMillan, Scottish Business Law, Pitman Pub., 1993.
    283 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 228.
     284 严格意义上的司法先例与先例是不同的,先例包括司法先例,也包括辩论程序的先例、不动产转让方法的先例等。参见[日]高柳贤三:《英美法源理论》,杨磊、黎晓译,林向荣校,西南政法学院 1983 年版,第 34 页。
     285 关于英国法中判例拘束力原理的确立参见毛国权:“英国法中先例原则的发展”,载《北大法律评论》(第一卷第 1 辑),法律出版社 1998 年版;以及[日]高柳贤三:《英美法源理论》,杨磊、黎晓译,林向荣校,西南政法学院 1983 年版,第 36-37 页。
     286 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 330.
    287 [英]R·J·沃克:《英国法渊源》,夏勇、夏道虎译,刘鸿惠、杨杜芳校,林向荣审定,西南政法学院1984 年版,第 193 页。
    288 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 94.
    289 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 94.
    290 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 21.
    291 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 333.
    292 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 330-331.
    293 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 340-341.
    294 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 98.
    295 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 332.
    296 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 96.
    297 Galloway v. Galloway, 1947 S.C. 330.转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 126.
    298 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 422.
    299 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 125.
    300 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 138-139.
    301 David G. Antonio, Scots Law:for Administrative, Commercial and Professional Students, Collins, 1971, 4.
    302 Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 94.
    303 这两个判例分别确立了上院和上诉法院绝对受本院先例拘束的规则。
    304 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 117.参见[德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 380 页。
    305 [美]H. W. 埃尔曼:《比较法律文化》,贺卫方、高鸿钧译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 184 页。
    306 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 422.参见Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law:Scotland, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 94.
    307 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 377-378 页。
    308 参见第五章 一 ㈡。
    309 1944 年杨格诉布里斯托尔航空公司案确立的规则:上诉法庭受自身先例的拘束,上诉法庭扩大法庭的职权并不比正常法庭更大,其判决也并不比一般先例更为重要。
    310 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 121.
    311 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 421, 注 14.参见General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 125.
    312 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 125.
    313 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 276, 429.
    314 Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 93.
    315 Kerr v. John Brown £ Co Ltd, 1965 SC 144, 1965 SLT 237.转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 121.
    316 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 139.
    317 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 160.
    318 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 448.
    319 Rt. Hon. Lord Mackay of Clashfern, ‘The Drafting of Government Bills Affecting the Law of Scotland’, 1983 Statute Law Review 68(1983), 68.
    320 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 394.
    321 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 396.
    322 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 239.
    323 这是大陆法的解释方式,应将它理解为创造性解释、扩张解释、类推解释,这与上文英国式的自由解释不同,英国式的自由解释仍是极受限制的。
    324 Rt. Hon. Lord Mackay of Clashfern, ‘The Drafting of Government Bills Affecting the Law of Scotland’, 1983 Statute Law Review 68(1983), 74.
    325 John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989, 23.
    326 (1865) 3 M. 1160 at 1165; 1621 c. 18[s].转引自 Rt. Hon. Lord Mackay of Clashfern, ‘The Drafting of Government Bills Affecting the Law of Scotland’, 1983 Statute Law Review 68(1983), 74.
    327 Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, Observations on the Acts of Parliament, 2-8.转引自 Rt. Hon. Lord Mackay of Clashfern, ‘The Drafting of Government Bills Affecting the Law of Scotland’, 1983 Statute Law Review 68(1983), 74.
     328 [美]约翰·亨利·梅里曼:《大陆法系》,顾培东、禄正平译,李浩校,法律出版社 2004 年版,第 46页。
    329 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 386 页。
    330 Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 53.
    334 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 217.
    335 Lord Normand, The Scottish Judicature and Legal Procedure, Holdsworth Club, Birmingham, address, 1941.转引自 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 454, 注 66.
    336 [日]高柳贤三:《英美法源理论》,杨磊、黎晓译,林向荣校,西南政法学院 1983 年版,第 67 页。
    337 参见仝宗锦:“威廉·布莱克斯通爵士和他的《英格兰法释义》——以英格兰法体系化的问题为中心”,2005 年北京大学博士论文,第 61 页以下。
    338 [捷]维克托·纳普(Viktor Knapp)主编:《国际比较法百科全书(第一卷):各国法律制度概况》,高绍先、夏登峻等译,法律出版社 2002 年版,第 1504 页。
    339 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 185.
    340 同意的观点见 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 187.但也有学者并不要求习惯法必须是地方性的,参见 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 457-458.
    341 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 189.
    342 [捷]维克托·纳普(Viktor Knapp)主编:《国际比较法百科全书(第一卷):各国法律制度概况》,高绍先、夏登峻等译,法律出版社 2002 年版,第 1507 页。
    343 苏格兰学者一般认为苏格兰法院的衡平权就是“特别补救权”(nobile officium),如斯太尔、厄斯金、史密斯等,但沃克和埃摩认为苏格兰法院的衡平权包括一般衡平权和特别衡平权,“特别补救权”仅仅是特别衡平权(D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 193, 459 和 Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 95)。本文从通说。
    344 D Sellar, ‘Book Review’, 1977 SLT(News) 94, 95.转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 212.
    345 [英]W·Ivor·詹宁斯:《法与宪法》,龚祥瑞、侯健译,生活·读者·新知三联书店 1997 年版,“附录 II 评戴雪的法治理论”,第 211-212 页。参见[英]戴雪:《英宪精义》,雷宾南译,中国法制出版社 2001年版,第 244-245 页。
    346 [英]W·Ivor·詹宁斯:《法与宪法》,龚祥瑞、侯健译,生活·读者·新知三联书店 1997 年版,“附录 II 评戴雪的法治理论”,第 217-218 页。
    347 包括上诉法院(Court of Appeal)、高等法院(High Court)和刑事法院(Crown Court)。
    348 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 6), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1988, 370.
    349 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 278.
    350 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 267.
    351 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 411-412.
    352 参见 J. Dove Wilson, ‘The Legal Profession in Scotland’, 5 Yale Law Journal 109, 111.
    353 如法国最高法院约有 90 名法官,最高行政法院有 150 多名法官,德国最高法院约有 120 名法官,最高行政法院约 60 名法官,在意大利,最高法院法官数接近 300。
    354 最高民事法院内庭第一庭和第二庭之间存在一定分工,但仅是习惯性的而非明确规定,而且限于民事案件,况且法庭之间的分工也不同于法官的专业化。参见 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W.Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 275.库柏院长曾抱怨苏法官没有专业分工,繁重的审判任务和庞大的判例集使他们顾此失彼。见 Lord Cooper, ‘Defects in the British Judicial Machine’, 2 Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law, New Series 91(1952-1954), 94.
    355 [法]勒内·达维德:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海译文出版社 1984 年版,352。
    356 英格兰\威尔士是由法官组成的委员会制定《最高法院诉讼程序条例》(Rules of the Supreme Court)。见[法]勒内·达维德:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海译文出版社 1984 年版,第 352 页。
    357 《元照英美法词典》,“collegia”条。
    358 [美]约翰·亨利·梅里曼:《大陆法系》,顾培东、禄正平译,李浩校,法律出版社 2004 年版,第 37页。
    359 [法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法:一种实质性比较》,潘华仿、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 60 页)
    360 Friedrich Wenzel Bulst:“论德国法中的先例”,载北京大学法学院编:《北大国际法与比较法评论》,第4 卷第 1 辑,北京大学出版社 2005 年版,第 84 页。
    361 法国部分见[德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典、米健、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 188 页。及宋英辉、孙长永、刘新魁等:《外国刑事诉讼法》,法律出版社 2006 年版,第 248-249 页。德国部分见 Friedrich Wenzel Bulst:“论德国法中的先例”,载北京大学法学院编:《北大国际法与比较法评论》,第 4 卷第 1 辑,北京大学出版社 2005 年版,第 80 页。引用部分经过编辑,并非原文。
    362 张 越 : “ 英 国 司 法 独 立 的 基 本 蕴 涵 ”http://www.chinalaw.gov.cn/jsp/contentpub/browser/contentpro.jsp?contentid=co3946741675
    363 上诉法院部分见 Denis Keenan, Smith & Keenan’s English Law, Twelfth Ediyion, Financial Times Pitman Pubilshing 1998, 40.高等法院部分见《牛津法律大辞典》,“高等法院”条,第 409 页。
    364 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 49.
     365 [捷]维克托·纳普(Viktor Knapp)主编:《国际比较法百科全书(第一卷):各国法律制度概况》,高绍先、夏登峻等译,法律出版社 2002 年版,第 1500 页。沃克也认为“所有法官具有同等地位和权力”,见D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 342. 366 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 120.
    367 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 518-519.以及General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 22), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987, 121-125.
     368 《英国法律报告》由英格兰及威尔士判例报告委员会(The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales)编制,女王座法庭、家事法庭、大法官法庭的案件包括由本法庭上诉到上诉法庭(Court of Appeal)的案件,由于资料所限,采为样本的女王座法庭、家事法庭、大法官法庭、上院与枢密院司法委员会的案件的年份分别为 1980、1977、1982、1979。
    369 参见 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 23.
    370 [英]詹·迈克科米克-华生:《英国法律体系基础》,第二版,武汉大学出版社 2004 年。
    371 即法官不直接听取当事人和证人的陈述,而只能通过法院为此而委任的专门官员所提交的报告获得关于事实的第二手资料。见[法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法:一种实质性比较》,潘华仿、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 72 页。
    372 沈达明编著:《比较民事诉讼法初论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年版,第 142-146 页。
    373 沈达明编著:《比较民事诉讼法初论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年版,第 172-188 页。
    374 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 505-515 页.
    375 J. Martin Mackay, ‘Evidence and Procedure in Scotland: A Comparison with England’, 14 Modern Law Review 162(1951), 163-164.
    376 J. Martin Mackay, ‘Evidence and Procedure in Scotland: A Comparison with England’, 14 Modern Law Review 162(1951), 166.
    377 齐树洁主编:《英国司法制度》,厦门大学出版社 2005 年年版,第 304 页。
    378 J. Martin Mackay, ‘Evidence and Procedure in Scotland: A Comparison with England’, 14 Modern Law Review 162(1951), 166. 苏格兰书面诉辩定稿样本参见 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 579-585.英国的参见 S.H.Bailey, Jane Ching, M.J.Gunn, David Ormerod, Smith, Bailey and Gunn on the modern English legal system, Fourth Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2002, 715-729.
    379 J. Martin Mackay, ‘Evidence and Procedure in Scotland: A Comparison with England’, 14 Modern Law Review 162(1951), 169.
    380 Elizabeth G. Thornburg, ‘Detailed Fact Pleading: The Lessons of Scotland Civil Procedure’, 36 International Lawyer (ABA) 1185(2002), 1189.
    381 ERDC Constr. Ltd. v. H.M. Love & Co (No. 2), 1997 S.L.T. 175 (Step. 1st Div.) (Lord Prosser).转引自Elizabeth G. Thornburg, ‘Detailed Fact Pleading: The Lessons of Scotland Civil Procedure’, 36 International Lawyer (ABA) 1185(2002), 1191.
    382 J. Martin Mackay, ‘Evidence and Procedure in Scotland: A Comparison with England’, 14 Modern Law Review 162(1951), 169.及 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 512.
    383 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 519-522.
    384 齐树洁主编:《英国民事司法改革》,北京大学出版社 2004 年年版,第 411-416 页。
    385 T. B. Smith, ‘Civil Jury Trial: A Scottish Assessment’, 50 Virginia Law Review 1076(1964), 1079-1080.
    386 1 Mackay, The Practice of the Court of Session in Scotland 33-34 (1877).转引自 T. B. Smith, ‘Civil Jury Trial: A Scottish Assessment’, 50 Virginia Law Review 1076(1964), 1086.
    387 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 138.
    388 Cmnd. 2801/1927, at 93. See general 1927 S.L.T. (News) 105, 106.转引自 T. B. Smith, ‘Civil Jury Trial: A Scottish Assessment’, 50 Virginia Law Review 1076(1964), 1086.
    389 [1966] 1 QB 273 at 295 [1965] 1 All ER 563 at 571.转引自 Richard Ward and Amanda Wragg, Walker & Walker’s English Legal System, Ninth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005.
    390 "The dearest birth right of the people of England" : the jury in the history of the common law, edited by John W. Cairns and Grant McLeod, Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., 2002.
    391 T. B. Smith, ‘Civil Jury Trial: A Scottish Assessment’, 50 Virginia Law Review 1076(1964), 1084.
    392 也有学者认为苏格兰刑事诉讼程序总体上属于英美模式,但作者亦不否认其中包含大陆法的因素。Christopher Gane, ‘Classifying Scottish Criminal Procedure’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999.
    393 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 192.以及 Christopher Gane, ‘Classifying Scottish Criminal Procedure’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, 61.
    394 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 178.
    395 Christopher Gane, ‘Classifying Scottish Criminal Procedure’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, 61.
    396 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 533-534.
    397 系德国学者托马斯·魏根特的见解。见宋世杰、伍浩鹏、宁松:《外国刑事诉讼法比较研究》,中国法制出版社 2006 年版,第 136 页。
    398 [美]达玛什卡:《司法和国家权力的多种面孔》,郑戈译,中国政法大学出版社 2004 年版,第 61 页。
    399 “1985 年《犯罪起诉法》将推动英格兰的司法实践向苏格兰和欧洲大陆的模式看齐,并要在英格兰和威尔士成立一个刑事起诉署。”见[比]R. C. 卡内冈:《法官、立法者与法学教授》,薛张敏敏译,北京大学出版社 2006 年版,第 35 页。另,十九世纪末针对检察制度的哈考特特别调查委员会主张在英格兰和威尔士建立爱尔兰制的御用律师和政府出庭律师,或建立苏格兰式的地方检察官制。见[英]里约翰 J. 爱德华兹:《皇家检察官》,周美德等译,中国检察出版社 1991 年版,第 332 页。
    400 [英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 138 页。以及王晋、刘生荣主编:《英国刑事审判与检察制度》,谢鹏程等译,中国方正出版社 1999 年版,第 51页。
    401 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 164.
    402 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 202. 以及 Peter Duff, ‘The Prosecution Service: Independence and Accountability’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, 117.
    403 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 166.
    404 [比]R. C. 卡内冈:《法官、立法者与法学教授》,薛张敏敏译,北京大学出版社 2006 年版,第 35 页。
    405 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989,170-171.
    406 最著名的是 1958 年苏格兰总检察长拒绝向议会披露为什么决定对约翰·沃斯特案不起诉的理由:“我认为作出此类决定所根据的理由是从来不向议会披露的,关于刑事诉讼方面的决定,我也甚至认为一直纯属自由裁量的问题,而且我想也一定永远是这样。”见[英]里约翰 J. 爱德华兹:《皇家检察官》,周美德、张学进,陈詠译,中国检察出版社 1991 年版,第 230-231 页。
    407 [英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,何家弘审校,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 9 页。
    408 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 203.以及 Peter Duff, ‘The Prosecution Service: Independence and Accountability’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, 117.
    409 王晋、刘生荣主编:《英国刑事审判与检察制度》,谢鹏程等译,中国方正出版社 1999 年版,第 31 页。
    410 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 160.
    411 J. Dove Wilson, ‘The Legal Profession in Scotland’, 5 Yale Law Journal 109(October 1892-June 1896), 121.
    412 根据 2007 年 1 月 18 日通过的《苏格兰刑事程序改革法》(Criminal Proceedings etc. (Reform) (Scotland) Bill on 18 January 2007),地区法院又将改为治安法院。http://www.district-courts.org/, 2/24/2007 11:29:33 AM.
    413 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 158.
    414 Christopher Gane, ‘Classifying Scottish Criminal Procedure’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, 67.
    415 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 533-534.
    416 T. B. Smith, ‘Civil Jury Trial: A Scottish Assessment’, 50 Virginia Law Review 1076(1964), 1075-1076.
    417 Christopher Gane, ‘Classifying Scottish Criminal Procedure’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, 67.
    418 Clare Connelly, ‘Courts’, in Criminal Justice in Scotland, Edited by Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999, 67, 156-157.
    419 王晋、刘生荣主编:《英国刑事审判与检察制度》,谢鹏程等译,中国方正出版社 1999 年版,第 101-103 页。
    420 N. C. H. Dunbar, ‘Lessons from Scottish Criminal Procedure’, 2 University of Tasmania Law Review 1(1964-1967), 7.
    421 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 539.
    422 [英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,何家弘审校,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 439 页。
    423 [英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,何家弘审校,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 442 页。
    424 (1992) 93 Cr. App. R 287, 311.转引自[英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,何家弘审校,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 446 页。
    425 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 541.
    426 Denis Keenan, Smith & Keenan’s English Law, Twelfth Ediyion, Financial Times Pitman Pubilshing 1998, 41. 以及[英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,何家弘审校,法律出版社 2003年版,第 442 页。
    427 J. Martin Mackay, ‘Evidence and Procedure in Scotland: A Comparison with England’, 14 Modern Law Review 162(1951), 169.以及[英]麦高伟、杰弗里·威尔逊:《英国刑事司法程序》,姚永吉等译,何家弘审校,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 175 页。
    428 法定证据制度指法律事先规定好各种类型证据的价值,当各个证据价值之和到达法定标准,就认为已完成证明。
    429 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 10), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990,
    430 [美]约翰·亨利·梅里曼:《大陆法系》,顾培东、禄正平译,李浩校,法律出版社 2004 年版,第 124页。毋庸讳言,这种从形式上判别证据合法性和有效性的规则必然会导致不公正的后果,所以 1996 年英国废除民事诉讼中的传闻证据规则,刑事诉讼中的传闻证据规则也已经因为众多的例外而大大放松。
    431 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 10), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1990, 406.
    432 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 433.
    433 如 1429 年《律师宣誓法》(Advocates’ Oath Act 1429 (Mar 6, c16))。亦有异体词“advocat”的记载,见 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 135.
    434 R. D. Carswell, ‘The Origins of the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 11 American Journal of Legal History 41(1967), 44.
    435 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 144.
    436 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 150.
    437 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 501-502.
    438 详见第三章 一 ㈢ 2。
    439 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 164.
    440 R. D. Carswell, ‘The Origins of the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 11 American Journal of Legal History
    41(1967), 53.以及 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.另参见 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 237.
    441 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.
    442 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 430-431.
    443 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 434.
    444 N. J. D. Kennedy, ‘Legal Education’, 17 Juridical Review 240(1905), 245-246.
    445 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 434-435.
    446 William Q. De Funiak, ‘Legal Education and the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 38 Tulane Law Review 361(1963-1964), 366.
    447 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 430.
    448 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 544.
    449 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 442.参见 William Q. De Funiak, ‘Legal Education and the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 38 Tulane Law Review 361(1963-1964), 366.
    450 http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/session/index.asp, 2/22/2007 10:08:06 PM.其人数约占事务律师总数的 1%,大概不到 100 人。参见“苏格兰刑事司法制度印象记”,http://www.chinalawedu.com/news/2005/2/ma7226132110171250026992.html。
    451 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 193、195 页。
    452 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 227, 231.
    453 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 424.参见 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 227, 231.
    454 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 227, 231.
    455 王室律师(也称“Senior Counsel”)的特权之一是不必再作书面工作,所以形成在出庭时必须由一普通律师(Junior Counsel)陪同的规则。
    456 关于苏格兰见 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society ofScotland/Butterworths, 1992, 553.关于英\威见 Denis Keenan, Smith & Keenan’s English Law, Twelfth Ediyion, Financial Times Pitman Pubilshing 1998, 71.
    457 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 240.
    458 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 455.
    459 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 455-456. 另 1706 年《与英格兰合并法》(Union with England Act 1706(c7))亦有相同规定,参见 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 509.
    460 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 244.
    461 参见本章一 ㈠ 1 ②。
    462 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 464.
    463 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 483.以及 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 124.
    464 I. D. Macphail, Sheriff Court Practice, Edited by C. G. B. Nicholson and A. L. Stewart, W. Green, 1998, 5, 8-9.
    465 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 227, 241.
    466 I. D. Macphail, Sheriff Court Practice, Edited by C. G. B. Nicholson and A. L. Stewart, W. Green, 1998, 5.
    467 William Q. De Funiak, ‘Legal Education and the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 38 Tulane Law Review
    361(1963-1964), 369. 以及 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 341.
    468 J. Dove Wilson, ‘The Legal Profession in Scotland’, 5 Yale Law Journal 109, 111.
    469 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 345.
    470 参见 J. Dove Wilson, ‘The Legal Profession in Scotland’, 5 Yale Law Journal 109, 111.以及 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 227, 241.
    471 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 241.
    472 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 227, 240.
    473 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 173.
    474 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 363.
    475 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 172.
    476 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 17), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989,174.
    477 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 363.
    478 参见[美]约翰·亨利·梅里曼:《大陆法系》,顾培东、禄正平译,李浩校,法律出版社 2004 年版,第111-112 页。以及[法]勒内·达维:《英国法与法国法:一种实质性比较》,潘华仿、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,清华大学出版社 2002 年版,第 67-68 页。
    479 R. D. Carswell, ‘The Origins of the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 11 American Journal of Legal History 41(1967), 43.以及 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’, 28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 235.
    480 J. Dove Wilson, ‘The Legal Profession in Scotland’, 5 Yale Law Journal 109, 175.
    481 R. D. Carswell, ‘The Origins of the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 11 American Journal of Legal History 41(1967), 54.以及 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 486.
    482 R. D. Carswell, ‘The Origins of the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 11 American Journal of Legal History 41(1967), 47-48, 51.
    483 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992,
    486-487.参见 J. Dove Wilson, ‘The Legal Profession in Scotland’, 5 Yale Law Journal 109, 176.
    484 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 487-488.
    485 J. Lorimfr, ‘The Chair of Public Law at Edinburgh’, 4 Law Quarterly Review 153(1888), 152. 另,该教席后改称公法教席,1832-1865 年一度中断,1859 年在高级律师协会下大学委员会建议下才恢复。参见 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 531.
    486 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.
    487 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.以及 John Stuart Blackie, ‘Scottish nationality’ in Essays on subjects of moral and social interest, D. Douglas, 1890, 220.
    488 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.
    489 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 515.
    490 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 425.
    491 高级律师和事务律师各有 300 和 7300 人。见 Robin M. White & Ian D. Willock, The Scottish Legal System, 233-34 (1993).转引自 Editor:John J. Barcelo III and Roger C. Cramton, Lawyers’ Practice and Ideals: A Comparative View, Kluwer Law International, 1999, 89.
    492 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar-The Faculty of Advocates Today’, 1965/1966 Acta Juridica 227, 240-241.
    493 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 197-198 页。
    494 Editor:John J. Barcelo III and Roger C. Cramton, Lawyers’ Practice and Ideals: A Comparative View, Kluwer Law International, 1999, 25.
    495 参见第二章 二 ㈠ 1 和二 ㈡ 2。
    496 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 420.
    497 N. J. D. Kennedy, ‘Legal Education’, 17 Juridical Review 240(1905), 240, 241, 242, 248.
    498 William Q. De Funiak, ‘Legal Education and the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 38 Tulane Law Review 361(1963-1964), 362.
    499 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 528.
    500 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 529, 533. 另,1966 年取消通识考试,增加强制性职业训练,但仍要求候选人必须获得 LLB 或者证明自己的学术水准已达到 LLB 的标准。General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 543.
    501 David M. Walker, ‘Developments in Legal Education in Scotland’, 3 Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law, New Series 9(1955-1956), 10.
    502 J. Dove Wilson, ‘The Legal Profession in Scotland’, 5 Yale Law Journal 109, 180-181.
    503 David M. Walker, ‘Developments in Legal Education in Scotland’, 3 Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law, New Series 9(1955-1956), 12, 15.
    504 5 年获 MA 和普通 LLB,6 年获 MA 和荣誉 LLB。见 David M. Walker, ‘Developments in Legal Education in Scotland’, 3 Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law, New Series 9(1955-1956), 12.以及 William Q. De Funiak, ‘Legal Education and the Legal Profession in Scotland’, 38 Tulane Law Review 361(1963-1964), 363.
    505 以 LLB 为第一学位者 3 年获普通 LLB,4 年获荣誉 LLB,已获其它学位者 2 年可获普通 LLB。见 Paul Maharg, ‘PROFESSIONAL LEGAL EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND’, 20 Georgia State University Law Review 947(2004), 949.参见 Philip N Love, ‘Legal Education in Scotland- The Diploma in Lega Practice’, 9 International Legal Practitioner 88 (1984), 92.
    506 Philip N Love, ‘Legal Education in Scotland-The Diploma in Lega Practice’, 9 International Legal Practitioner 88 (1984), 88.
    507 Philip N Love, ‘Legal Education in Scotland-The Diploma in Lega Practice’, 9 International Legal Practitioner 88 (1984), 89-91.以及 Paul Maharg, ‘PROFESSIONAL LEGAL EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND’,
    20 Georgia State University Law Review 947(2004), 953.
    508 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 445, 543.
    509 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 421.
    510 Philip N Love, ‘Legal Education in Scotland-The Diploma in Lega Practice’, 9 International Legal Practitioner 88 (1984), 88.
    511 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 421.
    512 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 504.
    513 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 156.
    514 B.S., February 7,1679.转引自 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 157.
    515 William K. Dickson, ‘The Advocates’ Library’, 14 Juridical Review 1(1902), 1-4.
    516 “1683 年最高民事法院下属的律师图书馆里保存着 435 套共 591 卷图书,几乎全是关于法学的书籍,主要是罗马法,还有一些是希腊——罗马和荷兰法学家著述,法国习惯法文献和《君主统治》。”见D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 415-416.
    517 William K. Dickson, ‘The Advocates’ Library’, 14 Juridical Review 1(1902), 16.
    518 William K. Dickson, ‘The Advocates’ Library’, 14 Juridical Review 1(1902), 121.
    519 William K. Dickson, ‘The Advocates’ Library’, 14 Juridical Review 1(1902), 15-16.
    520 William K. Dickson, ‘The Advocates’ Library’, 14 Juridical Review 1(1902), 1.
    521 R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990, 156, 158, 161-162. 522 参见本章三 ㈠ 3 ④。
    523 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 531.
    524 张薇:“苏格兰大学发展研究”,河北大学教育学博士论文,2004 年,第 89-91 页。以及《牛津法律大辞典》,第 445 页,“Inglis”条。
    525 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 531.
    526 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 13), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1992, 425.
    527本小节人物经历如无特别说明,请参见《牛津法律大辞典》、《不列颠百科全书》及《苏格兰名人录》(A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen, Thoemmes Press 1996)。
    528 http://wiki.keyin.cn/index.php?title=%E8%8B%8F%E6%A0%BC%E5%85%B0%E5%95%9F%E8%92%99%E8%BF%90%E5%8A%A8&variant=zh-sg#.E5.93.88.E5.A5.87.E6.A3.AE 3/1/2007 9:22:43 PM
    529 Nan Wilson, ‘The Scottish Bar: The Evolution of the Faculty of Advocates in Its Historical Social Setting’,
    28 Louisiana Law Review 235(1967-1968), 244, 252.
    533 [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨:《比较法总论》,潘汉典等译,法律出版社 2003 年版, 第 404 页。
    534 F. W. Mailand, ‘The Unincorporate Body’, in idem, Selected Historical Essays(1957), 129.转引自Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 484.
    535 “APPENDIX: COMMENTARY” written by Professor George L Gretton, in Sharp v. Thomson(1995) SLT 837, (1995) SCLR 683, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/, Source:Legal > Global Legal > United Kingdom > Case Law > Scottish Reported and Unreported Cases, November 4, 2006.
    536 R. M. Goode, Legal Problems of Credit and Security, Sweet & Maxwell, 1988, 46.
    537 ‘Thoughts on the Origins of the Trust in Scots Law’, (1974) Juridical Review 196.持相同观点的还有乌尔夫,但他没有提供有力的证明。Cf. Christian De Wulf,‘The Functiond of Trusteeship and Some Aspects of the Law of Trusts in the Civil Law of Scotland’, 1962 Acta Juridica 91(1962).
    538 由于无法查到原文,以下只能引用另一学者对该文的简述,但该作者实际上介于两种观点之间,既承认英国法只是源头之一,又相对强调英国法的重要影响。见 Simon Mackintosh, ‘Trusts in Civil Law Countries-Origins and Characteristics of Trusts in Scots Law and Some Practical Problems and Pitfalls’, in The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law:Selected Papers 1997-1999, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2001, 63.
    539 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 485-496.另一位著名学者里德表示赞成,见 D.J. Hayton, S.C.J.J. Kortmann, H.L.E. Verhagen (eds.), Principles of European Trust Law, Kluwer Law International, 1999, 68.
    540 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 486.
    541 这是一种常见的观念,Cf. Simon Mackintosh, ‘Trusts in Civil Law Countries-Origins and Characteristics of Trusts in Scots Law and Some Practical Problems and Pitfalls’, in The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law:Selected Papers 1997-1999, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2001, 62。
    542 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 489, 493.
    543 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 825.
    544 这是一种将土地作为对为祈祷人或作弥撒人的报答而归其永久持有的制度,后来逐渐也被用作慈善目的,1560 年宗教改革废除了宗教性笃信保有,但保留公益性笃信保有。
    545 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 819-823, 826-827.
    546 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 486.另,两位里德指现任爱丁堡大学财产法教授的里德和已去世的上院常任上诉法官里德勋爵,后者与另一位早已去世的最高民事法院院长库帕勋爵被认为是二十世纪最杰出的两位苏格兰法官。
    547 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(IV), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 825.
    548 W.A. Wilson and A.G.M. Duncan, Trusts,Trustees and Executors, Second Edition, W.Green & Sons, London, 1995.转引自 Simon Mackintosh, ‘Trusts in Civil Law Countries-Origins and Characteristics of Trusts in Scots Law and Some Practical Problems and Pitfalls’, in The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law:Selected Papers 1997-1999, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2001, 59.
    549 Kenneth G. C. Reid, ‘Patrimony Not Equity:the trust in Scotland’, 3 European Review of Private Law 427(2000), 431.
    562 邹志洪:“信托法律问题的比较研究”,国家图书馆博士论文文库,1999 年,第 45 页。
    563 Drummond v. McKenzie (1758)Mor 16206, Kames Sel Dec 203.转引自 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 502.
    564 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 353.
    565 也许是巧合,贝尔于前一年,即 1843 年去世。
    566 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 502, footnote 146.
    567 (1892)19 R(HL)46-47.转引自 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 195.
    562 邹志洪:“信托法律问题的比较研究”,国家图书馆博士论文文库,1999 年,第 45 页。
    563 Drummond v. McKenzie (1758)Mor 16206, Kames Sel Dec 203.转引自 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 502.
    564 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(V), T. & T. Clark Ltd, 1995, 353.
    565 也许是巧合,贝尔于前一年,即 1843 年去世。
    566 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 502, footnote 146.
    567 (1892)19 R(HL)46-47.转引自 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 195.
    568 Govan New Bowling-Green Club v. Geddes(1898)25 R 485 at 492. 转引自 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 195-196.
    569 Mackenzie Stuart, The Law of Trusts, London, W. Green & Sons, 1932.转引自 Simon Mackintosh, ‘Trusts in Civil Law Countries-Origins and Characteristics of Trusts in Scots Law and Some Practical Problems and Pitfalls’, in The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law:Selected Papers 1997-1999, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2001, 61.
    570 Simon Mackintosh, ‘Trusts in Civil Law Countries-Origins and Characteristics of Trusts in Scots Law and Some Practical Problems and Pitfalls’, in The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law:Selected Papers 1997-1999, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2001, 61.Cf. Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 196.
    571 案情:A 公司向银行贷款并为银行在公司财产上设定浮动负担,而后 A 将一套公寓售与 B,并在浮动负担结晶的前一天将转让契据(conyeyance or disposition)交给 B,B 还未办理登记手续,第二天浮动负担就结晶了,银行委派的接管人提起诉讼要求得到那套公寓。最高民事法院外庭判原告胜诉,B 上诉到内庭,内庭第一庭维持原判,B 又上诉到上院,上院推翻原判。
    572 Lord Coulsfield, in Sharp v. Thomson(1995) SLT 837, (1995) SCLR 683, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/, Source:Legal > Global Legal > United Kingdom > Case Law > Scottish Reported and Unreported Cases, November 4, 2006.
    573 指从合同或财产所有权中产生的利益或好处,不同于从法定所有权或控制中产生的利益。参见《元照英美法词典》相关词条。
    574 其余三位法官未发表独立意见,都表示赞同。Sharp v. Thomson 1997 SCLR 328, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/, Source:Legal > Global Legal > United Kingdom > Case Law > Scottish Reported and Unreported Cases, November 4, 2006.
    575 Scottish Law Commission, ‘Discussion Paper No 107:Diligence against Land’, 1998, 29-30, 33-36, http://www.scotlawcom.gov.uk/downloads/dp107_diligence.pdf.
    576 George L. Gretton, ‘Constructive Trusts and Insolvency’, 3 European Review of Private Law 463(2000), 472.
    577 “概括财产”(a patrimonium or patrimony)源于罗马法,原指从祖先那里继承的遗产,包括积极财产(物权和债权)和消极财产(物上负担和债务),后被用于指一个人财产的总体,因此,一般来说每个人都有也只能有一份概括财产,但法律可以规定特殊类型的概括财产,如嫁资(dos)和特有产(peculium)。从近代法国民法典开始特殊类型的概括财产形式上已不复存在,“概括财产”这一术语遂渐渐被遗忘。参见《元照英美法词典》和《牛津法律大词典》相关词条以及 George L. Gretton, ‘Trusts Without Equity’, 49 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 599(2000), 609,及注 56。
    578 Me. Pierre Lepaulle, ‘Trusts and the Civil Law’, 15 Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law Third Series 18(1933).
    579 George L. Gretton, ‘Trusts Without Equity’, 49 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 599(2000), 614, 616.
    580 与莱普奥尔的观点不同,苏格兰法上信托财产的所有权属于受托人,受益人只有针对受托人的债权。
    581 参见尹田:“无财产即无人格——法国民法上广义财产理论的现代启示”,载“北大论坛”论文集编委会:《北大论坛法学论文集——第三届“北大论坛”论文选》,北大出版社 2005 年。
    582 George L. Gretton, ‘Trusts Without Equity’, 49 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 599(2000), 613-619.And Kenneth G. C. Reid, ‘Patrimony Not Equity:the trust in Scotland’, 3 European Review of Private Law 427(2000), 430-435.两位作者的观点基本相同。
    583 从上述两篇文章的题目就可以看出其作者的观点,一是“没有衡平的信托”,一是“概括财产而非衡平:苏格兰信托”。
    584 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 502-503.
    585 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 504, footnote 164.
    586 [英]D. J. 海顿:《信托法》,周翼、王昊译,法律出版社 2004 年版,第 38 页。
    587 W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 825-826.
    588 Maurizio Lupoi, Trusts:a comparative study, translated by Simon Dix, Cambridge University Press, 2000, 296. Cf. W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 825.以及 David G. Antonio, Scots Law:for Administrative, Commercial and Professional Students, Collins, 1971, 180.以及 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 24), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 170.
    589 W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 831.
    590 Charitable Uses Act 1601 (c4), General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 24), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 67.Cf. Simon Mackintosh, ‘Philanthropy-a Scottish Perspective’, in Papers of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law-2001, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2002, 68.
    591 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 511.
    592 W.A. Wilson and A.G.M. Duncan, Trusts,Trustees and Executors, Second Edition, W.Green & Sons, London, 1995, 195, 216. Simon Mackintosh, ‘Philanthropy-a Scottish Perspective’, in Papers of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law-2001, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2002, 69.
    593 Baird’s Trs. v. Lord Advocate (1888) 15 SC 682.转引自 Simon Mackintosh, ‘Philanthropy-a Scottish Perspective’, in Papers of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law-2001, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2002, 70.Cf. W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 834.
    594 Commissioners for Special Purposes of Income Tax v. Pemsel [1891] AC 531.转引自 Simon Mackintosh, ‘Philanthropy-a Scottish Perspective’, in Papers of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law-2001, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2002, 70-71.Cf. W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 834.
    595 Inland Revenue v. Glasgow Police Athletic Association [1953] SC (HL) 13.转引自 Simon Mackintosh, ‘Philanthropy-a Scottish Perspective’, in Papers of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law-2001, Edited by Rosalind F. Atherton, Kluwer Law International, 2002, 73.Cf. W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 834-835.
    596 “很清楚英国法上的慈善在所得税法上也被当作苏格兰法的一部分。”(LORD MAYFIELD)“苏格兰法院在解释和适用联合王国税收制定法上的‘慈善’和‘慈善的’时,必须按它们在英国法上的含义来解释和适用。……在也仅在税法上,英国法上的慈善被当作苏格兰法的一部分。”(LORD KEITH OF KINKEL)Russell’s Executors v. Inland Revenue Commissioners (1992) SC (HL) 71.
    597 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 24), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 6.
    598 Gibson’s Trustees 1933 SC 190 at 200, 1933 SLT 166 at 171, per Lord President Clyde.转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 24), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 72.
    599 [英]D. J. 海顿:《信托法》,周翼、王昊译,法律出版社 2004 年版,第 20-21 页。
    600 George L. Gretton, ‘Constructive Trusts and Insolvency’, 3 European Review of Private Law 463(2000), 464-465.
    601 Lionel Smith, ‘Constructive Trusts and Constructive Trustees’, 58 Cambridge Law Journal 294(1999), 300.
    602 Lionel Smith, ‘Constructive Trusts and Constructive Trustees’, 58 Cambridge Law Journal 294(1999), 301.
    603 Slade J., English v. Dedham Vale Properties(1978).?转引自何宝玉:《英国信托法原理与判例》,法律出版社 2001 年版,第 420 页。
    604苏格兰法学者从大陆法的视角分析推定信托的产生原因,一是英国法缺少类似大陆法的不当得利制度,二是普通法与衡平法的两分结构。见 George L. Gretton, ‘Constructive Trusts and Insolvency’, 3 European Review of Private Law 463(2000), 466.
    605 W.A. Wilson and A.G.M. Duncan, Trusts,Trustees and Executors, Second Edition, W.Green & Sons, London, 1995.转引自 George L. Gretton, ‘Constructive Trusts and Insolvency’, 3 European Review of Private Law
    463(2000), 467.Cf. General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 24), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 18.格利登批评说这一概括太不严谨,但还是可以提供一个大概的印象。
    606 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 512.
    607 详细的讨论参见 George L. Gretton, ‘Constructive Trusts and Insolvency’, 3 European Review of Private Law 463(2000), 467-476.
    608 W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 820.
    609 Stevenson v. Wilson 1907 SC 445, 14 SLT 743.转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 24), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 18.
    610 买方支付价金后,在登记前卖方破产,判决不构成推定信托,买方只有债权。Gibson v. Hunter Home Designs 1976 SC 23.转引自 George L. Gretton, ‘Constructive Trusts and Insolvency’, 3 European Review of Private Law 463(2000), 471.
    611 详见前注 37、38。
    612 Sharp v. Thomson 1997 SCLR 328, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/, Source:Legal > Global Legal > United Kingdom > Case Law > Scottish Reported and Unreported Cases, November 4, 2006.
    613 Scottish Law Commission, ‘Discussion Paper No 107:Diligence against Land’, 1998, 36, http://www.scotlawcom.gov.uk/downloads/dp107_diligence.pdf.
    614 The Mortgage Corporation v. Mitchells Roberton 1997 SLT 1305 at p.1310A.转引自 D.J. Hayton, S.C.J.J. Kortmann, H.L.E. Verhagen (eds.), Principles of European Trust Law, Kluwer Law International, 1999, 82.
    615 George L. Gretton, ‘Constructive Trusts and Insolvency’, 3 European Review of Private Law 463(2000), 476.
    616 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 24), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1989, 18.
    617 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 514.
    618 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 504.
    619 何宝玉:《英国信托法原理与判例》,法律出版社 2001 年版,第 257 页。
    620 Cf. Jopp v. Johnson, (1904), 6,Sess. Cases (5th Series), 1028.转引自 Christian De Wulf, ‘The Functiond of Trusteeship and Some Aspects of the Law of Trusts in the Civil Law of Scotland’, 1962 Acta Juridica 91(1962), 98.
    621 Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland(Vol. 1), Oxford University Press, 2000, 194.
    624 R. M. Goode, Legal Problems of Credit and Security, Sweet & Maxwell, 1988, 46, 49.
    625 Eilfs Ferran, ‘Floating Charges - The Nature of the Security’, 47 Cambridge Law Journal 213 (1988), 229.
    626 Jacob S. Ziegel, ‘The Privately Appointed Receiver and the Enforcement of Security Interests: Anomaly or Superior Solution?’, in Current developments in International and Comparative Corporate Insolvency Law, Edited by Jacob S. Ziegel, Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press, 1994, 454.
    627 Cf. George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), 323-324.
    628 英国人的观念相反,认为浮动负担中任命接管人需登记的规定会导致不确定性,而且从影响效率来说也是不可接受的。见 Insolvency Law and Practices(1982, Cmnd 8558) para 472.转引自 Scottish Law Commission, ‘Discussion Paper No 114:On Sharp v Thomson’, 2001, 45.
    629 如苏格兰学者 Scott Chichton Styles 认为它是一种限制物权(conditional real right)(George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), footnote 80),而中国学者认为,浮动负担“与其说是一种担保物权,不如说是一种通过合同约定的相对无担保债权享有优先地位的债权”(费安玲主编:《比较担保法》,中国政法大学出版社 2004 年版,第 251 页)。
    630 Juridical Styles, 6th ed., 1908, vol. ii. p. 1360.转引自 A. J. P. Menzies, ‘Is Creation of a Floating Charge Competent to a Limited Company Registered in Scotland II’, 21 Juridical Review 159 (1909-1910), 87.
    631 Ballachulish Slate Quarries, 1908, 45 S. L. R. 667, per Lord President Dunedin, at p. 669.转引自 A. J. P. Menzies, ‘Is Creation of a Floating Charge Competent to a Limited Company Registered in Scotland II’, 21 Juridical Review 159 (1909-1910), 87.
    632 Carse v. Coppen, [1951] SC 233, 239, (Scot. 1st Div.1950).转引自 George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), 316.
    633 A. J. P. Menzies, ‘Is Creation of a Floating Charge Competent to a Limited Company Registered in Scotland II’, 21 Juridical Review 159 (1909-1910), 169.
    634 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 4), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1991, 530.
    635 8th Report of the Law Reform Committee for Scotland, The Constitution of Security over Moveable Property; and Floating Charges (Cmnd 1017)(1960).转引自General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 4), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1991, 530.
    636 W. A. Wilson., ‘The Companies (Floating Charges)(Scotland) Act, 1961’, 25 Modern Law Review 445(1962), 447.
    637 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 4), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1991, 531.
    638 即使在英国,对于自动结晶也是有反对意见的。Cf. Andrew Wilkinson, ‘Automatic Crystallisation of Floating Charges’, Company Lawyer 1987, 8(2), 75, 76.
    639 参见黄宗乐:“浮动负担之研究——以苏格兰法为中心”,载《台大法学论丛》第六卷第二期。
    640 参见黄宗乐:“浮动负担之研究——以苏格兰法为中心”,载《台大法学论丛》第六卷第二期,第 287页。
    641 Section 462 of the Companies Act 1985.转引自 General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland(Vol. 4), Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1991, 533.
    642 George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), 321.
    643 ‘Insolvency & Restructuring in 42 jurisdictions worldwide 2006—Scotland’, by Corprate Recovery and Insolvency Group, 260, http://www.dundas-wilson.com/skills/pdf/Insolvency&Restructuring_2006.pdf, 2006-12-11.
    644 Cf. Scottish Law Commission, ‘Discussion Paper No 121:Registration of Rights in Security by Companies’, 2002, 11-20.
    645 最新的规定是,取消税收的优先债权地位,但保留劳动报酬的优先债权地位,浮动负担不仅仍落后于优先债权,且须分拨一定份额的财产给普通债权人。
    646 1997 SCLR 328, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/, Source:Legal > Global Legal > United Kingdom > Case Law > Scottish Reported and Unreported Cases, November 4, 2006.
    647 Scottish Law Comm’n, Consultative Memorandum No. 72, Floating Charges and Receivers, 1986, p 1.7, at 7.转引自 George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), 318.
    648 W. A. Wilson., ‘The Companies (Floating Charges)(Scotland) Act, 1961’, 25 Modern Law Review 445(1962), 446.
    649 黄宗乐:“浮动负担之研究——以苏格兰法为中心”,载《台大法学论丛》第六卷第二期,第 289 页。
    650 直接的理由是为了保持苏英商法的一致。George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), 317, 319.
    651 案情简介见注 37。
    652 Sharp v. Thomson(1995) SLT 837, (1995) SCLR 683, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/, Source:Legal > Global Legal > United Kingdom > Case Law > Scottish Reported and Unreported Cases, November 4, 2006.
    653 嘉尼斯法官强调卖方只有法定所有权(recorded title),买方拥有受益的权利(beneficial interest),斯立德法官认为已收取价金的卖方为未办理过户手续的买方而持有房产,这构成推定信托(constructive trust),这与嘉尼斯法官的判断实质相同,显然都沿袭普通法上之权利和衡平法上之权利的区分。1997 SCLR 328, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/, Source:Legal > Global Legal > United Kingdom > Case Law > Scottish Reported and Unreported Cases, November 4, 2006.
    654 George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), 324.兴盛起来。”见徐洁:“担保物权功能论”,2004 年,中国知网优秀硕博士学位论文全文数据库,第 48 页。
    656 徐洁:“担保物权功能论”,2004 年,中国知网优秀硕博士学位论文全文数据库,第 98、113 页。以及[德]M·沃尔夫:《物权法》,吴越、李大雪译,法律出版社 2004 年版,第 304、331 页。
    657 George L. Gretton., ‘Floating charges in Scots Law:The Saga Continues’, [1995] Journal of Business Law 212, 212.
     658 Scottish Law Commission, ‘Discussion Paper No 114:On Sharp v Thomson’, 2001, 12.
     659 George L. Gretton, ‘RECEPTION WITHOUT INTEGRATION? FLOATING CHARGES AND MIXED SYSTEMS’, 78 Tulane Law Review 307(2003-2004), 320.
     660 http://wiki.keyin.cn/index.php?title=%E8%8B%8F%E6%A0%BC%E5%85%B0%E5%95%9F%E8%92%99%E8%BF%90%E5%8A%A8&variant=zh-sg#.E5.93.88.E5.A5.87.E6.A3.AE 3/1/2007 8:11:22 PM
    661 William Ferguson, The Identity of the Scottish Nation: An History Quest, Edinburgh University Press 1998.
    662 John Stuart Blackie, ‘Scottish nationality’ in Essays on subjects of moral and social interest, D. Douglas, 1890, 179-180.
    663 Cooper, “Scottish Legal Tradition”, in Selected Papers, 197-198, 199.转引自 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 158.
    A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen, Thoemmes Press 1996.
    David G. Antonio, Scots Law:for Administrative, Commercial and Professional Students, Collins, 1971.
    Elspeth Attwooll, The Tapestry of the Law:Scotland,Legal Culture and Legal Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
    Christina Ashton and Valerie Finch,Constitutional law in Scotland,W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000.
    Editor:John J. Barcelo III and Roger C. Cramton, Lawyers’ Practice and Ideals: A Comparative View, Kluwer Law International, 1999.
    Barrow, G. W. S., The Anglo-Norman era in Scottish history:the Ford lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in hilary term 1977, Clarendon Press, 1980.
    D J Cusine, Standard Securities, Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland, 1991.
    Penny Darbyshire, English Legal System, Sixth Edition, Sweet and Maxwell, 2004.
    Rene David and John E.C.Brierley, Major Legal Systems in the World Today, Second Edition, Stevens & Sons, 1978.
    Editor:Peter Duff and Neil Hutton, Criminal Justice in Scotland, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999.
    John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland, Law Society of Scotland, Eighth Edition, 1989.
    Editor:Lindsay Farm and Scott Veitch, The state of Scots law : law and government after the devolution settlement, Butterworths, 2001.
    Lindsay Farmer, Criminal law, tradition, and legal order : crime and the genius of Scots law : 1747 to the present, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
    William Ferguson, The Identity of the Scottish Nation: An History Quest, Edinburgh University Press 1998.
    David J. Field, Elements of Scots law, W. Green, 1994.
    Editors:Wilson Finnie, C.M.G Himsworth and Neil Walker, Edinburgh essays in public law, Columbia University Press, 1991.
    Editor:A. D. M. Forte, Good Faith in Contract and Property, Oxford-Portland Oregon, 1999.
    Editor in chief: Bryan A. Garner, Black's law dictionary, Thomson/West, 2004. W. M. Gloag and R. Candlish Henderson, The law of Scotland, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2001.
    R. M. Goode, Legal Problems of Credit and Security, Sweet & Maxwell, 1988. G. H. Gordon, The Criminal Law of Scotland, Second Edition, W. Green & Son Ltd., 1978.
    Gerald H. Gordon, The criminal law of Scotland(Second Cumulative Supplement to the Second Edition), W. Green, 1992.
    R. K. Hannay, The College of Justice:Essays by R. K. Hannay, Hector L. MacQueen eds, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., 1990.
    D.J. Hayton, S.C.J.J. Kortmann, H.L.E. Verhagen (eds.), Principles of European Trust Law, Kluwer Law International, 1999.
    Kames, Henry Home, Elucidations respecting the common and statute law of Scotland, Routledge/Thoemmes Pr., 1993.
    Denis Keenan, Smith & Keenan’s English Law, Twelfth Ediyion, Financial Times Pitman Pubilshing 1998.
    Maurizio Lupoi, Trusts:a comparative study, translated by Simon Dix, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
    Moira MacMillan and Sally Macfarlane, Scottish Business Law, Second Edition, Pitman Publishing, 1993.
    I. D. Macphail, Sheriff Court Practice, Edited by C. G. B. Nicholson and A. L. Stewart, W. Green, 1998.
    John Henry Merryman, The Civil Law Tradition, Stanford University Press, 1969.
    Editors:D. L. Carey Miller and Thomas Smith, Comparative and historical essays in Scots law : a tribute to Professor Sir Thomas Smith QC, Butterworths, 1992. Jane Munro, Public Law in Scotland, W. Green, 2003.
    Editors:Esin ?rücü, Elspeth Attwooll & Sean Coyle, Studies in Legal Systems:Mixed and Mixing, Kluwer Law International, 1996.
    Editor:Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdiction Worldwide—The Third Legal Family, Cambrige University Press, 2001.
    Editor:Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland, Oxford University Press, 2000.
    OF Robinson, TD Fergus and WM Gordon, European Legal History:Sources and Institutions, Second Edition, Butterworths, 1994.
    General Editor:T. B. Smith, The Laws of Scotland : Stair memorial encyclopaedia, Law Society of Scotland/Butterworths, 1987-.
    D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland, W. Green & Son Ltd.(I-II), 1988, 1990, T. & T. Clark Publishers(III-V).
    D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992.
    R. J, Walker, The English Legal System, Fifth Edition, Butter Worths, 1980.
    Richard Ward and Amanda Wragg, Walker & Walker’s English Legal System, Ninth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005.
    Alan Watson, Legal Transplants:An Approach to Comparative Law, Second Edition, The University of Georgia Press, 1993.
    Philip R Wood, Comparative Law of Security and Guarantees, Sweet & Maxwell, 1995.
    Reinhard Zimmermann, Roman Law,Comparative Law,European Law:The Civilian Tradition Today, Oxford University Press, 2001.
    Editors:Reinhard Zimmermann, Daniel Visser and Kenneth Reid, Mixed Legal Systems in Comparative Perspective:Property and Obligations in Scotland and South Africa, Oxford University Press, 2004.
    [英]詹·迈克科米克-华生:《英国法律体系基础》,第二版,武汉大学出版社 2004 年。
    ‘A Scots Law-School in 1913’, 31 Juridical Review 267(1919).
    The Lord Advocate, ‘What Devolution Means for Scots Law and Scota Lawyers’, CONFERENCE ON SCOTTISH DEVOLUTION - STRATHCLYDE UNIVERSITY - 27 FEBRUARY 1998, http://www.scotland.gov.uk/library/documents2/la-speech0.htm.
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    671 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(I), W. Green & Son Ltd., 1988, 183.
    672 J. Dove Wilson., ‘History Development of Scots Law’, 8 JURIDICAL REVIEW 217(1896), 236.
    673 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 88.
    674 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(I), W. Green & Son Ltd., 1988, 263-265.
    675 Id, 267.
    676 Id, 231-232.
     677 Peter Stein., ‘Roman Law in Scotland’, Part V, 13b of Ius Romanum Medii Avei, Milan, 1968, 32.
    678 Id, 26.
    679 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(II), W. Green & Son Ltd., 1990, 266-269.
    680 Id, 269-270.
    681 Id, 271-277.
    682 Scotsmen at Universities between 1340 and 1410:a study of the contribution of graduates to the public life of their country, Thesis, Oxford, 1957(Bodleian Lib. MSS. D. Phil. D. 1851-2), summarized in University graduates in scottish benefices, Recs. Scottish Church History Soc. XV, (1964), 77-88.转引自 Peter Stein., ‘Roman Law in Scotland’, Part V, 13b of Ius Romanum Medii Avei, Milan, 1968, 40-41.
    683 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(II), W. Green & Son Ltd., 1990, 285.
    684 D.M.Walker, A legal history of Scotland(I), W. Green & Son Ltd., 1988, 114.
    685 Id, 462.Cf. Thomas Miller, ‘The Place of Scotland in the History of Roman Law’, 37 JURIDICAL REVIEW 162(1925).
    686 最好把这时的英国法视为后来普通法的前身,事实上英格兰的普通法直到十三世纪末爱德华一世时才基本形成。
    687 D.M.Walker, The Scottish Legal System, W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell Law Publishers, 1992, 90.
    688 J. Dove Wilson., ‘Historical Development of Scots Law’, 8 Juridical Review 217(1896), 240, (a).

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