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    第一部分 腰骶部后外侧融合治疗崩裂性滑脱的远期疗效
     腰骰部融合的实验和临床研究 摘 要
     第二部分 腰骰部融合的三维有限元分析
     目的 研究三种不同融合方式对融合段和融合邻近节段的影
     响,探讨腰椎融合后的退变机制。方法 采用三维有限元法,建立
     果 单节段椎间融合、后外侧融合和后侧融合分别使邻近节段的应
     力水平升高 28.8O、20.l0和 35.5O。双节段融合后,应力水平分别
     增加 49.9O、35.2o和 68.7o。椎间融合,保留终板时,三种不同的
     留终板时,邻近节段的应力水平较保留终板时高。结论 脊柱融合
     第三部分 同种皮质骨融合支架的制备及生物力学稳定评价
     柱强度、刚度和稳定性方面具有显著性差异中.of人 前两者比
     第四部分 同种皮质骨融合支架的临床应用
     目的:研究同种皮质骨融合支架b。fi COniC31 fusioflC昭C
     腰骰部融台的实验和临床研究 摘 要
     ACFC)行后路椎间融合术治疗腰椎滑脱的临床疗效。方法:对 12
Lumbosacral spinal fusion is one of the common surgical procedures
     for low-back pain. Symptoms can be relieved by elimination of motion in
     the degenerative and br unstable spinal motion segments by fusion.
     However, Fusion can cause degeneration in the adjacent segments, and
     lumbar lordosis angles can be decreased at last, Fusion cause recurrent
     symptoms. So, in this paper. A retrospective study about spondylolsthesis
     treated by posterolateral fusion was conducted. Expecting to find some
     shortcomings of this treatment. The degenerative mechanism in the
     adjacent segments after fusion was researched by 3D-finite element
     analysis. In order to alleviate and/or postpone the effect of fusion to the
     adjacent segments. We design allograft cortical fusion cage (ACFC), and
     biomechanical properties of ACFC were tested. And we use it in the
     clinical practice. It was the first time that we offer interbody vertebral
     fusion with preseving endplate. The effect of different processed methods
     on biomechanical character and osteoinductive of allograft was also
     Part I. Long-term effects of lumbar spondylolisthesis treated with
     Iumbosacral posterolateral spinal fusion.
     Objective To investigate the long-term effects and influence factors
     of posterolateral fusion for spondylolisthesis. Methods From 1990 to
     1996,35 patients with lumbar spondylolisthesis were followed up after
     underwent reducing and fixing with steffee system and posterolateral
     fusion. The contents followed up included: (1) Evaluating the long-term
     effect of the operation with JOA score.(2) Measuring the lumbosacral
     anteroposterior and lateral x-ray films in pre-operation, post-operation
     and the following-up course, mostly observing the fusion state, the
     intervertebral height in fusion segments and its upper and lower segment,
     and the changes of lumbar cobb?s angle.Results: 35 patients were
     followed up, the mean follow-up period was 6.7 years (range,4 to 10 year)
     The excellent and good rate of operation was 77.4%, 31 patients showed
     bony fusion, The fusion rate was 91 .4%.4 patients had not fusion,2
     patients without symptoms, another two with pseudarthrodesis. lumbar
     cobb?s angle decreased from 41.720 pro-operation to 39.23 0 post-
     operation. and it was 37,370 in the last. Intervertebral height in fusion
     segments and adjacent segments was decreased.Conclusion (1):
     posterolateral fusion and lumbar lordosis changing can accelerate
     degeneration in the adjacent segments. (2): Posterolateral fusion can not
     effectively curbed motion of the vertebral in the fusion segment. The
     vertebra tending to continuous slip, thus. The anterior and medial column
     should be repaired when lumbar spordylolisthesis was treated.
     Part II Three-dimensional finite element analysis of lumbar fusion.
     Objective Effects of three various fusion ways on fusion segments
     and adjacent segments were studied. The degenerative mechanism of
     lumbar fusion was investigated. Methods: The three-dimensional
     mechanical model of the intact lumbar spine was developed with 3-D
     finite element method. The stresses on the fusion segments and adjacent
     segments with three different types of spinal fusion (posterior, bilateral-
     lateral and interbody fusion) and various interbody implants, and
     preserving endplate were analysed by MSC/PATRAN software, and the
     stress was compared with that of the intact lumbar spine. Results: The
     stresses of the adjacent segme
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