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     (1)单株侧柏的生物量为8.88-80.71kg,各个器官生物量比例总体呈树干>树枝>树根>树叶或树干>树枝>树叶>树根的顺序;侧柏各部分干重与胸径及D2H之间存在着紧密的相关性,与树高的相关性较弱;8块侧柏人工林生物量的变动范围为28.92 -75.42 t/hm2,平均值为54.35 t/hm2。
     (2)朝北指数与林分生物量显著相关,其他因子同林分生物量没有明显的相关关系;林分密度与林分生物量、林分密度与地上生物量都呈现出单峰曲线关系。当林分密度为2600 individual/hm2左右时,林分生物量和林分地上生物量数值接近最大。
     (3)未间伐样地生物量总量为67.64 t/hm2,一次间伐提高了整个林分的生物量,两次间伐林分生物量反而明显减少了;一次间伐和两次间伐都提高了树干生物量在林分总生物量中的比例;一次间伐和两次间伐后,单株侧柏各器官及单株总生物量都比未间伐林地有显著增加;未间伐样地,生物量集中在小径级的立木,间伐后生物量集中到了大径级立木。
     (4)5块样地的碳储量在46.66t/hm2-76.77t/hm2之间变化,平均碳储量为64.79t/hm2,各生物组分碳储量所占比例大小顺序为树干>树枝>树根>树叶;平均生物碳储量为42.01 t/hm2,土壤碳储量为64.79 t/hm2,分别占总碳储量的22.77%和42.01%。
Biomass and productivity are critical parameters assessing forest carbon sequestration capability and the quantitative estimates are required for forest biomass carbon accounting. Study on biomass, effect factors, thinning effect to biomass and carbon storage of the 50 years old Platyclatdus orientalis plantations in the Limestone Mountains of Xuzhou, the results showed that:
     (1) Biomass for a whole tree was in a range of 8.88-80.71kg.Allocation of biomass to organs followed a sequence of trunk>branch>root>leaves or trunk>branch>leaves>root; Significant correlations were found between organ biomass and diameter at breast height or D2H.Biomass for stands of 8 plots was in the range of 28.92 t/hm2-75.42 t/hm2,the mean of which was 54.35 t/hm2.
     (2) Biomass for stands was positively correlated with the north aspect index, while other factors were fewer effective. The response curves of biomass or aboveground biomass to stand density were both unimodal. Biomass and aboveground biomass had the maximum value when stand density closed to 2600 individual/hm2.
     (3)Total biomass of the control plots is lower than first thinning plots but higher than second thinning plots. Both the original thinning and secondary thinning increase the proportion of the trunks; After each thinning, individual biomass is higher than the control plots; The biomass allocation among different DBH classes was concentrated in the small classes, after each thinning, the biomass allocation among large classes.
     (4)The total carbon storage of 5 plots was in the range of 46.66t/hm2 to 76.77t/hm2, the mean of which was 64.79t/hm2. Carbon storage of different organs was in order as follow: stem >branch> root > leaves. The carbon storage in the vegetation was 42.01 t/hm2, accounted for 22.77%,and the carbon storage in the soil was 64.79 t/hm2,account for 42.01%.
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