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     基于这样一种认识,本文利用属性论方法提出的的定性映射及其转化程度函数(Conversion Degree Function,mDWCDF)η_i(x,α_i,β_i,ξ_i)既能解决属性量—转化差异,又能确定不同属性间的权重的特点,设计了一个财务分析系统,并给出了层次分析—微变因子调控算法和均分斜率趋势分析算法两个算法,给出了财务分析中的主指标权重确定和主指标预测的一种新的分析方法。
     首先假设财务主指标的走势曲线为:P(x)一bl十bzx+·+气广一‘(脚    采用多项式数据拟合,求出:b‘,i二l,A,m。其次,将拟合方程根据属性论方法中的
The company comprehensive competence which is the market competent ability in a long-term period includes not only survival situation now but also the future aspect. As a rational investor, recognizing and assessing successfully the information of the company is essential. In current the accounting reporters of the companies in our nation include some financial indexes and achievement indexes which provide useful information to assess the situation of the company but not enough information to analysis comprehensive achievements and innovation and latent capacity.
    Our project tries to establish an ordinary assessing system about company comprehensive competence to satisfy the need of investors and administrators. Through comprehensive analysis of attributive from quantity to quality, we can distinguish the level the company in. And our project provides a solution of certificate of stock analysis. The information of certificate of stock is so various that it is difficult to find the real useful information even to the economists. The main approach currently depicting the currentness of the certificate of the stock is the association of the parameters. But many people have found that to analysis with the facility of associating-parameters of MACD, KDJ , etc. is inaccurate which may be advanced or lagged. And it is not unrealistical to search a universal index sign.
    Because the stock is the reflection of the integrated competence,it is important for a successful investment how to analysis and assess a company's
    comprehensive competence according to the stock price and the change currency and then give a accurate determination about the company.
    Because the comprehensive competence is the major index depicting the qulity of a company and the price and change currency of stock is the quantity character of the comprehensive ability, according to which the "good" or "bad" is the quality character of the comprehensive competence, the stock analysis and decision is a quantity-quality changing process.
    Our project use The Qualitative Mapping model and which induced m_Dimension Weight Conversion Degree Function which could resolve the conversion difference from quantity to quality of attributive in the Attribute Theory and could certify the weights of different attributes to design a financial system and give two algorithms: one is Layerevel Analysis-Gradualchange Factor Controlling and the other is Equipartition Slope Controlling. So we can use these methods to give a new analysis way to certify the main weight in a financial analysis and to predict the main weight.
    the algorithm of Layerevel Analysis-Gradualchange Factor Controlling
    Firstly, we hypothesise that Mnm is the vectorial space of fundamental weight about the financial main index signs, and T: = (t} ,A ,tm)M"m is No. i fundamental weight vector which we get through the method of Layerevel Analysis (AHP).
    Secondly, we make a statistical average of all the vectors in the Mm ,and
    hence get the statistic fundamental vector 7 = (e} ,A ,em).
    Lastly, we take a Controlling factor's vector { =(Ai,'A Ar}' A e 1, 1) .We add the vector E and the vector ,then make vector turn into =
    Ari'AA '6m+Amrm)-We can injustify the value of AR ' wnen vector is
    diminished, and get a clump of tangents which number is k(k>1). We can say that above tangents are better solutions.
    the algorithm of Equipartition Slope Controlling
    Firstly, we assume that the curvature depicting fianancial currency is:
    we adopt the method of
    polynome-data-fitting and hence obtain the consequence which is bj,j=1,...,m .
    Secondly,we turn the fitting equation into vector according to the model-vector conveying character in the The Qualitative Mapping.And we construct a manul nerve net.then we can get a m_Dimension Weight Conversion Degree Function from the net according to the relations between the m_Dimension Weight Conversion Degree Function and the manul nerve net. We input the vector and obtain the train model, finaly we obtain the fitting vector. So we can use the fitt
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