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The notion of“burnout”was advocated in 1974 by Freudenberg in America, which was used to describe the people who are tired both in psychomethy and physiology under the pressure from work, lower successfulness, reduced feeling but could not relax. The key stymptoms of the“burnout”are emotion burnout, despersonality and low personal feeling of achievements.
     The study materials both home and abroad stute that the“burnout”is one of the jobs which undertakes highest pressure. The“burnout”of teachers take a serious effect on students, teachers, school teaching, so it’s meaningful to study this subject.
     This study will stand on the foundation of former people with the use of ask and answer ways, cases studying ways which will focus on“burnout”, counter effect, and the countermeasures.
     They are four parts in all.
     First part, the background and meaning of study. It summaries the studying background of“burnout”, describes and analyses the recent conditions of“burnout”of teachers, expatiates the theoretical and practical worthiness.
     Second part, the theoretical discussion on“burnout”. First, give the definition“burnout”and make it clearly about the related theory patterns, main ideas and the measuring ways.
     Third part , the research theory on“burnout”of biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang city. This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the“burnout”, lower successfulness, individualize. This essay gives a deep analysis on the reason for recent conditions of teaching.
     Forth part, the Side- effect of“burnout”in middle school biology teachers. First of all, on the basis of interview, with the help of case analyzing , we have analyzed the counter effect on“burnout”will have a big Side- effects, on teachers , teaching career, students.
     Fifth part, elimination and prevention measures on middle school biology teachers , in order to eliminate and prevent the counter effects of“burnout”, this essay advances the preventional measures of outer environment controlling , teachers’ability of environment adapting strengthening , from society, school, teachers.
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