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The dissertation studies the mechanism of cooperation between industry-led vocational colleges and enterprises. Firstly according to the economic mechanism design theory, it determines that the idea of studying the cooperation mechanisms is determining the factors of influencing the cooperation; analyzing the factors and their relationships; constructing the cooperation mechanism. Secondly, it analyzes the factors by historical study, survey and research, empirical studies and literature study. Lastly, by using the market economic theory, system theory, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory, it studies these above factors and the cooperation mechanism. The thesis is divided into nine chapters:
     Chapter Ⅰ, Introduction. It introduces the purpose, the meaning, the method and technology roadmap, the framework, the key concept and theoretical basis of the whole study. In addition to these, there is also a review of related literature. Then it determines the direction of research.
     Chapter Ⅱ, Analysis of the types of industry-led vocational colleges in China. It analyses this kind of vocational colleges as a whole, including its type, features and advantages. According to the nature, this kind of colleges is divided into three categories:led by government sectors which manage the industry, led by large national enterprises Group, and co-managed by administrative department of education and industry sector. The three categories have the same history of coexisting with industry, and have the same distinctive industrial advantages. The most significant is that they can make use of the industry sector's planned regulation or administrative means to carry out the cooperation, which the other vocational colleges cannot have. This chapter determines the starting point of the historical study.
     Chapter Ⅲ, Historical study of the college-cooperation development. From the historical dimension, the development is divided into three stages:the first stage is from the1950s to the mid-1980s, based on the plan mechanism, which has a strong attachment to the plan and prescriptive; the second stage is1986-2002, during which the school-enterprise cooperation had been increasingly estranged, and the plan mechanism disappearing; the third stage is since2002, during which various forms of cooperation have been raising and the cooperation range gradually expanding from the inside of the system to the outside, the cooperation mechanism is transforming to market one. Historical experience shows that there are many factors affecting the college-enterprise cooperation, including the economic system, the mode of economic development, the evaluation system of the enterprise, the top-level design of the Higher Vocational Education and so on.
     Chapter IV, Survey of the college-enterprise cooperation. It shows that the existing cooperation models are still concentrated in order training;, corporate internships, employee training, training base construction, and it will take a long time to build the high-level cooperation model. The colleges and the enterprises share the view that the lack of information communication is the primary constraint to the cooperation.
     Chapter V, Empirical studies of the college-enterprise cooperation mechanism. The dissertation selects several typical cooperation patterns to analyze, including the mode based Industrial Park, the mode of building technology research centers toether, the mode of building the secondary colleges together, the mode of building two-division teaching team under the auspices of the Group companies, the mode of building student studio together. It sums up that the factors affecting the cooperation include the mainly educational philosophy and innovative institutional leadership and decision-making ability; the capacity of the implementation layer; the institutions'internal management mechanism; enterprise's business philosophy; the enterprises'need for talent, technology and market development; the strategic positioning and the development concept of the industry sector; the sector's position in the industry; the attention and support of the local government; local economic and industrial development planning, etc. It also realizes that based on practical experience, industry authorities may give a short-term plan regulation or even administrative means to support the cooperation, but the long-term cooperation is still required the colleges to foster the awareness of the market economy and strong internal skills to provide quality services, in order to win the cooperation.
     Chapter VI, Analysis and mode construction of the influencing factors. By using the Delphi method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, it sorts the most important factor influencing the cooperation is the colleges, followed by businesses, central government, industry authorities and local governments. According to the system theory, college-enterprise cooperation is a cross-coupled and contradictory unity formed by various factors. Among them, the supply and demand relationship between schools and enterprises is the core and foundation, and the college is the principal square of this contradiction.
     Chapter VII, Rational analysis and construction of the college-enterprise cooperation mechanism. Firstly, according to the socialist market economic theory, the mechanism of cooperation between industry-led vocational colleges and enterprises should be based on market mechanisms and supplemented by planned regulation of the industry sector. This is determined by the socialist market economy and the characteristics of the colleges. Secondly, because the system is time-varying, the cooperation mechanism is not static, changing with time, place and the environment changing. With the transformation of the mode of economic growth, the continuous progress of the college-enterprise cooperation and the convergence of understanding on cooperation in educating students, both colleges and enterprises will be integrated and form the cooperation mechanism dominated by the values which will be the highest level of cooperation. According to the change models, the current cooperation mechanism is developing from the initial stage to the intermediary stage. So perfecting the mechanism should take into account the market one in which the Mutual benefit and win-win is the core, the country's macro-control mechanism and the industry's planned regulation.
     Chapter VIII, Sovolution to several important issues of the cooperation mechanism. On the basis of the above theoretical analysis, drawing on historical experience, practical experience and international experience, the paper puts forward some methods to solve the key issues of cooperation mechanism:(1)The capacity building of the colleges is the key to solve all the problems, it is the root of promoting the cooperation to development sustainably. The capacities include the educational philosophy, decision-making and innovation capacity, information gathering and communication mechanisms, cooperation decision-making mechanism, cooperation enforcement mechanisms.(2) The country's macro-control mechanism is the key to regulate and promote the cooperation. One of the most important is that the top-level design of the national higher vocational education.(3) Industry sector can use the planned regulation to promote the cooperation in a short time, but cannot be a substitute for the mutual benefit and win-win mechanism between colleges and enterprises.
     Chapter IX, Conclusion and Outlook. A follow-up study is raised that is how to study the value-driven, orderly and sustainable cooperation mechanism from the essence of the cooperation and the whole society.
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