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The dissertation is a study of the financing of highway projects based on the theories of the financing structure, together with positivist component analysis and correlation analysis. From the multiple perspectives—the level of corporations, of projects, and of capital income rate, the main factors influencing the financing structure of highway enterprises and of highway projects are highlighted respectively, and the different financing structures for highway projects with different capital income rate are designed to reduce the financing cost.
    In the level of corporations, with the focus on the 21 listed highway enterprises in China, 5 major factors are identified via component analysis, which will influence the financing structure of the listed highway corporations. They are the corporative scale and structure of the shareholding, non-debt tax shield, feasibility of the development, ability to gain profits and to pay off the debts in the short term. Through correlation analysis, it's discovered how the 5 factors influence the financing structure, and that there exists the obvious negative correlation between the corporative scale and structure of the shareholding, non-debt tax shield, ability to pay off the debts in the short term and the financing structure.
    In the level of projects, the theories of financing structures relevant to the study of corporations are applied to the study of highway projects because of the special attributes of the sum of the capital, operating patterns and time limits of the existence of highway projects. It's concluded through component analysis that for the projects, their ability to pay off the debts in the short term, to gain profits , to develop and to operateted well are very important. Among all of these, to gain profits have profound impact on and have the positive correlation with the financing structure of highway projects. The projects with adequate capital income rate should have much higher debt rate.
    From the perspective of the capital income rate of the projects, it's discussed how the highway projects with different capital income rate plot their financing structure to reduce the financing cost. The highway projects with higher capital income rate are advised to increase capital debt rate and those with average capital income rate just to decrease capital debt rate. And the highway projects for the public welfare with much lower capital income rate should also reduce their capital debt rate to raise the proportion of their own capital to cut down the financing cost.
2 中国公路2001,2002年各期
    3 中国公路网:www.chinahighway.com
    4 中国公路2001,2002年各期
    5 中华人民共和国交通部网站:www.moc.gov.cn
    6 引自“高速公路与社会经济发展研究文集”,编委会(毛文碧主编),人民交通出版社,1998年
    7 资料来源:唐涌,2004,“高速公路融资能力探析”,《财经市场》,2004年第五期。
    8 引自2005年全国交通工作会议报告
    9 资料来源:交通部规划设计院2001年《收费公路研究》课题。
    10 资料来源:交通部计划司内部数据。
    11 资料来源:人民交通出版社2000年出版《中国公路水运交通50年》
    12 资料来源:交通部计划司内部资料。
    13 资料来源:人民交通出版社2000年出版《中国公路水运交通50年》。
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    16 引自,唐涌,高速公路融资市场分析,天府新论,2006年第一期
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    18 引自《2000年中国交通年鉴》,中国交通年鉴出版社
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    20 摘自:《高速公路营运管理成本控制》卢毅,杨显昌著,2003年5月
    21 引自黄镇东《2000年交通工作会议讲话》,2000年
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    43 Smith, Clifford and Warner, Jerold B. "On Financial Contracting: An Analysis of Bond Covenants", Journal of Financial Economies ,1979年和7期, pp. 117-161。
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    47 Myers, 2001, Capital Structure, Journal of Economic Perspectives-Volume 15, Number 2-Spring 2001-Page: 81—102
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    59 Morris, James R, "A Model for Corporate Debt Maturity Decisions", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,11,No.3 (1976),pp. 339-357.
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    61 Flannery, Mark, "Asymmetric Information and Risky Debt Maturity Choice", The Journal of Finance, 41, No.1(Jan.1986), pp. 19-38
    62 Gautam Goswami, Thomas Noe and Michele Rebello,"Debt Financing under Asymmetric Information", The Journal of Finance, vol.no.2 June 1995
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    71 数据来源:上市公司指定信息披露媒体,http://finance.sina.com.cn。
    72 同上
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