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The network law is an emerging family rules and regulations study domain, in a network law important branch is to the network game industry correlation research. But in network game industry, also take virtual property as the core. Virtual property this emerging social phenomenon, as a result of in the academic circles and the judicial world to its legal attribute understanding existence difference, in the legislation also relatively is at the blank the vacuum state, then caused the law circle to be suitable, and in the academic viewpoint dispute in view of the virtual property document law, indicate legal lag. There are so far no specific provisions regulating this newly emerged virtual property. As the popularity and development of the network games, virtual property which are accumulated by the players are infringed on more easily in real society. More and more people become to concern the protection of it. However, it still exists some legal difficulties in protecting it in our country. Presently, people take two contrary views (affirmative and negative) on the attribute and legal protection of virtual property in network games. People who hold negative opinions sees property as static, without noticing that the objects of property rights are enriched with the development of economy and technology. In fact, virtual property has usefulness, scarcity and exchange nature, that is, possesses all basic attribute of property. So, virtual property can be regard as actual wealth in terms of the same attribute and characteristics of virtual property with actual one.
     By analyzing the differences between virtual property and traditional property, this paper demonstrates the property attribute of virtual property and discusses the reasons why virtual property should be protected, its ownership. The players obtain the virtual property by their efforts .The runners preserve it in the server while have no right to modify or cancel it. So the proprietary rights belong to the players. Many foreign countries have stipulated laws to protect it .Our country must recognize this form of property by law and protect it .The first case about virtual property of network game, the public paying attention to, lasted half a year. In Dec.23th, 2004 the trial of first instance came to an end. Mr.Li, the plaintiff, won lawsuit. He took back his lost equipment as his wishes. As for whether the virtual equipment belongs to the property, the court had a judgment. The court declared that the virtual equipment should achieve legal evaluation and relief because it is one of virtual properties in circumstances of network game though it is invisible. Since the players should spend money on the time and equipment of the game when they take part in the game, the virtual equipment has its value. For the point, virtual property definitely tends to become legal property. Admitting the property attribute of the virtual property of network games will help to protect the legal interests of the network games users and put forward the healthy development of the network games economy.
     At the same time acts according to the network virtual property the characteristic as well as the common dispute form, contempt to seek including with the virtual property correlation civil dispute, the criminal offense, the consumer rights special protection, the correlation main body presents evidence the responsibility and so on a series of feasible strong law to be suitable the way and the correlation main body right relief plan, provides the model function for virtual property correlation legislation and the judicature.
     Generally the protection for the virtual property is practical and important. The legislation is bound up with not only the players' benefit but the development of network game. When the players and the public make efforts on it, the protection for virtual property can be approached. Protecting virtual property in the network games to the fulfillment constitution and the development of the national economy contain important meaning. Now the network games industry in our country develops quickly, and our legislature should prescript the attribute to virtual property as soon as possible. They should make some judiciary definitions to the question, and then make law when everything is smooth.
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