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     采用试验测量、数值模拟和理论模型验证相结合的方法,研究了流化床内的气泡动力学行为。结果表明,在表观流化气速1.5Umf≤U≤2.2Umf的条件下,气泡沿床层高度方向和床体轴向的平均直径分布分别为35mm     入料颗粒在流化床中的受力特性是粒群实现按流化床分选密度有效分离的基础。在对流化床中球形颗粒运动受力分析的基础上,建立了入料颗粒在流化床中运动时的受力平衡方程和基本动力学公式。自行设计了入料颗粒在流化床中运动时的受力测量系统,对不同粒径的球形颗粒在不同种类加重质形成的流化床中的受力进行测量。结果表明,入料颗粒的受力特性遵循稳定的变化规律,提出了受力均值和标准差随气速的变化关系均可由标准函数或修正后的标准函数表征。深入分析了颗粒连续受力的显著类周期性规律,获得了入料颗粒受力频率与振幅的波动范围。
     应用ICEM CFD软件构建与试验装置一致的三维流化床模型并进行精确网格划分,基于本文建立的适用于空气重介质流化床的数值计算模型,分别通过试验测量和数值模拟方法,对床层压降与密度分布进行定性与定量考察。结果证明流化床压降与标准差随气速的变化规律与加重质种类无关,只与U/Umf的数值有关。流化床密度分布规律的结果表明,1.5Umf≤U≤2.2Umf是床层密度分布最均匀稳定、波动幅度最小的操作气速范围,此时流化床的时均横向和轴向密度基本分布在1.95~2.10g/cm~3的范围内,密度标准差小于0.20g/cm~3,研究结果对完善流化床的压降和密度调控机制具有很好的促进作用。
Air Dense Medium Fluidized Bed (ADMFB) is a highly effective separation technique fordry coal separation, which provides a novel method and pattern for the development andapplication of the coal classification technique in arid and hydropenic regions of the world. It isfound that the dense gas-solid fluidized bed is a complicated gas-solid multiphase fluid systemin the research process of the air dense medium separation theory. Therefore, it is significantlynecessary to conduct the further research on the multiphase fluid dynamical behavior of thefluidized bed from the macroscopical and microcosmic view respectively. Based on theEuler-Euler multiphase fluid model, the combination methods of theoretical analysis,experimental measurement and numerical simulation were applied to carry out the studying offorce measurement of the separation particles, moving bubbles behavior, dynamical behaviorsof the medium solids and coupling interaction mechanism between gas and solid phases. It aimsto provide the theoretical foundation for the classification mechanism of the separation particlesby the density, synergistic mechanism of interaction between the medium solids and separationparticles to complete the fluidization classification theory, and to develop and improve thefluidized separator.
     The Euler-Euler multiphase fluid model was proposed to conduct the numerical simulationon the complex gas-solid multiphase dynamical behaviors in the fluidized bed. On the basis of alarge quantity of empirical models and theoretical inferences, the constitutive equations of thegas-solid drag coefficient, particle-particle interaction coefficient and solid stress were raisedrespectively to approach the governing equations, which laid the solid foundation for thefollowing numerical simulation.
     The methods of experimental measurement, numerical simulation and theoretical modelverifying were combined to investigate the bubble dynamical behaviors in the fluidized bed.The results show that the mean diameter of35mm     The force property of the separation particle in the fluidized bed is the basis to achieve theefficient separation of the feeding materials by the classification density of the fluidized bed.Based on the analysis of the force on the spheroidal particle moving in the fluidized bed, the load balance equation and basic dynamical formula of the separation particle in the Air DenseMedium Fluidized Bed were established finally. The force measurement device of theseparation particle was self-designed. The experimental measurements of the forces on twospheroidal particles with different particle sizes were conducted in the fluidized beds withdifferent types of medium solids respectively. The results indicate that the forces on theseparation particles moving in the fluidized bed follow the steady variation rules. The variationrelationship between the mean values and standard deviations of the forces and gas velocitycould be represented by the certain standard functions or corrected functions. The remarkablequasi-periodicity laws of the successive forces on the separation particles were further analyzed.The fluctuant ranges of the force frequency and amplitude of the separation particle areobtained finally.
     The force fluctuation data of the separation particle in the fluidized bed was carried out thepiecewise fitting. The dynamical fitting equations of the instantaneous forces were established.On the basis of experimental measurement, numerical simulation and theoretical calculation,the force results of different separation particles were detailedly compared. The results showthat the mean values and fluctuations of the forces on the separation particle are nearly closewith the application with above three approaches. The achievements provide the necessaryprerequisite for seeking for the complex dynamic behavior of the separation particles withdifferent densities in the fluidized bed.
     The3D model of the fluidized bed in accordance with the experimental device wasestablished with the software of ICEM CFD and the meshes were divided accurately. Based onthe numerical calculation model established in the study, the joint methods of experimentalmeasurement and numerical simulation were adopted to carry out the qualitative andquantitative investigation on the bed pressure drop and density distribution. The results showthe variation law of the bed pressure drop and its standard deviation with the gas velocity hasno relationship with the variety of medium solids, which only depends on the value of U/Umf.The study results of the bed density distribution show that1.5Umf≤U≤2.2Umfis the optimaloperation range, which could provide the steady and uniform bed density distributionenvironment. At this moment, the time-average bed densities of different bed heights anddifferent axial directions mainly distribute the range of1.95~2.10g/cm~3, and the standarddeviation of bed density is less than0.20g/cm~3. The achievements have great promotion tocomplete the regulation mechanism of the pressure drops and bed density.
     Based on the experimental and simulation results of the pressure drop and bed density of thefluidized bed, the further numerical simulation of the gas-solid multiphase fluid dynamicalbehaviors in the fluidized bed was carried out. The gas phase and the dense phase of medium solids both keep uniform and steady distribution condition after the stable fluidization. From themacroscopical view, it appears the favorable bed activity, stable sectional pressure drops anduniform bed density distribution of the fluidized bed. From the microcosmic view, it appears thefavorable connectivity of the gas phase in the fluidized bed, and the solid phase mainly presentsthe steady circumfluence, and elevation and subsidence movement trace and velocity variationrules. It not only ensures the steady flow of the fluidized bed, but also provides the stable anduniform bed density environment for the classification of the separation particles. The studyingresults have certain reference and significance on the distributor design of the fluidized bed andthe selection of medium solids.
     Based on the numerical calculation model and the self-designed acquisition system of thebubble movements and force measurement device of the separation particle, the bubbledynamical behavior, the force property of the separation particle, the fluctuation of pressuredrop and bed density distribution, gas phase distribution and movement laws of medium solids,synergistic mechanism of interaction between the medium solids and separation particles werefurther studied in the research. It aims to play the important effort on the basic separationtheories of the fluidization and the improvement and regulation mechanism of the fluidizedclassification equipments.
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