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    2.在实验条件下,50mg/L EDTA和低浓度下的SO2(20~40mg/L)有协同抗氧化作用,但EDTA浓度一定时,SO2的浓度变化对协同作用影响不显著。
    处理(添加60mg/L EDTA)酒样的游离SO2含量极显著高于对照(添加60mg/L SO2),色度极显著高于对照,其它理化指标与对照差异不显著。感官品尝结果表明:添加60mg/L EDTA与添加相同浓度SO2在感官品质上差异不显著。
Based on recent research advances about antioxidant properties of sulfur dioxide and other enological antioxidants used in red wine, TBHQ (Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone), EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate) and SO2 (sulfur dioxide) were chosen to investigate their effects on browning degree, oxygen consumption rate of model wine and red wine, sensory analysis of red wine was also made to study on new enological antioxidant for real antioxidant protection of red wine.
    The main results obtained were as follows:
    1. With regards to the context, for a concentration of 50mg/L to 100mg/L in red wine, EDTA presented good results, and sulfur dioxide showed weak antioxidant capacities. TBHQ, however, could not express its antioxidant properties.
    The study of antioxidant effects showed: for the allowed dosage in red wine, TBHQ indicated few antioxidant effects in turn to increase red wine to brown. Both EDTA and sulfur dioxide expressed good effects on reducing oxygen consumption and inhibiting brown degree of red wine, but for a concentration of 50mg/L to 100mg/L, EDTA presented better results.
    2. With regards to the context, there was a good synergistic effect between 50mg/L EDTA and SO2 with a low concentration of 20mg/L to 40mg/L.
    The research about synergistic effect between EDTA and SO2 indicated: for a low concentration of 20mg/L to 50mg/L, the antioxidant effect of the combination of EDTA and sulfur dioxide was significantly better than that of either one used respectively. That was, there was a considerable synergistic effect between them. But at the concentration of 50mg/L for EDTA, the increase of the concentration of sulfur dioxide could not express more additional effect.
    3. With the concentration of 60mg/L for EDTA, it neither affected the physical and chemical characters nor the organoleptic properties of red wine, but significantly reduced the content of sulfur dioxide in it.
    The results of physical and chemical analysis of red wine suggested: the content of free sulfur dioxide and the pigment content in the treatment (adding 60mg/L EDTA) were significantly higher than those in the control (adding 60mg/L sulfur dioxide). On the other hand, organoleptic evaluations of red wine showed: there was no significance between the treatment and the control.
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