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With the development of information and communication technologies, the application of Internet has penetrated into all areas of social life. E-government,as a necessary component of informationization, is an important carriers and effective means for government to promote service idea and implement publice sevices.At present, the public service has become the core value of e-government ,and user-centered has become the major challenge that e-government faces,that is to meet users'needs effectively.
     E-government services are different from e-sevices in e-commerce because it is a public goods, the needs in e-government services not only embodies the characteristics of demand for information products ,also have the special nature of demand for public goods.In the existing e-government literatures, the research on technology adoption and users'satisfaction have identified a serious of factors that will influence the usage of government websides and users'satisfaction,which are from demand perspective, such as perceived usefulness, perceived risk and trust. However, only the performance need is considered that information system can fulfill in the existing researches, ignoring the role of relationship need and self-development need, and giving a cold shoulder to the characteristics of public goods.There is lack of study on the users'needs targeted e-government service to citizen.Therefore,the paper analysises two connected and step-up questions about the needs in e-government services, which under the theorietical framework of IS success and comsumer decisiong-making,combined with service quality, customer participation and self-efficacy theories:One is the existence mechanism of the needs in e-government services,including what is the needs structure, what is the dominate need and what influence factors exists.The other is the effect mechanism of the need in e-government sevices on the success of e-government systems,including how the user's needs impact on the success of e-government systems and what is the effect path.
     To answer the above questions, the thesis describes the basic structure of the users'needs in e-government services, which is base on the theory of hierarchy needs, and scales for the needs has been developed.Furthermore, building theoretical research framework by integrating the theories of consumer decision-making and IS success:
     Based on the consumer decision-making theory, the needs arise from the interaction between the inner psychological factors and external environmental factors.Self-efficacy directly affects the mental process of individual to use e-government. The self-efficacy is stronger, the sense of need is more intense when users face e-government services, and they are more willings to make efforts to use it.At the same time, decision-making process is also an information processing, where the level of users'participation affects the cognition of users'needs, which change gradually with the service experience deep-going, and then put impact on the user's behaviror.
     Based on the theory of IS success, service quality and system usage are the key dimensions to IS success. Users’need has a direct impact on the judgement and evaluation of service quality, which are the starting point and driving force to use e-government. So it is important for e-gvoernment success to identify and meet the users'needs.In addition,trust mechanism embedded in the process of technology adoption, trust in government and trust in e-government website affect users' satisfaction,system adoption and the intention of continue usage.User's needs act on the intention of continue usage though trust in e-government services.
     Research model is constructed on the theoretical analysis,the relationship between different variables and affect pathes are discussed and hypothesises are presented with theoretical logic, and then, survey is conducted.The empirical analysis process follows steps of the part first then the whole with structural equation modeling.
     The thesis makes several contributions on the basis of the theoretical and empirical research.
     First of all, it discusses the essential features of the users'needs in e-government services.According to the theory of hierarchy needs,the higher-leverl needs will not be considered until the lower level needs have been met enough.In e-government services, need for service function is the lowest in the need hierarchy,so commonly it is regarded as dominant needs.Howerver,the study find that there is a positive relationship between relationship need and intention of continue usage,which means the need for relationship is the dominant need in e-government services. E-governement is resulted from the application of network technology.With the prevalence of Web 2.0,interaction and experience have become the major needs of web users,which indicates that e-government must respond to the tends of technology development,and which reflects the diffrerence from the traditional public services.At the same time,the public serveices means the return of the state power,which embodies the relationship of the rights and responsibilities holded by citizen,so the conclusion reflects the difference between the need for e-government and demand in business.
     Secondly, the impact path of needs on system success is revealed.Need is the fundational dynamics for the behaviror, but not all needs can impact the continue usage.The study points out three impact paths:First,need for relationship is directly related to the continue usage.Second, need for relationship is positively related to the need for self-development, futher, self-development needs is positively related to the trust in government websites, and then the trust in government websites is positively related to the continue usage. Third, need for relationship is positively related to trust in government, futher, trust in government is positively related to the trust in government websites, and then the trust in government websites is positively related to the continue usage.This provides a guideline for the successful implementation of e-government.
     Thirdly, the trust as a important role in the implementation of e-government is emphasized.In the current research and practice of e-government,users'needs have been concerned highly,but another important factor-truse is overlooked at.The study find that it is not enough to pay only attention to the user's needs in e-government services, because trust in government websides is the mediator between the needs and continue usage.Only does trust exists,could the users continue to use the government websites.And such trust is effected by the trust in government.Thus the trust must be considered in the practice of e-government.
     At last, the study on the influencing factors of needs gives a reference to the demand management in e-government services. There are many researches which indicted the demographic factors for the needs,such as gender,age,occupation etc.Although such conclution maybe helpful for the user segments,the deerpr task in demand management such as need recognition and mine are difficult to do.The study shows that the positive relationship is existed between self-efficacy and the need for relationship,and behavior-oriented participation is positively related to the self-development need.Study on self-efficacy and user participation have identified a serious of determinants variables for them,which can be taken advantage to understand, explode and excavate the user’need in e-government services,such as establishing the image of the government,carring out demonstration experience or improveing the level of participation.
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