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     长期以来,欧安会一直被学界视为冷战期间东西方缓和的顶峰,而通向欧安会的“赫尔辛基进程(Helsinki Process)"及其后续会议对美国外交决策、美苏关系以及冷战的结束皆产生了深远影响,并加速了东欧地区民族民主意识的高涨,促成了东欧集团内部改革派力量壮大,且在引发苏东剧变、促成两极体系在持续了五十年之后宣告终结的过程中发挥了重要作用。与欧安会这般深远影响所不同的是,美国在整个会议期间的态度和立场却显得并不那么积极,这与尼克松——福特当局的欧洲安全政策有直接的关系。其中,基辛格个人的欧洲安全理念对当局的欧安会对策制定影响尤为明显。
This thesis tries to take advantage of the declassified documents of the U.S. government and recent researches at home and abroad, to inspect the U.S. government policies assessment, formulation and implementation of the CSCE in1969-1975, to explore its underlying reasons, foreign strategic concept and historical influence on the end of the Cold War. Over the years, the academia regards CSCE as the pinnacle of the East-West detente during the Cold War. The "Helsinki Process" leading to CSCE and its follow-up meetings had a profound impact on the U.S. foreign policies, the US-Soviet relations as well as the end of the Cold War, it also accelerated the national democratic consciousness in the Eastern Europe, contributed to the growth of the reformist forces in these areas and played an important role in triggering Drastic Change in the Soviet and Eastern Europe along with the end of bipolar system. However, compared with such great importance, the attitudes and policies of the United States during the whole sessions were not so positive, and these had a direct relationship with the Nixon-Ford administration's European security policies. Among them, Kissinger's individual European security concept made remarkable influence on the authorities'policies of CSCE.
     The full text consists of five parts:
     The first part describes the origin and development of CSCE as well as the parties' countermeasures, focusing on analysis of the Soviet government's CSCE motivation and the attitude of the NATO allies. Soviet initiatives of CSCE were designed to seek to the international recognition of the post-war boundaries of Europe, to infiltrate the wedge between the United States and Europe, to engage in economic cooperation with west Europe countries. However, Russians'propose repeatedly been rejected by the West, this was closely related to international environment of the beginning Cold War and the Soviet Union's strategy. When Soviet-U.S. had not receded in a hostile and ease did not open, the U.S government could not easily bring CSCE into bilateral or multilateral dialogue. Europe was in the assistance of the Marshall Plan with high dependence on the United States, impossible to get rid of the U.S to pursue an independent foreign policy. However, with the recovery of west Europe as a whole in the1970s, Europeans began to make their voices between the Soviet Union and the U.S. The opportunity to hold CSCE was immature but slowly changed.
     The second part focuses on the preliminary formation process of CSCE policy in the Nixon administration during the detente period. Driven by the Europe detente wave, the initiative of convening CSCE was gradually accepted by the west Europe countries. When Nixon-Kissinger came to power, they revised the policies towards Europe. According to the linkage theory, the U.S. government successively proposed quadripartite talks in Berlin as well as convened date of co-balanced Disarmament as the conditions of convening CSCE. During this period, the Americans'main policy was to obtain strategic interests, such as the summits.
     The third part focuses on the position of the United States during the preparatory meetings process. During this period, the U.S. government CSCE policy was further in formation and development. With the launching of the agendas of preparatory meetings, the divergence among the United States, the Soviet Union and the European Political Committee was increasingly prominent. Under the Nixon administration's guidance of the principles governing relations with Europe, the Nixon administration successfully achieved the convening of preparatory meetings for the association with the co-balanced Disarmament. At the same time, Sonnenfeldt's limit damage theory towards CSCE had become the basic position of the United States during the formal meetings.
     The fourth part focuses on the advancement and implementation of policy on the CSCE. At this stage, the divergence between the Soviet Union and the European countries led to fairly lengthy duration of the meetings, the negotiations were even deadlocked. Because of the need to consider the delicate relationship with allies, and urged by the Soviet Union along with public opinion to questioning, Kissinger had to mediate strongly. After the Watergate, President Ford took office. Under the guidance of the National Security Council led by Kissinger, the United States and the European Political Committee still maintained effective communication. After a long period of bargaining, Kissinger's mediation led to a final agreement reached.
     The fifth part is the conclusion. The signing of Helsinki Agreement is the attempt of the collective security treaty, it is also the confrontation between the idealists and the realists, short-term history has proved this point. This agreement is more about the affirmation of European detente, to ascertain a balance of power between the Soviet Union and the United States. In fact, the Helsinki Accords did not prevent the Soviet's invasion to Afghanistan, and there was no effective implementation. But in the long run, the personnel, information and cultural exchange in the third basket of the Helsinki Accords gave the West a good opportunity to disintegrate Soviet Union, to accelerate the collapse of the Soviet bloc in twenty years, which was Nixon, Kissinger and other policy-makers never expected.
    ⑥ Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation:American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan,Brookings Institution Press,1994.
    ①Vojtech Mastny,Helsinki, Human Rights, and European Security,1975-1985:Analysis and Documentatio n,Durham, NC:Duke University Press,1986.
    ② William Korey,The Promises We Keep:Human Rights, the Helsinki Process, and American Foreign Policy New York:St. Martin's Press,1993.
    ③ John J. Maresca, To Helsinki—the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe,1973-1975, Duke University Press,1987.
    ④Sarah Baldwin Snyder. Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War, Cambridge University Press,2011.
    ⑤Sarah Baldwin Snyder,The Helsinki Process, American Foreign Policy,and the End of the Cold War, Ph.D, Georgetown University,2006.
    ⑥Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny, Christian Nuenlist, Origins of the European Security System:The Helsinki Process Revisited,1965-75, Routledge,2008.
    ⑦ Perforating the Iron Curtain:European detente, transatlantic relations, and the Cold War,1965-1985, Museum Tusculanum Press,2010.
    ⑧ Gioranni Bernardini, Forced to Cooperate:the Brandt Government and the Nixon Administration on the Road to Helsinki. Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny, Christian Nuenlist, Origins of the European Security System:The Helsinki Process Revisited,1965-75, Routledge,2008.
    ① Jussi M.Hanhimaki.'They Can Write it in Swahili':Kissinger, the Soviets, and the Helsinki Accords,1973-75, Transatlantic Studies, Volume 1, Supplement 1,2003.
    ② Jeremi Suri, Henry Kissinger and the reconceptualization of European security,1969-75. Origins of the European Security System:The Helsinki Process Revisited,1965-75, Routledge,2008.
    ③ Michael Morgan, North America, Atlanticism, and the making of the Helsinki Final Act. Origins of the European Security System:The Helsinki Process Revisited,1965-75, Routledge,2008.
    ⑤ Wilfried Loth, The Cold War:What is was about and why it is ended?. Poul Villaume, Odd Arne Westad. Perforating the Iron Curtain:European detente, transatlantic relations, and the Cold War,1965-1985. Museum Tusculanum Press,2010.
    ① U.S.Department of State. Foreign Relations of the United States(FRUS),1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, Eu ropean Security. Washington.D.C.:United States Government Printing Office,2011. Available at:http://history.s tate.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v39[查看时间:2011-09-21]
    ② Digital National Security Archive, Available at http://nsarchive.chadwyck.com/collections/content/KT/intro.jsp.[查看时间:2011-05-301. Access Provided by University of California, Los Angeles Library.
    ③ Declassified Documents Reference System, Available at http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/DDRS;jsessio nid=680830D9B38C5B67655CC9323FB8AFC0?locID=cnsnnu[查看时间:2011-05-30].Access Provided by Sha anxi Normal University.
    ④此文件集是由米尔恰·蒙泰亚努(Mircea Munteanu)、海德薇·朱斯托(Hedwig Giusto)、和克里斯提安·奥斯特曼(Christian F. Ostermann)等人为在2002年9月26-28在意大利的多比亚克召开的国际性学术会议“北约、华约与缓和的兴起,1965-72(NATO, the Warsaw Pact and the Rise of Detente,1965-1972) "而形成,Online, Available at:http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-rise-Detente[查看时间:201]-05-30].
    ⑤此文件集作者同上,是为2003年9月23-30日在佛罗伦萨召开的“通向赫尔辛基之路:欧安会步伐的开启(The Road to Helsinki, The Early Steps to the CSCE)”的学术会议而汇编的,Online, Available at http:// www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-road-to-helsinki [查看时间:2011-07-12]
    ⑥ ProQuest Historical Newspapers, Online, Available at http://proquest.umi.com/login?COPT=REJTPTY5YT YrM2IwNCslOGRjKzM2ZmIrNThkYSszYzVhKzFhY2QrNjQ5MSs2NDhmKzFhY2MrMjY4YSZJTlQ9MCZWR VI9Mg, Access paid by The UCSD Libraries.
    ⑦ Documents on British Policy Overseas, Online, Available at http://dbpo.chadwyck.com/home.do
    ⑧ Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Online, Available at http://www.csce.gov/
    ⑨ Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security, Online, Available at:http://www.php.isn.ethz.ch/
    ⑩ Center for Security Studies, Online, Available at http://www.css.ethz.ch/index_EN
    ① International Relations and Security Network,Online, Available at http://www.isn.ethz.ch/
    ② NATO elibrary, Online, Available at http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-6798B9A3-383F608B/natolive/publicatio ns.htm
    ③ NATO Archive, Online, Available at http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/68238.htm
    ④ OCSE library, Online, Available at http://www.osce.org/library/
    ① Helsinki Final Act, Online, Available at http://www.osce.org/mc/39501[查看时间:2011-09-10]
    ③ The United States Delegations at Berlin Conferences to the Department of state, FRUS.1952-1954. Germany and Austria (1952-1954), Federal Republic of Germany, pp. P814,also see in CSCE handbook, P2.
    ① Anatoliy Fedorovich Dobrynin, In confidence:Moscow's ambassador to six Cold War Presidents, University of Washington Press, P351.
    ① Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation:American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan, Revised Edition, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.1994.P528.
    ② The United States Delegation at the Berlin Conference to the Department of State, February 10,1954, Foreign Relations,1952-1954, Germany and Austria, P1025.
    ③ Ibid, P1027.
    ① Jeremi Suri, Henry Kissinger and the reconceptualization of European security,1969-75,P47. Origins of the European Security System:The Helsinki Process Revisited,1965-75, Routledge,2008.
    ① Richard Nixon:"Inaugural Address," January 20,1969. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=1941.[查看日期:2011.05.09]
    ②对于尼克松主义的研究,参见Robert S. Litwak, Detente and the Nixon Doctrine:American Foreign Policy and the Pursuit of Stability,1969-1976, Cambridge University Press,1986.
    ④ The Wars for Viet Nam. President Nixon's Speech on "Vietamization," November 3,1969, Online, Avail able at http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=2303&st=&stl=#axzzlr3TqtCEo[查看时间:2012.03.04]
    ⑤全文详见U.S. foreign policy for the 1970's:A new strategy for peace, Online, Available at http://www.p residency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=2835#axzzltsmVy5HC[查看时间:2011.02.01]
    ② Ibid, PI71.
    ③对于关联原则(Linkage Theory)的分析及其运用,可以参见Samuel M. Makinda的The Role of Linkage Diplomacy in the US-Soviet relations. Australian Journal of Politics & History, Volume 33, Issue 3, pages 224-236, December 1987.
    ④ Richard Nixon:"Inaugural Address," January 20,1969. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=941.[查看日期:2011.05.091
    ②对于缓和政策的研究,著作比较多,可以参见Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation:America n-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan, Revised Edition. The Brookings Institution,Washington,D.C.1994此外John Van Oudenaren. Detente in Europe:The soviet Union and the West since 1953, Duke University p ress,1991,1991,以及 Angela Romano 的 From Detente in Europe to European Detente:How the West Shaped the Helsinki CSCE, Peter Lang Publishing,2009对缓和以及赫尔辛基进程都有涉及。
    ③ Henry Kissinger,Years of Renewal, New York:Simon & Schuster,1999, P93.
    ①"Discussion of European Security Conference, Vietnam, and China," Secret, Memorandum, April 3,1969,3 pp. DNSA. Collection:Kissinger Transcripts, Item Number:KT00014.
    ② Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, April 8,1969,Foreign Relations,1969-1976,volume XII, footnote 2,P6.
    ③ Memorandum From Helmut Sonnenfeldt of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger),October 2,1969, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P8
    ④ Editorial Note, Foreign Relations,1969-1976,volume XII.P35.
    ① Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon, October 31,1969,Foreign Relations,19 69-1976,volume XII,P25.
    ② Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, November 20,,1969,Foreign Relations,1969-1976,volume XII,P25.
    ③ U.S. Approach to Current Issues of European Security, National Security Study Memorandum 83, November 21, 1969,1969-1976, Foreign Relations, Volume XXXIX, P30.
    ④ "Background Paper on Europe for NSC Meeting, January 28," 26 January 1970,NPMP, NSC Institutional Files, Box H-026, NSC Meeting 1/28/70-Europe.
    ⑤ Memorandum From Helmut Sonnenfeldt of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), March 25,1970. Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX. Tab A:NSSM 83—Current Issues Of European Security, PP.50-55.
    Memorandum of Conversation,July 4,1969,Foreign Relations,1969-1976, volume XII, P7.
    Editor notes, Foreign Relations,1969-1976,volume XII, P19.
    ① Minutes of a National Security Council Meeting, January 28,1970.1969-1976, Foreign Relations, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, PP.44-47.
    ② First Annual Report to the Congress on United States Foreign Policy for the 1970's, Public Papers of t he Presidents RIchard Nixon, February 18,1970, Online, Avaliable at:http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/ind ex.php?pid=2835&st=&st1=#axzz1rvx6NUL1[查看时间:2012-02-12]
    ③ Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, April 18,1970,1969-1976, Foreign Relations, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P60.
    ④ Memorandum of Conversation, June 10,1970,Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ,P68.
    ⑤ Memorandum of Conversation, October 22,1970, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P86.
    ⑥ North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Final Communiques,1949-1974, P243.
    ① Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixonl December 5,1970. Foreign Relations, 1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P107.
    ②对此问题的研究,可参见黑尔加·哈夫托顿(Helga Haftendorn):The link between CSCE and MBFR:two sprouts from one bulb. Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny, Christian Nuenlist, Origins of the European Security System:The Helsinki Process Revisited,1965-75, Routledge,2008.
    ① Ibid.P865.
    ②Memorandum From Helmut Sonnenfeldt of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), April 22,1971, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P1 12.
    ③ Conversation Among President Nixon, Secretary of Defense Laird, and the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger),May 19,1971, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P133.
    ④ National Security Decision Memorandum 108,May 21,1971. Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P1 42.
    ⑤ Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon,May 26,1971. Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P144.
    ① Ibid.P26.
    ② Editor Note, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P149.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation,June 17,1971, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P167.
    ①National Security Study Memorandum 138, October 2,1971, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P210.
    ② A Conference On European Security (Analytical Summary) Paper Prepared by the National Security Council Staff,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P212.
    ③ Ibid, P228.
    ④ Ibid, p232.
    ① Minutes of a National Security Council Meetingl December 1,1971. Foreign Relations,1969-1976, VolumeXXXIX,P239在该文件注7里面.
    ② NSDM142,该文件是关于MBFR与CSCE的总统指令,由国家安全委员会起草,经总统批准,下发给国务院和国防部。Online, Available in Nixon library, http://nixon.archives.gov/virtuallibrary/documents/nsdm/nsd m 142.pdfl查看时间:2012-04-021
    ③ National Security Decision Memorandum 142,December 2,1971, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P244.
    ④ Editorial Note, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P250.
    ⑤ Ibid. P251-253.
    ⑥ Ibid.P254.
    ⑦ National Security Decision Memorandum 162, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P270
    ① Memorandum of Conversation, May 24,1972, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P290.
    ② Richard Nixon:"Text of the "Basic Principles of Relations Between the United States of America and t he Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." May 29,1972. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, Th e American Presidency Project. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=3438.
    ①美苏首脑峰会对于促进欧洲缓和的影响是不容小视的,对此学界看法不一,如Angela Romano提出了对欧安会提出了缓和、谅解和关联原则的三种不同看法。Detente, Entente, or Linkage? The Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in U.S. Relations with the Soviet Union, Diplomatic History, Vol.33, No.4, September 2009.
    ②关于欧安会与共同均衡裁军谈判的关系问题,可参见Helga Haftendorn, The link between CSCE and MBFR: two sprouts from one bulb. Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny, Christian Nuenlist, Origins of the European Security System.-The Helsinki Process Revisited,1965-75, Routledge,2008.
    ① Memorandum From Helmut Sonnenfeldt of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), July 5,1972., Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P310.
    ② Memorandum for the Record,July 7,1972, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P311-12.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, July 28,1972, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, PP.318.
    ④ Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) and the Soviet Ambassador (Dobrynin), August 22,1972, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P327.
    ① Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State 1 August 21,1972, Foreign Relations, 1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, PP.325-6.
    ② Editorial Note, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P330.
    ④ Editorial Note, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P368.
    ① Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon, December 20,1972, Foreign Relations, 1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P370.
    ②Memorandum for the President's Files by the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), February 2,1973. Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P391.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, February 21,1973, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P397.
    ④ Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series Ⅲ, Volume Ⅱ, Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1972-1975, p.103, fn 6),参见Letter From the Deputy Chief of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Vest) to the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Stoessel) 1, P399.
    ⑤ Memorandum of Conversation 1 April 21,1973, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P440.
    ① Final Recommendations of the Helsinki Consultations, Online, available at http://www.osce.org/mc/40213[查看时间:2012.01.23]
    ③ Memorandum for the Record by the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Stoessel), April 19,1973, Foreign relations of the united states,1969-1976, volume ⅹⅹⅹⅸ, european security。 PS:http://hist ory.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus 1969-76v39/d 141
    ④ Minutes of a Senior Review Group Meeting, May 14,1971, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P121
    ① Department of State Bulletin, July 23,1973, page 132.
    ① Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon, June 28,1973, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ,P498.
    ② Ibid.P499.
    ③ Editorial Note, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ.P517.
    ④ Brezhnev Excerpts, Special to The New York Times,New York Times (1923-Current file); Sep 20,1973; ProQuest Historical Newspapers, The New York Times (1851-2008),pg.11
    ① Message From Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev to President Nixon, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P537.
    ② Memorandum of Conversation February 4,1974, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P540.
    ③ Ibid,P546.
    ⑤对此尼克松时期美国外交决策的分析,可参见Asaf Siniver的新著Nixon, Kissinger, and U.S. Foreign Policy Making, Cambridge University Press,2011一书,该书从尼克松-基辛格时期几次重要的危机处理为例子,分析 美国这一时期外交政策决策管理形式,包括国家安全委员会只能在决策中的作用个,可以清晰的了解尼克松时期决策模式的变化,此外Wilfrid L. Kohl, The Nixon-Kissinger Foreign Policy System and U. S.-Europe Relations, World Politics Vol.28, No.1 (Oct.,1975), pp.1-43对尼克松基辛格的对外政策体系以及美欧关系进行了详细的论述;夏亚峰在《试析尼克松当局对外政策决策机制、过程及主要人员》中分析了尼克松当局对外政策的决策机制,可以对此问题进行深入了解。
    ①对这一问题的研究,可参见Jussi M.Hanhimaki 的'They Can Write it in Swahili':Kissinger, the Soviets, and the Helsinki Accords,1973-75, Transatlantic Studies, Volume 1, Supplement 1,2003。在这里,作者认为基辛格是一个“不情愿的贡献者(Reluctant Contributor)”在1975年春天,基辛格在促进葛罗米柯接受更多的妥协方面做出了重要贡献。在Jeremi Suri的Henry Kissinger and the Reconceptualization of European Security,1969-75 。文中,他认为基辛格在欧安会问题上与欧洲之间的分歧,很大程度是是由六十年代美欧在欧洲安全观念重塑过程中形成的。
    ② Memorandum of Conversation, October 10,1973, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P522.
    ③ Ibid, P523.
    ① Minutes of Secretary of State Kissinger's Staff Meeting, October 29,1973, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P526.
    ② Memorandum of Conversation, August 15,1974, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P713.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation,August 28,1974, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P717.
    ④ Minutes of Secretary of State Kissinger's Staff Meeting,Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume ⅩⅩⅩⅨ, P506.
    ②Memorandum of Conversation,June 30,1973,Foreign Relations,1969-1976,volumeXXXIx,P502.
    ③Editorial Note,Foreign Relations,1969-1976,Volume XXXIX,P506.
    ① Editorial Note, Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX,P843.
    ② Sarah b. Snyder, "Jerry, Don't Go":Domestic Opposition to the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, Journal of American Studies,44(2010),1,67-81.
    ③ Telegram From the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State. July 21,1975,Foreign Relations,1969-1976, Volume XXXIX, P918.
    ④ Jerry, Don't Go, Wall Street Journal (1923-Current file); Jul 23,1975;ProQuest Historical Newspapers:The Wall Street Journal (1889-1991) pg.14.
    ⑤ Super Yalta, William Safire New York Times (1923-Current file); Jul 28,1975; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg.21.
    ⑥ Super Yalta By William Safire New York Times (1923-Current file); Jul 28,1975; ProQuest Historical Newspapers:The New York Times (1851-2007) pg.21.
    ⑦ Gerald R.Ford, A time to Heal:The Autobiography of Gerald R. Ford, P300-02.
    ① Daniel C. Thomas, The Helsinki Effect:International Norms, Human Rights, and the Demise of Communism, Princeton University Press,2001.
    ① Vojtech Mastny, Helsinki, human rights, and European security:analysis and documentation, Durham,1986.
    ② Ibid,P398.
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