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摘 要
    和二氧化钛质量比 1:1 时,反应温度越高越好,最好接近水的沸点,中和的最
    佳终点 pH 值为 6,中和速度为 26.5ml/min,电气石粉体浓度为 9%。最佳的煅
    烧工艺条件为:煅烧时间为 0.5 小时。煅烧的温度则是根据不同实际的需要对
    二氧化钛的晶型的要求而定,在 500℃以下为锐钛型二氧化钛,在 500℃~800
    ℃之间为锐钛型和金红石型共存,超过 850℃时就全部转化为金红石型二氧化
    该研究的创新点是:首次采用沉淀反应方法在电气石粉体表面包覆 TiO2,
    之后的电气石粉体白度从原来的 15.9%提高到 60%以上,负离子也由 600 个/cm3
    左右提高到 3000 个/cm3以上,从而为拓展电气石的用途打下了良好的基础。这
Tourmaline is a kind of mineral which has the spontaneous electrode quality ; as
    the representative mineral, which can help us study crystal electricity. and it is also
    one of the minerals which are utilized most generally in many fields now. Because
    of the exist of spontaneous electrode, Tourmalines are applied in many fields ,such
    as in the protection of environment, ecological field, commodity, the industry of
    dope, electromagnetism shielding and so on.
     The experiment of grinding has been carried out in order to study the affection of
    the size of tourmaline powder on the white degree and negative ion.The results
    shows that as the size of tourmaline powder minishs, the white degree increases and
    the number of negative ion released reduce at the same time .
     After the primal powder being modified, we made a research on its the white
    degree and the release ratio of negative ion, we got the best condition for coating
    technics as follows:choosing the granularity of material by the demand of facts; the
    best amount coated presents when the proportionment of the quality of tourmaline
    power and ceria power is 1:1; the higher is the temperature, the better is the result ,
    pH=6 is best for neutralization, the neutralization velocity is 26.5ml/min,the
    consistence of the tourmalin powder is 9%。 The best condition for calcining as
    follows : the time is half an hour at 500 centigrade, the calcine temperature is
    depended on the demands of it`s use in fact ,we got anatase when the temperature is
    below 500 centigrade, when the temperature is between 500 centigrade and 800
    centigrade, both anatase and rutitle exist, and we got rutitle when the temperature
    is above 850 centigrade.
     The innovation of this research is that we first use the method of deposition in
    covering tourmalin by TiO2. It improves the white degree of tourmalin, from 15.9 %
    to 60%, and the release ratio of negative ion from 600 unit/cm3 to 3000 unit/cm3above.
    These are important to expend the use of tourmalin. This kind tourmalin powder has a
    broad foreground in application. It can be used in producing white paint and white
    coating field, and also in the spinning field. It will create great valueapplications and
    economy. This paper gives the elements to the expending of the best condition for
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