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Suspended chain moving aeration, as a new aeration technology both at home and abroad in the field of wastewater treatment, has lots of practical applications duo to its high efficiency, less investment, and flexible maintainability. However, the current domestic and international researches study little on suspended chain oscillation mechanism and effect of hydraulic condition on oxygen transfer. A fundamental investigation on oscillation mechanism and fluid dynamics of suspension chain moving aeration would be very beneficial to the optimization of aeration operation and to the design of high efficiency aerator structure and extension of their applications.
     The purpose of aeration is to maintain a certain gas‐liquid contact area by producing a large amount of bubbles. In the complex aeration process, bubble formation is one of the important stages in determining aeration efficiency. So the objective of the paper is to study the bubble formation generated from a flexible orifice and establish a flexible orifice bubble size prediction model. In this way, the size of the bubble generated from suspended chain aerator can be predicted and it can conclude how the orifice parameters, bubble size, and aeration efficiency are related to each other. The results show that flexible orifice can make smaller bubbles, and increasing the number of orifices will reduce gas velocity and bubble size.
     Moving aeration is the most distinguished characteristic that differentiates suspended chain aeration from others. Analysis of its movement is beneficial to grasping the working mechanism of suspended chain. A two‐dimension dynamic model of suspended chain has been established. With this model, the relationship between its nonlinear properties and random oscillation can be made and it can conclude that the energy in the oscillation mainly focuses on low frequency band. Moreover, the analysis suggests that the random oscillation is in favor of oxygen transfer and aeration efficiency improvement.
     As for the factors influencing aeration efficiency, hydraulic conditions, which influence the oxygen mass transfer and diffusion of dissolved oxygen, is one of the most important factors. But it is extremely difficult to experimentally study the details of flow patterns in aeration tank because there are the interaction and strong coupling between liquid and gas phases and the presence of a large amount of bubbles. In recent years, with the development of computational fluid dynamics and mass transfer, the numerical simulation has gradually become an important means for studying the flow field. Based on Eulerian‐Eulerian two fluid models and oxygen mass transfer model, numerical simulation of moving aeration flow field has been conducted through a compiled OpenFOAM program. The simulation results reveal the reasons for the higher oxygen transfer efficiency of suspended chain aeration. The results also show that moving aeration causes the slower rising bubbles, the more uniform flow, and the earlier and more frequent vortex flow in the lower part of aeration tank, which are the reasons for the increase in the total gas holdup, acceleration of diffusion of dissolve oxygen and improvement of volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient and oxygen transfer rate. In the future, it is a possible direction that suspended chain aerator design starts from optimizing uniform liquid flow and increasing vortex flow in the lower part of aeration tank.
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