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     基于早期的COBL系统原型,本文利用IBM Agents、Java和XML语言实现了其功能,并对COBL系统共享数据的功能进行可行性分析、讨论,并分析研究了COBL原型中会话用户的相互作用。
With the development of computer, network and multimedia technology, network teaching is gotten to be sprung up fast and used widely as a new teaching mode. However, as the high and new technology growing,traditional network teaching mode can't satisfy our needs any more, now it's a strong trend for us to research the network teaching system with intelligent technology.
     As the web technology advances, the study on intelligent teaching system based on web is increasingly paid more attention.By constructing intelligent teaching system on the web, implementing the distributing teaching using network, accepting multi-user concurrent access free from the imitation of time and space, intelligent teaching system has gotten heavy recognition and used widely in the fied of education. At present, intelligent teaching system has integrated the technologies of intelligent agent, artificial intelligence, data mining, natural language processing and virtual reality and so on.
     There comes to be some electronic study system supporting the learning in various forms.But there are still huge obstacles at the aspects of supporting share and the coordination study by virtual community.In order to solve these difficulties, the paper has researched and developed a kind of education middle soft ware, it is a learning frame based on community.The frame can make up the inadequate ofvirtual community for lack of supporting shared and the coordination study.
     In the filled of student model, lots of modeling method have been experimented and Bayesian network is one of the most widely developing models.The paper has expanded the Bayesian student modeling and embodied the individual knowledge teaching, all of these works were based on the modeling process of Bayesian network.
     Based on the theory of interaction and the view of Constructivism,the paper has integrated social culture to enlarge the range of teacher conversion model.So the keys of the model are the factors of culture and situation,the process of interaction with society,and the individual level of development.Firstly,the paper has researched how the role, situation,expectation to be shaped in the teaching practice process,which consists off our students and teachers,then tries to construct a collaborative,interactive teacher conversion model to integrate social culture factors.
     Based on the early COBL system prototype, its functions has been implemented by using the IBM Agents,Java and XML language in the paper.The paper has analysed and discussed the functions of share data about COBL system,and presented the interaction among the conversation users about COBL prototype.
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