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It is common in the present world that developing countries catch-up developed countries in technology and economics. However, developing countries and their enterprises are facing such crises as comparative advantage pitfall and the transfer from the advantage of backwardness to the disadvantage of backwardness. Under such circumstances, this paper seeks to study the theoretical significance and practical basis of technology leapfrog and concludes that technology leapfrog is an inevitable way and strategic choice for developing countries and their enterprises to realize technological and economic advancement.
    Main Contents
    Firstly, this paper puts forward a conception system of technological leapfrog as the theoretical basis. Based on literature review, this paper establishes a complete conception system of technological leapfrog and applies statistic methods to the study of technology generation and technological leapfrog, with the development of mobile communication as the case. Moreover, Classified with different frames of reference, the concept of technological leapfrog is more perspicuity and enriched with both theories and practical content.
    Secondly, chances of technological leapfrog are studied from three dimensions including the micro, the mediate and the macro. It is pointed out that the windows of technological leapfrog opportunity are brought to when one technological trajectory evolves to another. When the technology evolves on the same technological trajectory, except that technological leapfrog can be realized with the transition of the sub-technological trajectories, chances of dominant technology leapfrog should be sought if the technology limit is reached. From the perspective of tech-unit, there are chances of growing technological leapfrog for developing countries in virtue of the advantage of backwardness and comparative advantage, with the technology more specialized, smaller the tech-unit and lower entrance barrier. As technology develops and the tech-unit grows larger, developing countries can make heavy investment to realize technological leapfrog by right of strong national will. When the tech-unit becoming larger are caused
    by the incompatibility of relevant technologies, technological leapfrog can be realized through the establishment of High-Tech Park to create the supporting environment, with combined act of both state and market. From the perspective of technological group structure, the three different temporal evolutionary routes of technological group provide rules for different types of technological leapfrog. Meanwhile, the theory of structural evolvement of technological group indicates respects and emphases for enterprises to launch the technological leapfrog strategy. There are chances of growing technological leapfrog to develop fundamental technology and intermediate technology first and to realize special technology breakthrough after that. Besides, there is also inspiration that we should make full use of the chances of technological leapfrog brought by the heterogeneity and complementarity of the technological group structure in different countries and industries.
    Thirdly, this paper makes a systematic study of the general process and laws of technological leapfrog and puts forward an integrated model of technological leapfrog, which indicates that technological leapfrog is a systematic and convergent process based on knowledge flow. Technology scan, as well as its significance and important methods, is
    studied. This paper also studies the choice of breakthrough point of technological leapfrog, defines the connotation of breakthrough point and raises the nine principles to select the breakthrough point of technological leapfrog. Mathematical analysis is also applied to the study of the choice of mutex breakthrough point in technological leapfrog with real options method. The critical points are also studied. Based on a clear definition and symbolic description of critical points, the mechanism of its appearance is analyzed and quantitative study is applied t
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