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"Country is agriculture-based. Agriculture is seed-based". China is a big country of large agricultural production with big request of seed. Crop seed industry has always been a national strategic, basic and core industry. It promotes agriculture development with long-term stability and protects the foundation of national food security.
     Since the reform and opening-up, especially since the new century, good stains of seeds has made important contributions to improve the overall agricultural production capacity, to ensure effective supply of agricultural products and to increase farmers' income. But at the same time, there are a lot of problems:the agricultural research system is rigid, the seed innovation capability is weak, the seed enterprises are small-scale and low competitiveness, the seed market supervision means is backward, the laws and regulations is imperfect etc. These problems have plagued the crop seed industry development for a long time. It is difficult to adapt to the needs of the crop seed industry development. Although we have achieved a great success of "eight years increase of agricultural products", we should see that the seed industry is still remain in a state of "rest on our laurels". With the backdrop of the internationalization of the seed industry, foreign seed companies have entered Chinese seed market in recent years. It results in part of the Chinese seed companies facing difficult position:been squeezed out of the seed market, been eroded of market share, being replaced by foreign seeds. It endangers our food security very much. It is really urgent to ensure the nation to control of seed industry, to develop and strengthen Chinese seed industry, to firmly control of the Chinese food "lifeline".
     This study is divided into eight chapters, mainly for four contents:
     The first part consists of Chapters Ⅰ and Ⅱ. It introduces the research status of domestic and oversea, and theoretical basis.
     The second part consists of ChapterⅢ, Chapter Ⅳ, Chapter Ⅴ. It analyzes the origin, the status and the trend of the Chinese seed industry. It also analyzes the competitiveness of Chinese seed industry. By analyzing the seed international trade and intellectual property protection status, it point out the key factors which result in low competitiveness of China's seed industry:Chinese seed companies are small scale, less R&D investment, low response rate of R&D results, inadequate protection of intellectual property, lack of advanced management and operation experience etc.
     The third part consists of Chapter Ⅵ, Chapter Ⅶ. It analyzes the development status of seed industry in Hubei Province. By statistical analysis with more than800 questionnaires from seed enterprises, regulatory agencies, the production bases and farmers in Hubei Province, by positive analysis of Hubei scientific research institutions' capability and system, by correlation analysis of scale, R&D investment, employee structure, turnover of Hubei seed enterprises, by statistical analysis with farmer seed selection behavior and market regulatory status, it point out the key factors which restrict the development of Hubei seed industry.
     The fourth part consists of Chapter Ⅷ. Based on the study of the first seven chapters, it proposes the solution of accelerating the integration of domestic resources, improving the enterprises as the mainstay of the commercial breeding mechanism, accelerating the protection of intellectual property and promoting the development of modern crop seed industry. It also proposes the suggestion for policy which could promote the sustainable development of Hubei seed industry, which could be the reference of relevant functional departments.
     The main conclusions of this study are:
     1、Chinese seed industry has a long history. The development of the modern seed industry has undergone a non-commercialization stage, part of the commercialization stage, the monopoly stage and the market-oriented stage. In recent years, Chinese seed industry has achieved remarkable results:seed selection and breeding capability has been promoted gradually, improved variety supplying capacity has been increased gradually, the seed enterprises business strength has been increased gradually, the laws and regulations and the management system has been gradually perfect. Chinese seed industry has undergone profound changes:the seed technology has became high-tech, the result of scientific research has became intellectual property, the seed production has achieved regionalization, the seed business has achieved market-oriented. With the foreign seed enterprises entering and market demand changed, it profoundly impact on the cultivation of new varieties and the business of Chinese seed industry. This study makes a preliminary estimation for the development trend of Chinese seed Industry:the traditional breeding techniques shift toward the high-tech of biotechnology, the seed production shift from extensive to intensive large-scale production, the seed business shift from scattered, small-scale regional and planned economy to professionalization, collective and international market economy.
     2、The history of the world's seed industry development is similar with the history of Chinese seed industry development which has been the stage of managed by the Government to the transitional stage, and then the stage of monopoly, finally the market competition stage. It shows that the seed industry development law is finally marketization. By using and analyzing the foreign seed industry experience of the seed market-oriented management system, the seed industry management model, certified quality management, agricultural science and technology innovation system etc, it shows that the rapid increase of seed companies R&D investment is a huge driving force of the seed industry development, focusing on brand building and protection, rule of law and quality guarantee are a good experience of the seed industry success. Characteristics and trends of the world's seed industry development shows that the seed industry, as a national strategic industry, has developed rapidly. The market value rapid growth causes seed companies restructuring and merger. It makes that seed industry concentration has been improved obviously, private companies or organizations gradually become the main part of seed industry.
     3、The survey data analysis shows that the development of Hubei seed industry is seriously hysteretic which is quite discrepancies with the status of Hubei as a major agricultural province. The statistical analysis of21Hubei seed research institutions' questionnaires shows the lack of R&D investment, the lack of motivation of scientific and technological innovation, the difficult of R&D due to R&D system constraints. The statistical analysis of106Hubei seed enterprises'questionnaires shows that they are small scale, has only production capability but without R&D capability. The statistical analysis of672Hubei seed farmers'questionnaires shows that the rural labor structure has undergone significant change, the increasing proportion of women, the elderly, children posed a challenge for the protection of seed industry production, farmers are already aware the importance of seed and they bought it from the dealer, but farmers have not yet established a certain loyalty for seed brand which shows urgent need to strengthen the brand building of the seed enterprises. The majority of farmers thought that seed prices are high, the market is messy and complicated, seed business entities operation behavior is chaotic, it is urgent to strengthen market supervision. With the analysis, the study summarizes four major factors which restrict the development of Hubei seed industry:few innovation of the scientific and technological, threat of seed supply capacity, low core competitiveness of seed enterprises and poor development environment of seed industry.
     4、The study establishes the index system of Hubei seed industry development, which includes science and technology capability, seed supply capacity, enterprise competitiveness, market supervision capability. It quantifies the main objective of the future development of Hubei seed industry, further clarifies the details content of achieving the target:enhancing scientific and technological innovation capability, seed supply capacity, enterprise competitiveness and market supervision capability, forming a modern crop seed industry system of industrial development-oriented, of enterprises subjected, of production bases depended, of research and production combined. On the basis of Hubei agriculture resource and following the need of national agricultural products supply security in the next decade, combining the advantages and features of Hubei agriculture, the study programs the regional distribution of Hubei food crop and cash crop. Last but not least, the study programs the path of Hubei seed industry development with the key content,regional layout design and the major projects.
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