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本文在陕西杨凌葡萄酒学院赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄试验园行间分别种植白三叶草(White clover, Trifolium repens L)、紫花苜蓿(Alfalfa, Medicago sativa)、高羊茅(Tall fescue, Festuca arundincea Schreb.),以清耕为对照。在葡萄萌芽期(4月)、开花期(5月)、果实成熟期(8月)、和休眠期(12月)分别采集各处理区0~40 cm土层的土壤,进行土壤养分、酶活性及土壤微生物测定与分析,主要研究结论如下:
The report is focusing on vineyard of the College of Enology in Yangling Shaanxi interplanting covering with White clover(Trifolium repens L), Alfalfa(Medicago sativa), Tall fescue(Festuca arundincea), and Cleaning tillage(CK). We detected and analyzed the soil nutrition contents, the soil enzyme activity and soil microorganism of 0-40 cm soil layers in bud burst(April), blossom(May), maturity(Aug), and dormancy(Dec) from the area of white clover, alfalfa, tall fescue, cleaning tillage, the results are as follows:
     1. In interplanting grass measurement system of vineyard, Compared with CK, white clover and alfalfa could increase the year average of soil organic matter, total N, and hydrolyzable N contents, while the year average of total P, available P and total K contents decresed, and they had no evident effect on avaible K; tall fescue decreased the year average of soil organic matter, total N, hydrolyzable N, available K contents, had no evident effect on total P, available P and total K. In different phenophase each treatments had different soil nutrition contents,the highest soil organic matter, total N, available N contents is in blossom, white clover and alfalfa had highest soil total P in dormancy, Tall fescue and Cleaning tillage(CK) is in maturity. It is obvious that leguminous planting grass improved soil nutrient.
     2. Vineyard with interplanting grass measurement system made the soil enzyme activity have notable difference to Cleaning tillage. Different variety grass had different effects to soil enzyme activity. SaA, UrA and CAT activity in maturity is highest, lowest in dormancy. The white clover and alfalfa had hightest phosphatase activety in in burst, lowest phosphatase activety in blossom. White clover and alfalfa which were the leguminous planting grass, improved effect to the activities of SaA, Phosphatase, UrA, but tall fescue which was gramineous planting grass, reduced the effect to the activities of them; the effect to CAT of white clover, alfalfa and tall fescue, was improved mainly in bud burst and blossom.
     3. Microorganism quantities in vineyard with interplanting grass measurement system were increased, soil bacteria and fungi quantity from high to low is white clover>alfalfa>tall fescue>CK. Soil actinomyces quantity is tall fescue>white clover>alfalfa>CK. Nitrogen germ quantity is alfalfa>white clover>tall fescue>CK. The area of tall fescue had the most quantity of actinomyces, and alfalfa had the most quantity of nitrogen germ.
     The highest SMBC and SMBN of each treatments is in blossom, the lowest is in dormancy. Compared with CK, white clover increased the contents of SMBC and SMBN, but tall fescue had no obviously changing.
     Interplanting grass covering in vineyard can improve the soil microbial respiration strengths and qMB. The difference among white clover, alfalfa and tall fescue were notable or not notable. In blossom, each treatments had highest soil microbial respiration strengths and qMB. In the whole, the effect to microorganism of interplanting grass covering in vineyard, leguminous planting grass is better than gramineous planting grass.
     4. There were a certain correlativity among the soil microbial indicators, soil enzyme activity and soil nutrients. The correlations between SMBC, SMBN, soil microbial respiration strengths, qMB, SaA, Phosphatase, UrA and CAT activity and soil organic matter, total N, available N and available K, had reached to positive significant or extremely positive significant level. While the correlations between SMBC, SMBN, soil microbial respiration strengths, qMB and SaA, Phosphatase, UrA and CAT activity had reached to positive significant or extremely positive significant level too. So SMBC, SMBN, soil microbial respiration strengths and qMB can be the indicators of soil fertility in interplanting grass crovering vineyard.
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