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With the development of computer technology, digital signal processing technology, as well as theory of artificial intelligence, the technology of computerized ECG analysis has been developed quite a lot since recent years. This technology has been adopted in ambulatory ECG, which did automatic processing and analysis to long ECG recordings by computer, and has relieved technicians from the heavy burden caused by vast volume of ECG data.
    QRS detection is the key of computerized ambulatory ECG analysis. But, much factors, such as the noises accompanied with ECG recordings, the difference between patients, even the variations of the ECG signal in one patient, has brought much difficulty in QRS detection. On the other side, in order to process the large volume of ambulatory ECG data in a short duration, the speed and the capacity of memory has limited the complexity of the algorithm. Thus, an even more accurate and high-speed algorithm of QRS detection which can be realized easily is still what most researches seeks for.
    The main research work is involved in the scheme of QRS detection for ambulatory ECG, which includes the following aspects:
     Based on summarization on the technology of ambulatory ECG analysis, the problems in QRS detection for ambulatory ECG are analyzed.
     The origin of electrocardiogram, as well as the shape and signification of normal ECG is discussed. Further more, the common shape of QRS wave in clinical is studied, and conclusion are drawn for its characteristic.
     According to the specialty of ambulatory ECG processing, its requirement for QRS detection algorithm is analyzed in detail.
     Various kinds of algorithm for QRS detection developed in decades has been reviewed, especially the kind based on the concept of filter-threshold detection. After discussion and investigation in trait and applicability of each method, conclusion can be drawn that only the methods based on the concept of filter-threshold detection can meet the needs for real time application.
     A new scheme of QRS detection based on the idea of envelope is brought forward in this paper. The scheme is based upon the concept of filter-threshold detection, thus obtains high speed. The MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and AHA ventricular
    arrhythmia database are used to evaluate the method. Result shows that the accuracy of the scheme reaches 99.11% and 97.09% respectively. According to the evaluation in both aspects of speed and precision, it reveals that the scheme can meet the requirement of ambulatory ECG analysis with satisfaction.
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