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    要实现这种多个异构系统之间的信息交互,只靠传统的系统软件或Web工具软件提供的功能已经不能满足要求。目前, 分布式对象技术已经具有异构系统间对象互操作能力,但是实现代价高,要求必须具有CORBA、DCOM等平台环境。互操作的核心是数据互操作,现有数据互操作是通过ODBC或专门的数据网关,需要进行一对一开发,开发工作量大或实现成本高。XML语言通过良好的数据描述能力,能够支持不同系统间数据的传递。然而,由于系统的多样性,不同系统所交互的数据尽管存在很大的相关性,但也存在不少差异。如何通过一种使用XML整合不同应用系统数据并提供数据方便交互能力的中间系统以较小代价实现在已有平台上的数据交换,是实现电子商务中的协同工作所必须解决的问题。
    1) 提出一种异构应用系统间的数据交换模型
    2) 提出异构系统间进行数据交换的转换规则
    3) 针对应用扩充XSLT
    4) 设计基于XML的分布式数据交换中间件(XDDX)
With the rapid development of Internet, E-Commerce, the business pattern of Information Era, has grown dramatically, especially does the B2B pattern. In B2B, some enterprises make up a supply chain, in which these nodes could exchange data peer to peer.
    Those traditional software or Web tools cannot fulfill the task of data-exchange any longer. At present, although some technology, such as distributing object technology and ODBC, could fulfill the mutual operation of data, they do not satisfy application demands due to the high cost or stubborn demands of environment. Considering the diversity of systems and data structures, also taking the cost into account, this paper studied the characteristics of middleware and XML, then provided a solution of an XML-based Distributed Data-eXchange middleware (XDDX).
    The main work and conclusion as follows:
    5) Data-eXchange Model was put forward——The kernel content of Data-eXchange Model was eXchange Data Format (XDF) composed by metadata.
    6) Transforming Rules based on ontology were defined——This bidirectional transforming rules based on ontology were derived from Artificial Intelligence and Graph Theory.
    7) Mathematic Functions of XSLT were extended——This extension of XSLT embodied the extensibility of XML. Both operator functions and statistics functions were extended.
    8) XDDX was framed——The issue of XML-based Distributed Data-eXchange was explored, from XDDX system design, function definition, processing flow design and XDDX simulation.
    To conclude, fundamental technology of Middleware and XML were studied, Data-eXchange Model was put forward, Transforming Rules based on ontology were defined, Mathematic Functions of XSLT was extended, XDDX was framed and simulated, and finally the conclusion and prospect were gave out.
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