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聚乙二醇单烷基醚羧酸酯是一类重要的精细化学品,合成该类化合物的传统方法主要分两步进行,即先制备乙二醇单烷基醚,再将之与羧酸或其衍生物经酯化反应得目标产物。新开发的环氧乙烷对羧酸酯的插入式反应将上述两步反应缩减为一步反应,并使原子经济性达到100%。已见报道的催化羧酸酯与环氧乙烷的插入乙氧基化反应的催化剂主要有DBU(1,8-diazabicyclo [5.4.0] undec-7-ene)及其类似物、Lewis酸与有机胺的复合物、烷氧基碱土金属盐和铝镁复合氧化物等,其中铝镁复合氧化物催化活性高、产物分布性窄、安全性好以及性价比高等优点使其更具开发价值。
The (poly) ethylene glycol monoalkyl ether carboxylic acid esters (PEGMAECAEs)are vital fine chemicals, and are widely used in many fields due to the different acyl groups,(poly) ethylene glycol or alkoxy blocks in the molecules. Usually, PEGMAECAEs areprepared via a two-step synthetic route with ethylene glycol, alcohol, and carboxylic acidas starting materials. Novel one pot synthetic strategy with carboxylic esters and ethyleneoxide as raw materials is more atomic economy than the multi-step procedures. The onepot procedure was catalyzed by DBU (1,8-diazabicyclo [5.4.0] undec-7-ene) and theanalogues, the composite of Lewis acid and organic base, alkoxy alkaline earth metal saltor Al/Mg composite oxide. In which, Al/Mg composite oxide was one of the potentialindustrial development value due to the higher catalytic activity, narrower productdistribution, security and higher cost performance of products.
     Using Al-Mg composite oxide as the catalyst, home or abroad, including ourresearching team had successfully developed one-step inserted ethoxylation of carboxylicesters such as ethyl acetate, the long-chain fatty acid methyl esters, oil and grease.However, whether the catalytic technologies could be extended to the raw materials suchas methyl methacrylate, phenyl acrylate, phenyl acetate, and vinyl acetate is still unknown.The key breakthrough of the above raw materials restrictions lies in the comprehensiveunderstanding the inherent laws of one-step inserted ethoxylation of carboxylic esterswhich was influenced by the building blocks in the molecules. Hence, the most importantquestion of this paper is to explore the relationship between the residue blocks and thereactivity of carboxylic esters.
     Our laboratory and other research teams have been developed the insertedethoxylation techniques of many carboxylic esters with significant industrializationpotential, while such technology has not been promoted in a large-scale. The majorobstacle of the novel technology with industrialization potential was the catalystpreparation. Therefore, the second key problem is to explore suitable catalyst preparationprocess.
     In response to those two bottlenecks problems, the inserted ethoxyaltion with thecarboxylic esters of different residue blocks was studied, the inherent laws of the affectionof the residue blocks was deduced. The promoting factors of the reaction were alsoinvestigated. At the same time, the most useful process for the synthesis of Al-Mgcomposite oxide catalyst was optimized. Based on the above-mentioned conditions, theprocess conditions of the catalyst preparation both in laboratory scale and the expansionpilot scale were also investigated. Within the scope of this study, the following main resultsand conclusions were reached.
     The spatial effect and the electronic effect of the carboxylic ester feedstock withdifferent residues blocks were investigated by the initiating temperature, activation energy,product selectivity and the reaction competitive in the system with different ester groups.The main findings of the present study were as follows: The fundamental element of the ethoxylation rate, the reaction competitives and the product selectivity was the chemicalbond natures of the raw materials or the inermediates. By the influence of electronic effectsand spatial effects of the residues, the overall performance of the reaction was promotedwith the longer bond length or smaller steric effect of the esters. The promotedperformance of the reaction was manifested as lower initiating temperature, higher reactionrate and lower activation energy. The conclusions of the above can be better explain thefollowing experimental results:(1) In the carboxylic ester feedstock of different estergroups, the inserted ethoxylation reaction prefer to occurring in the bond of longer length,so the main product of the ethoxylation of methyl4-acetyloxybenzoate and ethylene oxidewas methyl4-(2-acetoxyethoxy) benzoate.(2) In the carboxylic ester feedstock withdifferent bond length, the inserted ethoxylation reaction prefer to occurring in themolecular with longer bond length, therefore the main product of the ethoxylation ofphenyl acetate was ethylene glycol phenyl ether acetate and the main product of theethoxylation of the hydroquinone diacetate was4-(2-acetoxyethoxy) phenyl acetate.(3)Since the ethoxylated product of carboxylic ester was still carboxylic ester, the novelintermediates could react with ethylene oxide by inserted ethoxylation strategy. However,the bond nature such as bond length and the steric effect, were different between thestarting material and the intermediates, therefore the subsequent inserted ethoxylation ratewas varying with the bond nature changed: due to the steric effect enhanced, the reactionrate of the ethoxylation of methyl laurate was declining; due to the steric effect weakened,the reaction rate of the ethoxylation of palm stearin was increasing; due to the weakersteric effect of both the starting material and the intermediates, the reaction rate of ethylacetate or methyl methacrylate with ethylene oxide was almost constant value; due to theintermediate’s bond length shorter than raw material, the reaction rate of phenyl acetatewas drastically decreasing; affected by the medium-tension of the ring of the cycliccompounds, the ethoxylation reaction rate of the γ-butyrolactone was very slow at first,then gradually increased as the reaction progressing, the reaction rate increased rapidly andreached a constant value after the average adduct number of about3.3.
     To find the other contributing factors of the inserted ethoxylation of carboxylic esters,some other factors such as reaction temperature, pressure, solvents, and additives were alsoinvestigated. Experimental results show that:(1) the reaction rate could be effectivelyimproved by the reaction temperature or pressure increasing;(2) the reaction rate couldalso be improved by using petroleum ether as solvent which reduced the viscosity of thereaction mixture;(3) the reaction performance was changed by inserting additives inreaction systems due to the different promoted role: The alkaline additives or acidicadditives could neutralize the active site of the catalyst respectively, leading to the decreasein the total active sites of the catalyst, therefore the addition of lauric acid, cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA), lauryl alcohol and otheradditives could reduce the reaction rate of methyl laurate; the addition of aluminumtrichloride and triethylamine could reduce the reaction rate of methyl methacrylatedrastically; due to the weak interaction between inorganic salt and the catalyst, the additionof potassium iodide almost no effect the reaction rate of methyl laurate; the influence of additives to the reaction selectivity of phenyl acrylate was also investigated, the resultwas that the addition of Lewis acid such as BF_3, AlCl_3or room temperature ionic liquidsuch as [MIMPS]_3PW_(12)O_(40)reduced the yield of GPA; the addition of inorganic basessuch as Na_2CO_3, NaHCO_3,NaOH, NH3, the organic bases such as N(Et)_3, hexamethylenetetramine, the room temperature ionic liquid such as MIMPS, BMIMCl, and potassiumhalide additives improved the yield of GPA.
     Al–Mg composite oxide with higher specific surface areas, Bronsted acidic activesites and medium strength alkaline active sites, was prepared by coprecipitate procedure,which could catalyze the ethoxylation of ethylene oxide and fatty alcohol such asdodecanol and the inserted ethoxylation of ethylene oxide and the carboxylic ester. Todiscover a process in pilot scale of the catalyst preparation, and optimize the preparationconditions of the catalyst, the efficiency of the catalyst preparation was evaluated by thefiltration rate of the catalyst precursor. The catalytic activity of the catalyst wascharacterized by the inserted ethoxylation of methyl laurate. Using NH3-(NH4)2CO_3andNaOH-Na_2CO_3complex as the precipitating agent, the catalyst with high activity wasobtained by efficiency of the catalyst preparation procedure. With a molar ratio of4:6,NH3-(NH4)2CO_3NaOH-Na_2CO_3as precipitant, the catalyst precursors suspensionfiltration rate was3.1times faster than that of NaOH-Na_2CO_3as precipitant, the catalyticactivity of the resulting catalyst was2.3gEO/gCat/min. The optimized reactionconditions were as follows:200g/L Al-Mg salts mixture, a feed rate of10mL/min, slowmechanical stirring of300rounds/min, and aging at70oC for further6h. The catalystactivity under the optimized conditions was2.4gEO/gCat/min.
     The effects of different process on catalyst activity and the efficiency of the catalystpreparation were studied. The main findings of the present study were as follows: in aproper and stable pH environment, a large proportion back mixing and weak shearing forcecould effective control the formation of nuclei and the crystal growth rate of Al-Mg ion,result in the higher catalytic activity on the expanded pilot scale, and the efficiency of thepreparation was greatly improved. The conclusions of this study could better explain thefollowing experimental results:(1) in the mixed pump-batch mixing process, with theincrease in the proportion of material back mixing, the preparation of the catalystefficiency and the catalytic activity was improved;(2) since the subsequent batches of agreater proportion of back mixing, the catalyst efficiency and the catalytic activity washigher than that in the previous batch by the continuously feeding-batch mixing processesand static mixing-the batch mixing process;(3) due to the mixing shear significantlyenhanced in the mixed pump, the catalyst efficiency and the catalytic activity by the mixedpump-batch mixing process was lower than the other procedure.
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