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     本研究将江苏省高中体育教师作为调查对象。第一部分调查所使用的问卷是当前国际上被认为最公正、应用最广泛的职业倦怠测量工具《马氏量表》,(Maslach Burnout Inventory,简称MBI),对江苏省500余名高中体育教师进行的职业倦怠情况测试,并用SPSS14.0进行统计分析。通过对不同性别、教龄与所在不同类别的学校等人口学变量对体育教师职业倦怠总体情况以及职业倦怠三个不同维度进行比较,结果发现:(1)江苏省体育教师的职业倦怠已经普遍存在,体育教师的职业倦怠程度整体处于中等偏高水平。(2)从整体来看,女体育教师的倦怠程度要略高于男体育教师,并显示出不同的特点。在情绪衰竭维度上,女体育教师在此维度的得分略高于男性但存在的差异不十分显著;在去人性化维度上,男教师平均得分要明显高于女教师,差异达到显著水平。在个人成就感维度上,男教师的平均分明显低于女教师,差异十分显著。(3)乡镇体育教师在职业倦怠程度上要高于城市体育教师。(4)体育教师的职称、教龄对教师职业倦怠在一个或多个维度上都有显著的影响。(5)体育教师所在学校地域和学校的级别在职业倦怠各维度上存在差异。(6)学校的性质影响体育教师职业倦怠的程度。
The notion of job burnout was advocated by Freudenberger in 1974. The research of job burnout has much comprehensive production in the departed 30 years by the experts and scholars from home and abroad. And the study of this field is emphasized by researchers and it even extends to the field of teaching. Teachers work under the great pressure of their job. Many people pay great attention to teachers' burnout because burnout is common to teachers. Job burnout has been becoming the focus of international society gradually. In recent years, some researchers also put the theory of job burnout into many concrete subjects in the middle school. That is to say, more and more researchers begin to notice the differences of the job burnout among the teachers who teach different subjects.
     The high school PE teachers in Jiangsu province were regarded as the object of our study. We use Maslach Burnout Inventory, an internationally recognized and used job burnout questionnaire, in the investigation. More than 500 high school PE teachers were invested in this survey, and SPSS14.0 was applied to analyze the data. There are significant different development levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and efficiency dimensions among demographic statistics variables, such as: different genders, different teaching ages and different schools they are belonged to. The results are as follows: job burnout is prevalent in high school PE teachers in Jiangsu province. The teachers' job burnout is not quite serious on the whole. The job burnout of female PE teachers is more serious than that of male PE teachers, but shows in different characteristics. The teachers who work in the rural high schools receive higher burnout score than those in the city schools. The rank, school age brought significant effect to teachers’burnout. The type of the school and the nature of the school affect teachers’burnout.
     Base on the first questionnaire, we formatted the teachers’burnout effective factors inventory to find out the deep-rooted factors that cause job burnout. It all proceeded from reality and the questions are all screened strictly. The results are as follows: We found that many factors could generate burnout and they had different effect to the three respects of burnout. The social factors, human relation factors and occupation factors brought effect to emotional exhaustion, while the school factors and occupation factors bought significant effect to teachers’reduced personal accomplishment. Social factors, school factors, human relation factors and occupation factors brought effect to depersonalization.
     The last part of the text is the countermeasures and suggestions to cope with PE teachers’burnout in high schools in Jiangsu province. The strategy to solve the problem should be multi-level and multidimensional including social factors, school factors, occupation factors, human relation factors, and personal factors.
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