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With the development of urbanization, globalization and informatization, urban agglomeration plays a strategic supporting point, a growth pole and a core node in national productivity distribution patterns, as well as a number of ecological and environmental problems Centralized intensification highly sensitive areas and key management areas, there is an urgent need to analyze the situation of ecological carrying capacity of urban agglomerations, to distinguish sustainable development trends, in order to seek effective methods and countermeasures to solve the contradiction between economic development and ecological environment.
     According to Literature information at home and abroad collecting and finishing urban agglomerations theory, ecological economics theory, ecological carrying capacity theory and sustainable development theory, using system analysis method, theoretical and empirical analysis law, time and space combination method, and interdisciplinary research law, the frame of ecological carrying capacity mechanism in urban agglomerations was soluted based on sustainable development. Composite Logistic development model, and resources supply balance analysis model, ecological carrying capacity index system was established. The structure, function, operation mechanism and the carrying situation of ecological economic system of urban agglomerations based on sustainable development was studied comprehensively integrated,which becomes the basis and tool of research and practice to describe the problem, system evaluation, prediction, control, management, monitoring, decision-making of urban agglomerations sustainable development.
     According to the model of ecological carrying capacity of urban agglomeration based on the sustainable development, on the basis of analysis of ecological economy system in ChangZhutan urban agglomeration, made statistical analysis and mathematical calculation with the evaluation indexes of the optimal structure, pulse and diagnosis of the evolution of ecological carrying capacity in ChangZhutan urban agglomeration from2000to2011, judged the situation of sustainable development in ChangZhutan urban agglomeration, it showed that the sustainable development status of ChangZhutan urban agglomeration was not optimistic.
     Through the research, simulation and analysis of the urban agglomerations development model, combined with its own history, current situation and opportunities, the optional development model of ChangZhutan urban agglomerations about population, social, economic, industry and ecological environment was supported, the Maneuverability countermeasure with upgrade regional ecological carrying capacity was explored in order to provide a scientific method for the ChangZhutan urban agglomerations sustainable development.
     Based on the perspective of sustainable development, as the core of ecological carrying capacity, from the macro to the micro, from the government to the public, from production to consumption, from theory to practice, oriented measures, promotion path and countermeasures to improve ecological carrying capacity of ChangZhutan urban agglomerations were set up, in order to provide the constructive opinion for ChangZhutan urban agglomerations "two type society", ecological civilization and the construction of low carbon economy,which was of important significance for major issues ChangZhutan urban agglomerations of ecological economic planning, regional planning, ecological planning, development strategy, land improvement, economic development.
     This paper had improved and perfected theory system about ecological carrying capacity of urban agglomerations based on sustainable development, has enriched regional ecological economic development theory of urban agglomerations; According to the characteristics of the ecological economic system, based on the organic combination of emergy analysis and ecological footprint, the improved ecological footprint model based on energy analysis was set up; Based on DPSIR framework and carrying mechanism, simulating urban agglomeration in the hierarchical structure of the ecological economic system, urban agglomeration index system of ecological carrying capacity of five layers based on the sustainable development were creatively constructed, concuding a total of70index, comprehensively reflecting the connotation of ecological carrying capacity of urban agglomerations based on the sustainable development; The ecological carrying design concept was run through innovativly the process of ecological economic planning in the changzhutan urban agglomeration; According to the environmental Kuznets curve of changzhutan urban agglomeration, studying and drawing lessons from the domestic and foreign advanced experience of urban agglomerations, the leapfrog development curve was designed, the method of the leapfrog development of changzhutan urban agglomeration was put forward.
     Due to limitations in current levels of theory development, restriction of my knowledge structures, theory, practice, and research methods were need to be further expanded and improved.
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