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     4.在系统集成方面研究了基于分布式技术的三层体系结构、大型非结构化数据的远程存储和读取技术、基于OLE自动化技术的CATIA V5的二次开发以及该软件与智能化设计系统集成的方法。
The modern market economy is characterized by the rapidly progressing science and technology and the transient and variable information and the more and more fierce competition, that brings the enterprises many changes and chances. It is necessary for an enterprise's survival and development to improve the competitiveness of its products and to rapidly respond to the requirement of the market and to make the best and most profitable management and decision. Effective management decision emphasizes on the exact and timely product data, and it must base on the scientific and rational planning and design of the product technical proposal. So to improve the integration and intelligence of the product design system and to achieve the integration of the product development and decision can enhance the scientificity and rationality and the ability of rapid response to market change of the enterprise as well as improve the quality and reduce the cost and shorten developing period of its products.
    Under the whole frame of the effective management and decision system, aiming at how to shorten the developing period of the products and how to provide the reliable and timely data for evaluation and decision system, the theories and the methods of the part and component intelligent design and the mechanical process intelligent design and the mould intelligent design and the integrated intelligent design system are studied and discussed. The key technologies and the realization of these aspects are also debated; an integrated and intelligent design system for disc spring is developed. The article focuses its study on the following aspects:
    1. As to the product design, from the view of knowledge processing, the methods of intelligent design are researched; the main technologies and their implementation are also researched;
    2. In the area of process planning and design, the classification of the part based on its features' recognition and the means of the construction of process knowledge base and the half generative process design using the typical process and reasoning are studied;
    3. In mould design, the top-down and bottom-up design methods are debated, and the technology to set up the standard parts base in mould design and the mould
    functional analysis and conceptual design and structural design based on assembly templates and virtual part technologies are also discussed;
    4. About the integrated system, the three-tier architecture of the system based on the distributed technology and the technology of remote saving and reading of big non-structural data and the methods of second-time development of CAD software CATIA V5 and seamless integration between the CAD software and integrated intelligent design system based on OLE automation are explained.
    The developed integrated intelligent system for disc spring not only can carry though the raw technical proposal of the disc spring and manage the quick exploitation of a new disc spring product, but also can provide the accurate and timely data for the management decision of the enterprise. And the raw technical proposal not only can instruct the following detailed design, but also presents a new way for shorting the product-exploiting period and improving the competitiveness of the products and provides a new approach for realizing the integration of the products exploitation and decision and improving the promptitude and reliability of the decision.
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