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Prunus have a long-term of being cultivated all round the world, and are important fruit tree that they can get big wealth. A common problem confronting prunus taxonomists and horticulturist in selecting and utilizing is the homonym and synonym caused by prunus germplasm resources exchanging, which is not benefit for identification and utilizing of prunus germplasm resources. Lots of works have been done in morphology, pollen and isoenzyme with some performance about the identification, taxonomy and evolution of prunus. But there are still some divergence in result and limitation in technology. RAPP studied genetic relationship in germplasm resources of prunus. The main results are as follows:
    1.Based on the analysis of three isolation methods for genomic DAN of prunus, the results showed that high-salt, low-pH method is optimal for isolation method. Tissue extraction with SDS in the presence of a high salt concentration suppressed co-precipitation of polysaccharides and DNA. So DNA preparations were free of gelatinous substances. During the total DNA isolation, using together PVP powder and 2-mercaptoethanol is benefit for eliminating phenols.
    2.Eighteen decameter arbitrary primers, which had polymorphisms and dear bands, were selected out of two hundred;, the primers were successfully amplified in analysis of prunus germplasm.
    3.Cluster tree of materials in Prunus by eighteen decamer arbitrary primers amplifying bands showed that Prunus japonica Thumb had higher genetic similarity in prunus salicina and was far relationship from P. lannesiana .So Prunus japonica Thumb should be belonged to prunus salicina .
    4.At the genetic distance level of 0.1978~0.2999, all of materials are classified 4 kinds. Besides every kind has a specific band. So the results support that stone fruit trees are classified for P. persica, P. armeniaca and P. mume, P.cerasus and Prunus salicina.
    5.When genetic distance is 0.1201-0.1326, all of materials are classified 11
    kinds. Peach is the first; apricot have 2 kinds; huamei is the forth; meirenmei is the fifth; cherry is the sixth; plum is classified 5 kinds. Naili and hongyeli is different kind. Aodeluodali, meiguihuanghouli , meilili and heibaoshi is the same kind. Yanhong and yanhua cluster a kind. The rest cluster the same kind.
    6.NaiLi is a Variety of primus salician, not a hybrid of P.salician and P. Persian by molecular biological methods.
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