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The research and application of therapeutic cloning, have bigness of latent value to maintain and promote the health of mankind, but this can also cause some ethical and social problems. Analyzed the focus problems of the ethics issue about the therapeutic cloning and the attitude of the international community, also studied how to face this hot point problem in our country. Based on the all-round description of the therapeutic cloning technology, this paper puts forward the opinion of making the strict distinction between the therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning ,analyzes on the influence of the therapeutic cloning technology from the angle of the dialectical philosophy, and point out that only the therapeutic cloning can promote the sustainable development of the human society, and should put the ethics and law into the developing frame of the therapeutic cloning technology, and give full play to the promoting function of the science and technology for the human society.
     The paper holds that therapeutic cloning matches the life ethics, mankind need treatment of clone. The main argument for therapeutic cloning is a huge potential to cure many kinds of diseases; the moral status of human embryo doesn't impede the controlled use of embryo for the humanitarian aim of curing disease and saving life. Guided the certain ethics principle, the development of therapeutic cloning technology benefits to the health and the longevity of mankind, makes for the sustainable development of human society. The people of whole society should understand and support the research of therapeutic cloning.
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