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     一般来说,气体分子在三维结构材料比在二维结构材料中的扩散效果更好。在上两章研究的基础上,第四章进一步利用三维立方的介孔二氧化硅KIT-6作为硬模板,通过纳米浇铸的方法合成介孔铁掺杂的三氧化二铟(Fe-doped In2O_3)。它具有高比表面积、周期性排列的有序介孔孔道结构以及结晶良好的孔壁。基于介孔Fe-doped In2O_3传感器对具有强烈刺激性和腐蚀性的大气污染物NO_2气体具有良好的敏感特性。介孔Fe-doped In2O_3敏感材料优异的气体敏感特性除了源于其较高的比表面积和孔体积之外,与铁掺杂能提高对NO_2的吸附能力密切相关。
In recent years, the rapid development of industrialization, various types of gasare frequently used. Volatile organic gases (VOCs, such as C2H5OH, CH_3COCH_3,HCHO), flammable or explosive gases (such as H_2, CH_4, CO); toxic and harmfulemissions (such NO_x、NH_3、H_2S、SO_2、Cl_2) not only pollute the environment, but alsohave seriously harm to human health. Requirements detection of these gascomponents are also increasing. Water vapor as a special kind of gas, play a vital rolein numerous fields, such as environmental monitoring, food processing industries,medicine, meteorology and research labs. All nature processes are closely related towater vapor (humidity). Therefore, the development of high sensitivity, fast response,low detection limit, high selectivity, portable gas and humidity sensors are urgentissue to be solved.
     Mesoporous materials with tubular, worm-like and spherical pore structure, havehigh surface area, large pore volume, uniform pore diameter, easy surfacefunctionalization and strong adsorption capacity, rendering the unique materials usefulin wide spectrum of fields. They are widely used in catalysts, adsorbents,optoelectronic devices, and other important areas.
     Mesoporous metal oxides are also considered promising candidates in thedevelopment of chemical sensors. In this paper, several mesoporous metal oxideshave been successfully synthesized by hard template method to detect several typical gas (CH_3COCH_3, H_2, NO_2) and humidity (H_2O), and the sensing mechanism is furtherto be discussed.
     The ordered mesoporous SnO_2have been successfully synthesized viananocasting method using the hexagonal mesoporous SBA-15as template. A study ontheir gas sensing properties for CH_3COCH_3reveals that the sensor utilizingmesoporous SnO_2displays swift response and recovery rate, and much highersensitivity to CH_3COCH_3compared to those based on nanoparticle SnO_2viaprecipitation technique. It is supposed that the outstanding gas sensing properties ofmesoprous SnO_2sensor synthesized by hard template is arisen from the large surfacearea and high porosity, which lead to highly effective surface reaction between thetarget gas molecules and the surface active sites in mesoporous SnO_2sensor.
     The ordered mesoporous SnO_2and Pd/SnO_2have been successfully synthesizedvia nanocasting method using the hexagonal mesoporous SBA-15as template. Astudy on their gas sensingproperties for H_2reveals that the sensor utilizing Pd/SnO_2via direct synthesis method displays swift response and recovery rate and much highersensitivity to H_2compared to those based on mesoporous SnO_2and Pd/SnO_2viaimpregnation technique. It is supposed that the outstanding gas sensing properties ofPd/SnO_2sensor synthesized by direct synthesis method is arisen from the largesurface area, high activity and well dispersion for Pd additive, as well as high porosity,which lead to highly effective surface reaction between the target gas molecules andthe surface active sites in Pd/SnO_2.
     The utilization of mesoporous KIT-6silica as a hard template has turned out to bea versatile tool for the synthesis of mesoporous Fe-doped In2O_3in the nanocastingprocess. It exhibits high specific surface area, oredered periodically arrangedmesopores structure with well crystalline walls and high thermal stability. The productis a promising material for application as gas sensor, since its excellent physical andchemical properties. The Gas sensing measurements reveal significantly increasedsensitivity response to NO_2gas in comparison with the mesoporous pure In2O_3. It issupposed that the outstanding gas sensing properties of the mesoporous Fe-dopedIn2O_3sensor is attributed to higher specific surface area and the pore volume. Besides, Fe species loaded on the sensor is effective to adsorb NO_2gas on the surface, which isalso beneficial to the sensitive response of the sensor.
     Mesoporous LaFeO_3was successfully synthesized via the nanocasting methodby using SBA-15as a replica matrix. A ceramic humidity sensor based on themesoporous LaFeO_3was fabricated and evaluated. Humidity sensing measurementsreveal that impedance greatly changes by more than five orders magnitude when therelative humidity varies from11%to98%at10Hz, and it also displays high response,fast response time, low hysteresis and long-time stability in the entire humidity region.The sensing mechanism of humidity sensors was interpreted by the compleximpedance spectra (Nyquist plot). Furthermore, the sensor based on the mesoporousLaFeO_3displays the higher response compared with that of bulk LaFeO_3prepared bythe sol–gel method. It can be concluded that thus-obtained mesoporous LaFeO_3is anexcellent material for application as humidity sensor because of their high surfacearea and pore volume with mesoporous structure.
     In the paper, we have fabricated of mesoporous oxide semiconductor and studiedof chemical sensing properties. The results show that the mesoporous oxidesemiconductor sensing materials display more excellent gas and humidity sensingperformence than that of nanoparticles sensing materials. It provides a new strategy tobuild excellent chemical sensors.
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