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Low voltage power line communication has broad application perspective. The characteristic of Low voltage PLC in the heavy and attenuation makes distance of communication short and security bad. The paper presents using Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA) to solve the problem of PLC route. This dynamic route network can advance capability of resisting disturbance. It can overcome bad reliability that restricts application of PLC.
     The present state of PLC is introduced in this paper. The current mode of building network and its disadvantage are expatiated. The theory of ACA, its domains of application, present research state and direction of research are analyzed. The dynamic route technology based on Ant ACA is presented in the paper. It is a new model of network construction in PLC.
     The topology model of PLC is designed. The feasibility of dynamic route PLC network based on ACA is simulated using Matlab. The algorithmic characteristic of robust and speediness are compared. The simulation provides academic foundation for the application of arithmetic.
     The street lamp monitor network is simulated as a typical application ensample. The characteristic of arithmetic is analyzed in this network with constraint Point to low voltage power indiscernible network. The arithmetic capabilities of searching and optimizing routes are analyzed through simulation in this network. The paper offers a method to solve the puzzle.
     Point to the phenomenon of load unbalance about ACS, The paper Bring forward alterable visibility arithmetic and alterable initial pheromone arithmetic. The simulation proves Amended arithmetic can make load more balanceable. The quality of route and the cost are compared using different arithmetic.
     The realizing process of dynamic route arithmetic is expatiated The PLC module is designed and task of arithmetic is distributed. The programme of ACA is designed in this paper. The rebuilding mode and renovating strategy are discussed. Based on this hardware, ACS dynamic route arithmetic is realized in narrowband PLC network. The layer design of transparent transmission network is brought forward.
     Point to the result of experiment using ACA to construct network, the tspatio-temporal characteristics of arithmetic are analyzed. The quality of arithmetic is expatiated.
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