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     在以上理论分析的基础上,对形成青藏高原南部构造格局的雅鲁藏布江缝合带这一条正-右旋走滑断裂带进行分析研究,并运用C++进行程序设计,结合GMT(genedc mapping tools)软件功能及该区域地质、地球物理资料,对青藏高原南部进行解算与模拟,将模拟结果与GPS速度场进行对比和分析,显示出了模拟速度场较好的效果。
Tibet Plateau,who is considered the result of reciprocity of Gangwana mainland and Eerasia,is the zone who is quit complicated and is paid attention to by geologist. There is certain limitation to the research and achievement of this area in the scientific and technological level under different periods. Modernly technology of surveying in a full speed development, especially , the appearance of technology-GPS in the earth surveying of space ,makes the real-time measurement of the regionality even global possible.With the rapid improvement of precision of GPS orientation, GPS technology becomes a important method in coming plate deformation monitoring of the regionality even global true.As a result,it is possible to simulate the field of deformation in regionality even global. On setting and d simulating deformation field, a lot of domestic and international scholars have done a large number of research and discussion and Solve this problem with all kinds of model and method. The author, on the basis of the
    thing that forefathers study ,according to the condition of terra and geography in south Tibetan Plateau and using dislocation model and GPS deformation speed field, simulates south Tibetan Plateau.Then the displacements derived by dislocation model are compared with those observed by Global Positioning System(GPS). Ultimately,! gain some important conclusions and derived.
    Analyzing the background of tectonic and geology, On the basis of plentiful datum who are gain by surveying, I set some GPS deformation fields in different reference benchmark and study their sameness and difference on a comparative method.finally,! conclude that each south Tibetan Plateau blocks has a different speed.
    Using dislocation model, paper , studying and analyzing dislocation model on the basis of the especial circumstance of terra and geography, brings forward the advantage and feasibility of simulating south Tibetan Plateau.
    On the basis of above theory, I analyze and study Yalung Zangbo Suture Zone who is a right slip strike faults and control tectonic pattern. Taking advantage of GMT (generic mapping tools) and information of geology and physical geography I have a program using C++ edited to calculate digital of it. At last, south Tibetan Plateau is simulated . As a result, south Tibetan Plateau deformation field comes being. Compared to GPS deformation speed , it shows a good purpose.
    Analyzing and studying south Tibetan Plateau deformation field, I educe collective direction and deformation condition about deformation south Tibetan Plateau.
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