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The number of patents and patent industrialization level is an important sign of weighing the national independent innovation ability. Since a long time, China has had a large amount of patent applications, but the proportion of effective patent and the industrialized patent is low. Under the background of the implementation of innovation strategy and construction an innovative nation, patent industrialization has become a prominent and important problem for our country. During the process of patent industrialization, the interaction of various elements involved formed the mechanism of patent industrialization in the environment of market economy, and the mechanism is the booster for promotion of patent production use and industrialization. Faced with the dramatic changes in the external environment and the increasing competition in the technology market, China not only need the effective patent industrialization mechanism, but also need a set of scientific and reasonable patent industrialization mechanism evaluation system to evaluate and supervise on the operational effect of the industrialization mechanism. Therefore, to research how to evaluate quantitively the effectiveness of the mechanism of patent industrialization has great significance to fully play the role of industrialization mechanism and promote the work of patent industrialization.
     The paper applied theories and knowledge of many disciplines comprehensively including management science, science of sciences, statistics and stochastic process. Beginning from the basic theories and the literature research about the effectiveness of patent industrialization mechanism, the paper defined the concept of patent industrialization, the mechanism of patent industrialization and the effectiveness of patent industrialization mechanism scientifically based on clarifying the relationship in concepts among technology, innovation and patent and clearing up the exploitation of patent, patent utilization, patent operation, patent transformation and the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.
     The paper analyzed the structure and characteristics of the patent industrialization system and the main bodies and elements included in the system, then it put forward the conceptual model of patent industrialization mechanism composed of power mechanism, transformation mechanism, profit mechanism, motivation mechanism and coordination mechanism. On the basis of depth interview with the main bodies of patent industrialization, we got to know the specific performance of the mechanism in different bodies, and through the analysis of the effect in various stage during patent industrialization process, the paper revealed the running status quo and problems of current patent industrialization mechanism in China.
     Based on the theory of random process, it divided the running process of patent industrialization mechanism into7different status, then set up the Semi-Markov Process (SMP) model to describe the transition among the status, designed5evaluating indicators and constructed the Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) model to evaluate the effectiveness of the mechanism, further applied Bayesian Network (BN) to inference and synthesize the evaluating indicators to get the comprehensive value of mechanism effectiveness.
     Making use of the evaluation model of-nechanism effectiveness, the paper conducted an empirical evaluation for China's current patent industrialization mechanism; the result indicated that mechanism effectiveness is so so, and revealed the key points of enhancing the mechanism effectiveness based on comparative analysis with some theoretical mechanism whose effectiveness is good and the sensitivity analysis of parameters involved in the evaluation model of mechanism effectiveness. Finally, it put forward some countermeasures to enhance the mechanism effectiveness of patent industrialization for China.
     The main innovations are as following:
     (1) The paper systematically analyzed the main bodies and elements involved in the patent industrialization process and proposed that all the factors which improve or restrict patent industrialization and their comprehensive impact could be summarized into the patent industrialization mechanism, then defined scientifically the concepts of patent industrialization, the mechanism of patent industrialization and the effectiveness of patent industrialization mechanism, creating a new perspective on patent industrialization research, enriching and developing the theory of technology innovation, perfecting the theory system about patent industrialization in China.
     (2) Based on the theory of random process, it abstracted the patent at different stages during the running process of patent industrialization mechanism as different statuses including the patent research, application, granting, usage, industrialization, sleeping and discarding. Based on the overall consideration of the process, effect and the characteristics of the mechanism, the paper designed the mechanism effectiveness evaluating indicators and proposed an approach of mechanism effectiveness evaluation according to stages.
     (3) The paper adopted the SMP to build the transition model among the various statuses and constructed an evaluation model of patent industrialization mechanism effectiveness applying the DTMC and BN methods, then quantitatively evaluated the mechanism effectiveness of patent industrialization in China for the first time, thus making the quantitative evaluation of mechanism effectiveness come true and improving the accuracy of the evaluation. The paper provided a new research method for related issues research and expanded the application of Markov model to social science research area.
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