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ABSTRACT:In order to deal with the formidable challenges that resource and environment impact on power system's development, Smart Grid has become an inevitable trend on grid development around the world. With the optimization and revision in energy resource structure, rapid development of clean energies such as wind power and solar power, two-way communication between consumer and grid, emergence of new market participators, the electricity market operation becomes more and more complex, and it also raises new requirements to transmission planning, thus transmission planning is confronted with greater complexities and uncertainties.
     Energy resource is reversely distributed with energy demand in China, so smart grid technologies are indispensable for optimal resource allocation on wide area level, and reasonable smart transmission planning turns into an urgent and key task for research. Facing new situations and new issues, starting from theoretical research and engineering application, intensive researches on integrative intelligent methodology Intelligent Engineering (IE) are presented in this study. Applicable uncertainty problem's modeling in smart transmission planning methodology is explored from some uncertain perspectives, which consist of macroeconomic policy simulation, grid-consumer interoperability, transmission expansion planning, and so on. The main works are shown as follows:
     On theoretical research level, in view of dual uncertainties such as fuzzy random, random fuzzy emerge under smart grid mechanism, the theoretical framework and methodology of IE are pushed forward and expanded. IE chance path, sub-overlap space, αβ-chance solution are defined, IE optimization theory is expanded and coordinated optimization operator, co-evolution operator and objective-conflict coordination operator are created, and related theorems are proved. All above mentioned lay a solid foundation for uncertainty problems'modeling in smart transmission planning.
     Smart Grid's development is a complex giant system engineering, which involves complex and uncertain issues such as national policy, power system operation, uncertain generation, uncertain consumption, real time price, and so on. Strong&Smart Grid plan would be basically completed by2020in China, and by then resource allocation capacities, grid security and operation efficiency, interaction among generation, grid and consumer would be significantly enhanced. On theoretical application level, the methodology system of uncertainty problems of smart transmission planning is explored. The complicated uncertainty problems of smart transmission planning problem are divided into three And-subproblems i.e. macro policy simulation subproblem, grid-consumer interoperability simulation subproblem and generation-grid-consumer coordination planning subproblem for study.
     For the three And-subproblems, IE is partially employed for theoretical research and modeling practice in this study. IE hybrid model and interactive coordination are implemented to make uncertainty subproblem modeling, and simulations on IEEE-39bus test system and IEEE-30bus test system demonstrate the validity of IE methodology and coordinated IE hybrid model on solving uncertain problem.
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