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Guangdong Province, Hongkong and Macao has always maintained closeeconomic and trade relations. The re-unification of Hong Kong and Macao withChina represents the economic relation of the three regions has entered a newhistorical period. Currently, the world’s economic pattern occurred with significantand profound changes, the growing trend of economic globalization and regionaleconomic integration are highlighted. In the wave of regional economic integration,China not only joined the regional economic organization, but also composeddifferent regional economic organizations. Economic cooperation will inevitablypromote cooperation in tax, while a wide range of tax cooperation, will better servethe common development of the economy. Economic cooperation of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao contains plenty of practice. Exhaustive analysis of thenecessity and feasibility of tax cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao,will contribute to the analysis of tax cooperation, and will also contribute to thedevelopment of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao tax cooperation. Therelationship among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao is quite special, neither theinter-provincial relations within the country, nor the state-to-state relations. So thetheory of tax cooperation, both regional and international are not able to be directlyused. Under these circumstances, important theoretical significance and practicalsignificance will be made by studying the status of Guangdong, Hong Kong andMacao economic cooperation in depth, analysing tax cooperation of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao combined with the development of new domestic andinternational economic trends, designing tax policy of cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. For one thing, we can enrich the existing tax cooperationtheory, for another, we can provide ideas for the special tax cooperation underChina's multidimensional national situations.
     This article is constituted by the introduction, the six main chapters. Thespecific structure and main contents are as follows:
     Chapter I is the introduction. At the very beginning it devotes the relevantliterature on the basis of questioning. The first is tax cooperation in the process ofregional economic integration, highlighting the status and role of tax cooperation,including increasing trade interests, againsting the interests of the body, solving theexternal problems and the providing of public goods and to achieve fairness andefficiency. The second is economic integration concepts proposed in Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao and related research. These studies valuably explore from adifferent perspective of economic geography, economic and trade relations andfinancial, but most works are not directly from a tax point of view to carry outresearch. The third is the related research on tax cooperation. Most scholars believethat tax cooperation can enhance the level of benefits in the country (region). Thefourth is evaluation of the relevant literature. It is found that, since in the same taxsystem, scholars don’t do plenty of research in the field of domestic tax cooperation.Cooperation of the same sovereign state under a different tax system, the existingresearchs are even less. Different tax systems under the same sovereign statecooperation have been rarely studied. Then it describes the research method andthesis structure on the base of the above. At last it concludes the innovation of thispaper and inadequacies.
     Chapter II is the integration of regional economic development and regional taxcooperation. Economic regionalization enhances the external economic effects of thetax, the process of the experience and lessons of the other regional economicorganizations tax cooperation undoubtedly has important implications for the development of the domestic regional economic integration. This chapter firstanalyzes the development trend of regional economic integration, focusing onanalysis of progress and trends of the development of regional economic integrationmove due to the European Union, North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), theAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization (APEC). Then it analyzes thenegative effects of the increasing inevitability of the tax conflict or contradiction inregional economic integration, and elaborates their tax conflict. Taking the form ofhindering the process of regional economic integration, significantly reducing acountry's tax policy effectiveness and deepen the the tax distribution contradictionbetween countries. At last it introduces regional tax cooperation, internationalexperience, mainly EU tax co-operation, as well as tax cooperation mechanisms andeffects analysis.
     Chapter III is the development of economic integration of Guangdong, HongKong and Macao: the basis of the status and its main problem facing. The analysis ofthe development of economic integration of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macaofrom the geographic relationship, population movements, economic and tradeexchanges and cooperation, financial cooperation, simultaneously parse the pressureof the economic transformation and upgrading of Guangdong, Hong Kong andMacao. The pressure mainly comes from internal contradictions in the adjustment ofnational policy, international environmental changes in the economies in transitionpressure.
     Chapter IV analyzes of Guangdong, Hong Kong tax system. It analyzes andevaluate Guangdong tax system from income tax, goods and services tax, arriving ata conclusion that tax structure feature in Guangdong is mainly composed by turnovertax and income tax, adopting standard dual jurisdiction delimitation of territorialjurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the residents. Then it analyzes Hong Kong,Macao’s direct tax, indirect tax system. coming to the dicision that Hong Kong's tax structure mainly contains direct taxes, which scope is narrow, tax categories are less,the tax burden is light and a single implementation of proceeds origin principle.Macau presents a prominent feature of the franchise tax status.
     Chapter V is the necessity and feasibility of tax cooperation of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macau. On the basis of existing research of economy, trade,investment, industry, finance, human resources the article selects the materials fromthe view of tax cooperation for the first time. This chapter analyzes the necessity andfeasibility of tax cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao on the basis ofthe previous chapter. The necessity is to enhance the competitiveness of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao region’s urgent need for an effective way to optimize theregional allocation of resources. The feasibility is that tax cooperation of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao has practical and economic openness. This chapter alsoanalyzes the problems of tax cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao,including tax benefits allocated on a reasonable basis, international tax avoidance ofdouble taxation, tax evasion and other issues.
     Chapter VI is the principle of tax cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong andMacao, positioning and path. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao’s tax cooperationoccurs in cooperation between sovereign domestic regions. It is different from thetax cooperation among the European Union and The North American Free TradeArea (NAFTA). Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao’s tax cooperation is the cooperationof the three tax system. It is also different from the cooperation between theinter-provincial cooperation between the provinces under the same tax system or thecooperation in the same province. This chapter principles and features of the taxcooperation from the efficiency and fair of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao,analyzes the strategic positioning of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao taxcooperation. Finally, as a case study, the chapter analyzes the path of tax cooperationamong Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, Zhuhai Hengqin New Area, Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation District, Guangzhou Nansha New District from the aspect ofincome tax, goods and services tax, tax collection and management.
     Chapter VII is the policy recommendations for the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao tax cooperation. The first thing is improving tax cooperation andcoordination mechanism, it is necessary to build a tax exchanges and cooperationplatform, but also play to the tax authorities actively promote regional taxcooperation. The second thing is endeavouring to national policy support and theestablishment of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Tax CooperationDemonstration Zone, a clear central content of the policy support from centralgovernment. The third thing is improving the local matching measures, consistingperfecting the tax service and intensifing the support of local.
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