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From1789to1848, France witnessed the most tremendous period of shakiness. swamping in revolutions between toppling and resetting social orders. Painting during this time was subject to profound transformations and transitions in a dual sense of subject and narrative convention. For the former, the fatal waning of religion emerged as a painting subject, which was also trendy in realms of fiction, theater, and poetry; for the latter, artists started to bring in their painting literal narrative, dramatic and poetic qualities.
     The dual transformation was bestowed by literature, which was the art practice of dominancy from the late18th to early half of19th century. The Enlightenment in the18th century and the growing bourgeois altogether contributed to social secularization, matched by the raising standing of intellectuals, freelancing, and striving for publishing freedom, literature in the circumstance unleashed in secularization and market principles from both religion and elitism. Technologically, reading proliferated among almost all social classes from improvement of printing, increasing literacy rate, thriving theater going, and the widespread of public reading rooms. Figures like Chateaubriand, Hugo, Byron, Goethe, Scott had become idols at the summit of Romanticism, the influence exerted reached all art forms including painting. Undeniably, in a time of revolutionary enthusiasm and dictatorship substituting one another, all of the movements inevitably intertwined with ideology, social upheavals and Zeitgeist. Be it idealism of the Enlightenment era, ambition of Napoleon, raising up of the middle class, or the mal du siecle followed the defeat, all manifested in very specific forms, among those La Nouvelle Heloise(1761) readers falling over each other at bookstalls, in all pirated books published underground in France, those liberalists and royalists throwing at each other umbrellas and walking sticks in theaters, those artistic and romantic youths haunted by The Sorrows of Young Werther and Chatterton, and Byronism in Romantic painting, which in term effected the dual transformation of painting in such a subtle manner. The present paper attempts to approach Neoclassical and Romantic painting through a socio-cultural historical perspective, and deeply analysis the transformations in literary painting and their narrative conventions during a period from1789to1848.
1详见Thomas Crow. The Intelligence of Art, The University of North Carolina Press,2008.
    1这里指的是拉斐尔的《伯格城的大火》(The Fire in the Borgo.1514-1517),鲁本斯的《阿涅阿斯和他的家人逃离特洛伊》(Aeneas And His Family Departing From Troy.1602-1603)和凡·洛的《背着安息赛斯的阿涅阿斯》(Aeneas Carrying Anchises.1729)三幅画。
    3 Robert Rosenblum. Transformations in Late Eighteenth Century Art, Princeton University Press.1970. P29.
    4这里指的足格勒兹(Jean-Baptiste Greuze)的作品《乡村订婚》(1761)。
    3 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007, P1。
    3 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007,P1 05.
    1 Thomas Crow,"Sacrifice and Transformation". The Intelligence of Art. The University of North Carolina Press. 2008. P80.
    2这一术语来自于迈克尔·弗雷德(Michael Fried)的《专注与剧场性:狄德罗时代的绘画与观众》(Michael Fried. Absorption and Theatricality:Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot. Berkeley and Los Angeles,1980,)在这本著作中,弗雷德首次提出了“剧场性”(theatricality)的概念,并指出了狄德罗的观点:绘画的矛盾在于既要消除观众与画面的距离感,又要使画面显得观众不存在。狄德罗极其推崇表现“专注”(Absorption)的作品,要求画面要消除观众的存在:但画家在有意消除观众的在场时,是已经预设了观众的存在的,这也是一个矛盾。所以狄德罗认为,绘画与戏剧有异曲同工之处。
    3 Beth Segal Wright. Scott's Historical Novels and French Historical Painting 1815-1855. The Art Bulletin.Vol.63,No.2(Jun.,1981).pp.268-287.
    1 [美]罗伯特·达恩顿,《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》,萧知纬译,华东师范大学出版社,2011,P1.瑞普·安·温克尔(Rip Van Winkle)是美国作家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving,1783—1859)创作的著名短篇小说《瑞普·安·温克尔》中的主人公,他因喝了仙洒睡了一觉,醒来之后发现已是二十年以后。
    2这些形形色色的标签都来自于2000年以来出版的一些著作的标题或者副标题。例如,Markman Ellis. The Coffee-House:A Cultural History,2004:Valerie Steele. The Corset:A Cultural History. New Haven.2001: Benjammen A. Elman. A Cultural History of Facial Hair. New York,2002;loop Leerssen. National Thought in Europe:A Cultural History of Pregnancy:Pregnancy, Medicine and Culture.1750—2000. Basingstoke,2004:Iain Gately. Tobacco:A Cultural Histoty of How an Exotic Plant Seduced Civilization. New York.2002:Thomas Laqueur. Solitary Sex:A Cultural History of Masturbation. New York,2003:Eluned Summers-Bremner, Insomnia: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom,2006,等等:
    3 Johan Huizinga, "The Task of Cultural History", Men and the Ideas. New York:MERIDIAN BOOKS.1965. 77-96.
    1例如托马斯·克劳(Thomas Crow)的《仿效:在法国大革命艺术中的达维特,德鲁埃和吉罗代》(Emulation: David. Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France, 2006),鲁夫·赖卡特(Rolf Reichardt)的《大革命的视觉化:18世纪晚期法国的政治与图画艺术》(Visualizing the Revolution:politics and the pictorial arts in late eighteenth-century France,2008), (?)天伦·罗伯特(Warren Roberts)的《雅克-路易·达维特,革命的艺术:艺术,政治与法国大革命》(Jacques-Louis David, Revolutionary Artist:Art. Politics, and the French Revolution,2011),拉耶尔-伯查斯(Ms.Ewa Lajer-Burcharth)的《领口:恐怖时期之后的达维特的艺术》(Necklines:The Art of Jacques-Louis David after the Terror,1999),艾利·诺尔(Ellie Esther Nower)的《作为政客的艺术家们:法国浪漫主义文学与艺术人物中艺术与政治的关系》(The Artist as Politician:the Relationship between the Art and the Politics of the French Romantic Literary and Artistic Figures,1983),等等。
    1指的是《阿贝拉尔给海洛薇兹的回信》(Reponse d'Abelard a Heloise)和《爱情的受害者,或著名爱侣的书信集》(Les Victimes de l'amour, ou lettres de quelques amants celebres,1776)。
    1 Gregory S. Brown. A Field Of Honor:Writers. Court Culture. And Public Theater In French Literarv Life From Racine To The Revolution. Columbia University Press,2005. P37.
    2这种说法来自于文艺复兴时的理想:“文艺复兴时期‘正人君子’的理想形象则是将自己的行为描绘为作家的人文主义者,斯多噶学派认为他们和他们的保护者都是不屈从于任何强权的独立自治的人,这源于他们不屈不挠的个人意志和克制自己的能力。同时,他们还强调,作为一位君子……他们从不将私利放在前面。”——详见Gregory S. Brown. A Field Of Honor:Writers. Court Culture. And Public Theater In French Literary Life From Racine To The Revolution. Columbia University Press.2005. P18.
    3 Gregory S. Brown. A Field Of Honor:Writers. Court Culture. And Public Theater In French Literary Life From Racine To The Revolution. Columbia University Press.2005. P37.
    5从达恩顿提供的一份当时著名的文人收入清单上来看,启蒙文人绝非是一个革命团体,或者说他们从未想过发动暴力革命来推翻政府。这份清单来自国立档案馆(Archives Nationales),其中包括147名“中请养老金的文人“以及10份档案,里面详细记载了他们的资金支持的来源:例如,莫雷莱每年从商业银行(Caisse de Commerce)领取6000里弗:马蒙泰尔每年从《法兰西记事》(historiographe de France)任上领取3000里弗,从法兰西学院终身秘书的职位上领取2000里弗:拉哈珀每年从《信使报报》(mercure)领取1500里弗,并在学院教课每年还挣取3000里弗。此外还有很多其他启蒙运动盛期的人物,如圣.兰贝尔(Saint-Lambert)、伯纳丹·德·圣-皮埃尔(Bernardin de Saint-Pierre)、库比埃尔·德·塞萨尔特(Des Essarts)等等,他们领取的资助从1000到3000里弗不等。——详见[美][罗伯特·达恩顿,《旧制度时期的地下文学》,李军译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2012年,P7-10。
    6 Marcel Reinchard, "Elite et noblesse dans la seconde moitie du ⅩⅧe siecle". Revue d'histoire modern et contemporaine(1956).P21.
    3 Jean-Jacques Carnier. L'Homme de letters(Pairs:Panckouke.1764),pp.134-135.
    6卢梭的父亲是一名钟表匠:马蒙泰尔是一个穷裁缝的儿子:狄德罗的父亲是个制刀师傅。比隆的家境要比前面的这三个人好一些,他出身于第戎市的一个药剂师家庭(伏尔泰的父亲是巴黎夏德荣区法院的公证人),他本人是市政议会的成员和地产管理人,还是当地文学院的成员,主要负责翻译和研究古典著作。但作为一个外省移民,他在巴黎的奋斗历程也是一波三折,但最终还是成为了一名颇为成功的剧作家。只是由于他的文学风格过于迎合市场,所以在巴黎的上流社会看来他的成功仅仪是经济上的,而不能被列为高尚的“文人”之列。关于比隆的生平事迹,详见Paul Chaponniere, Alexis Piron:Sa vie et ses oeuvres(Geneva: Jullien.1910)。
    3 Michel Gaulin. Le Concept d'homme de letters. Garland Science,1991, P37.
    2 Robert Darnton. Daniel Roche, et., Revolution in Print:the Press in France,1775-1800. University of California Press in collaboration with the New York Public Library,1989, P6-7.
    1 Martyn Lyons, "Towards a National Literary Culture in France:Bookshops and the Decline of the Colporteur". Martyn Lyons. Reading Culture and Writing Practices in Nineteenth-century France. Toronto:Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. c2008. P44.
    4数字来自于Felix Rocquain. L'Esprit revolutionnaire avant la Revolution,1715-1789 (Paris:Plon,1878),其他详情也可见[美]罗伯特·达恩顿,《法国大革命前的畅销禁书》,郑国强译,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2012年。
    6 Robert Darnton. Daniel Roche, et., Revolution in Print:the Press in France,1775-1800. University of California Press in collaboration with the New York Public Library.1989,P11.
    1关于这一事件的原委,详见Robert Darnton. Gens de letters, gens du livre. Ed O. Jacob.1992, P219-244.
    3 Michalina Vaughan. Margaret S. Archer, Social Conflict and Educational Change in England and France 1789-1848, Cambridge University Press,1972, P117.
    3当时法国的总人口数大概是2600万。此数字来自于Michel Fleury, Pierre Valmary, "Les progres de I'instruction elementaire de Louis ⅩⅣ a Napoleon Ⅲ d'apres I'enquete de Louis Maggiolo(1877-1897)". Population(1951), pp.71-92.
    3具体数字来自Robert Mandrou. De la culture populaire aux ⅩⅦe et ⅩⅧe siecles:La Bibliotheque bleue de Troyes(Paris:Stock.1975).
    2 Harry Earl Whitmore. "The cabinet de lecture in France.1800-1850". The Library-Quarterly. Vol.48. No.1 (Jan..1978). pp.20-35.
    4 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009.P14.
    5《费加罗的婚礼》是法国剧作家博马舍(Pierre-Aueustin Caron de Beaumarchais,1732-1799)最杰出的政治喜剧,剧中含沙射影地讽刺了法国的贵族和封建统治。然而这部戏剧于1784年在巴黎公演时却获得巨大成功,连续上演一百多场,场场爆满。
    2 M. Barras, PH.D., The stage controversy in France from Corneille to Rousseau. Phaeton Press,1933,P14-15.
    5 M. Barras, PH.D., The stage controversy in France from Corneille to Rousseau. Phaeton Press,1933,P16.
    2巴拉斯还分别解释了这些罪名的含义,详见M.Barras,PH.D.,The stage controversy in France from Corneille to Rousseau,Phaeton Press,1933,P19-22.
    2 M. Barras. PH.D.. The stage controversy in France from Corneille to Rousseau. Phaeton Press,1933, P264-265.
    1 [法]让-皮埃尔·乌里,让-弗朗索瓦·西里内利主编,《法国文化史》(第三卷),上海:华东师范大学出版社,2011年,P86。
    3 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009.P23.
    1 F.W.J.Hemmings, The Theatre Industry in Nineteenth-century France. New York, NY. USA:Cambridge University press,2006.P12.
    2 Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press.1999.P105.
    3详见Robert Rosenblum. A Source for David's 'Horatii'. The Burlington Magazine. Vol.112. No.806 (May,1970). pp.269-271+273. Published by:The Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd.罗森布鲁姆指出,波福特的《布鲁图斯的誓言》“似乎处于从汉密尔顿的《布鲁图斯》到达维特的《贺拉斯》之间的转型阶段,汉密尔顿开始采取了一种清晰明了的形式和道德上的理想主义,清除了1760年代阴魂不散的洛可可风,开辟了法国人对于这个故事的转译方式,而这种风格在达维特1784年的杰作中达到了极致。”(P269)“波福特于1784年去世,这一年也正是达维特开始创作《贺拉斯》的时候,《贺拉斯》可以说是继承了开始于汉密尔顿而后传承到波福特手中的天才般的语言和理念。在1780年代的巴黎沙龙里依然可以看到波福特的《布鲁图斯》(最初展出于1771年),它为达维特提供了丰富的形式和戏剧性的元素,使后者创作出了堪称艺术史分水岭的作品。……在Virginia Lee出版的《网球场宣誓》草稿图集中,达维特临摹了汉密尔顿的《布鲁图斯》和波福特的同名作品。“(P273)但在文章的最后,罗森布鲁姆也承认:“达维特的《贺拉斯》并非仅仅有这两个主要来源而已。”(P273)。
    4德布雷是达维特的一个亲戚,在当时也是一名学习绘画的学生。在1784年,年仅14岁的德布雷(Jean-Baptiste Debret)和达维特以及他的学生德鲁埃同行来到罗马,并亲眼见证了《贺拉斯兄弟的宣誓》丛构思到完成的全过程。后来在拿破仑时代,德布雷成为了一名画家。在复辟时期,他与达维特一同被流放,先是接受了葡萄牙国王的邀请,接着移居巴西,但与客死他乡的达维特不同,他通过一番艰辛努力,于]830年代重返巴黎。在回国之后,他开始着手研究达维特早期的绘画生涯,虽然在1825年达维特过世之后涌现出了许多有关画家生平的传记,但只有在德布雷回国之后,关于《贺拉斯》这幅画的一些鲜为人知的历史和细节才被发掘出来,并经由达维特的学生路易斯-亚历山大·贝隆(Louis-Alexandre Peron)整理 出版,即Louis-Alexandre Peron. Examen du tableau du serment des Horaces, peint par David, suivi d'une Notice historique du tableau, lus a la Societe libre des beaux-arts (Paris,1839).
    2这里指的是,在《贺拉斯》戏剧中,老贺拉斯得知自己的女儿被儿子杀死后,不仅没有斥责,反而在国王要惩戒凶手时为其辩护:“一时冲动算不得是罪行:道德支配下的一时冲动,更不该惩罚,而该称颂。“(第五幕第三场)达维特在1782年的一幅草图描绘的正是这一情节:《老贺拉斯为他的儿子辩护》(Old Horatius Defending his Son,1782)。
    3 Louis-Alexandre Peron. Examen du tableau du serment des Horaces. peint par David. P28.原文如下:De plus, nos moeurs francaises s'accomoderot-elles de l'autorite farouche d'un pere, qui pousse le stoicism jusqu' a excuser sonfils du meurtre de sa propre fille? Non, non. ajoute-t-il en ces propres termes, nous ne sommes pas assez murs pour un pareil sujet.
    4 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David. Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press.2006. P35.
    2 Emilie Pauline Kostoroski. Corneille and Racine in the Literaiy Criticism of Eighteenth-century France. Ann Arbor. Mich.:UMI,1970. P.71-72.
    3 Thomas Crow, Emulation:David, Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press.2006,P35.
    4剧作家迪西(Jean-Francois Ducis)将达维特称为塞戴纳的“第二个儿子”,因为二人感情之深,形同父子。
    5达维特在九岁丧父之后,便由母亲交给两个叔父——布隆(Francois Buron)和德迈松(Jacques-Francois Desmaisons)监护。这两人都是当时非常成功的建筑师和建筑承包商。塞戴纳曾经住在布隆的宅邸,跟随其学习建筑设计和房产交易,并且担任布隆的主要助理长达二十年之久。在此之后,塞戴纳的文学才能被富有阶层发现,并跻身于当时法国最著名的剧作家之列,后来他因此荣升为皇家建筑学院的终身秘书(Permanent Secretary of the Royal Academy of Architecture)。
    6 Mme de Vandeul.'Eloge de M-J.Sedaine', Correspondance litteraire. M.Tourneux, ed.(Paris,1882),ⅩⅥ. pp.234-46.这句话出自这一系列丛书的最后一卷的最后一节,原文如下:Il avail aime David dans sa jeunesse avec une tendresse infinie, parce qu'il s'etait cree lui-meme la superiorite de son art.Il avail pressenti le talent de l'enfant, il etait fier de son succes. Son attachement pour luietait tel que beaucoup de gens le croyaient sonfils... (p.243)
    1 Alphonse Rabbe. 'Notice sur Jacques-Louis David'. Biographie universelle et portative des contemporains. Paris.1827. P5原文如下:...un autre ami. le digne Sedaine, secretaire perpetuel de l'academic francaise, lui prodiguait d'autres secours avec une chaleur d'affection qui avail tous le symptoms de la tendresse paternelle, au point que, pour 1'expliquer, on supposa a David une origine adulterine.
    2 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David. Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press,2006,P43.
    3 Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press.1999. P88.
    4 Guy Cogeval, Beatrice Avanzi et., Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War, Skira,2010.P21.
    1这段话来自于荷马的史诗《伊利亚特》,转引自Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press.1999. P76.
    2 Robert Rosenblum. Transformations in Late Eighteenth Century Art, Princeton University Press.1970.P29.
    1 Journal et memoires du mar quis d'Argenson,ed.J.B.Rathry,Paris,1859-1867.Vol.8.p.315转引自张智,《法国启蒙运动与旧制度后期的民族主义话语》,《浙江学刊》2007年第3期。
    4[美]罗伯特·达恩顿,《旧制度时期的地下文学》,刘军译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2012年,P34。莫兰德是18世纪晚期一名地下作家,专门撰写政治抨击性小册子,他直言不讳、耸人听闻的风格极受读者欢迎,他的《装甲报人》《丑闻纪事》(chronique scandaleuse)揭露了许多有关政治腐败的秘问。
    5 Keith Michael Baker. Inventing the French Revolution:Essays on French Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge University Press.1990, P128.
    1 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David. Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionan France. Yale University Press,2006,P43.
    3 Louis Charpentier. Causes de la decadence du gout sur le theater(Paris:Dufour.1768). pp.32-3.
    4 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David. Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press,2006,P38.
    2法国抒情诗人,原名是Ponce Denis Ecouchard Lebrun,勒布伦-潘代尔是他的笔名。
    3 Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press,1999. P94.
    4 Thomas Crow, Emulation:David. Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary:France, Yale University Press,2006,P42.
    5 Correspondence litteraire. Ⅳ. P85-9.
    6 Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press.1999. P94.
    1这幅画是由国王路易十六订制的,起初规定的尺寸是10X10ft(3X3m),但达维特擅自改变了画幅,这是Direction des Batiments du Roi所接受的所有绘画中最大的。关于这一改动,达维特是这样解释的:“我增大了国王要求的尺寸,他让我画10x10那么大的,但真若如此就把我的构图完全改变了.这会使作品失去力量。所以,我决定不再为国王作画,而只为我自己。"——Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press.1999.P92.
    2达维特的母亲玛丽·布隆(Marie-Genevieve Buron)是布歇的远房表亲,最初由布歇教授达维特学画,但不久他以年事己高为借口(也可能是不喜欢达维特),将达维特介绍给了维恩(Joseph-Marie Vien.1716-1809)。
    4 Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press,1999, P126.
    1 F.哈兹尔赫斯特(F.Hamilton Hazlehurst)指出,达维特的《贺拉斯兄弟的宣誓》与普桑的《吉尔马尼库斯之死》有诸多相似之处,如男性人物和女性人物分列左右两边,贺拉斯三兄弟的宣誓姿势参考了《吉尔马尼库斯之死》画面左边的几名十兵的画法,等等。此外,普桑的《劫夺萨宾妇女》画面左边的几个人物的动态也为达维特描绘贺拉斯三兄弟提供了参考。详见F.Hamilton Hazlehurst. "The Artistic Evolution of David's Oath", The Art Bulletin. Vol.42. No.1(Mar.,1960), pp.59-63.
    2 Robert Rosenblum. Transformations in Late Eighteenth Century Art, Princeton University Press,1970. P19.
    1 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David, Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionaiy France. Yale University Press,2006,P43.
    4 Louis-Alexandre Peron. Examen du tableau du serment des Horaces, peint par David, suivi d'une Notice historique du tableau, lus a la Societe libre des beaux-arts (Paris,1839), P7-8.原文如下:David has demonstrated a genius eminently inventive. ... ... Le vieil Horace tient dans ses mains defaillantes les trios epees qui vont combattre:c'est sur elles qu'il fait preter serment a ses fils:il les eleve ces epees verse ciel. en meme temps que lui-meme y porte se regards, autant pour implorer l'assistance des Dieux que pour procurer a ces armes la trempe divine qui doit assurer la victoire. C'est sous cette invocation solennelle et sacree que le serment est prete.Est-il rien de plus beau?
    5不过从塞戴纳写给达维特的一封信(1780年6月1日)中可以看到,他对达维特描绘“贺拉斯”题材提出反对之后,又为自己的干涉行为表示了歉意。所以,可以说在决定《贺拉斯兄弟的宣誓》的最终面貌上二者都做出了妥协。详见Louis-Alexandre Peron. Examen du tableau du serment des Horaces, peint par David. suivi d'une Notice historique du tableau, lus a la Societe libre des beaux-arts (Paris,1839),P28.
    1 Mark Ledbury. "Visions of Tragedy:Jean-Frangois Ducis and Jacques-Louis David", Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.37. No.4, Artistic Interactions (Summer.2004). pp.562.
    3这句话出自于1799年7月13日迪西写给达维特的信,原文是:“Nous avons senti d abord quily avait une langue commune entre nows."Bibliotheque Municipale. Besancon,MS1441(317).转引自Mark Ledbury, "Visions of Tragedy:Jean-Frangois Ducis and Jacques-Louis David". Eighteenth-Century Studies. Vol.37. No.4. Artistic Interactions (Summer,2004), pp.559.
    4 Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press.1999.P89.
    1 Mark Ledbury, "Visions of Tragedy:Jean-Frangois Ducis and Jacques-Louis David", Eighteenth-Century Studies. Vol.37. No.4, Artistic Interactions (Summer.2004), pp.572.
    2 Robert Rosenblum. A Source for David's 'Horatii'. The Burlington Magazine. Vol.112, No.806 (May, 1970),pp.269.
    1 Thomas Crow, "Patriotism and Virtue:David to the Young Ingres". Stephen F. Eisenman, Thomas Crow, Nineteenth Century Art:A Critical History. Thames & Hudson,2007, P21.
    3 Thomas Crow, Emulation:David, Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press,2006,P30.
    4 Stephane Guegan, "Ut pictura theatrum:Revolutions in French Painting(1750-1820)", Guy Cogeval, Beatrice Avanzi et.. Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira, 2010.P42.
    2阿尔比纳在《演员》中如此说道:“一个缺乏情感的表演者成不了演员。他只能被视为一个演讲者。一个演员有着多愁善感的灵魂,却缺乏激情或者不知道该如何在必要的时候表达激情,那么他就不如可以将情感与表达情感的热情澎湃的言辞结合起来的演员,就像一个有朗诵技巧却对自己朗诵的内容麻木不仁的演讲者就不如将二者结合起来的演讲者成功。——Reymond de Saint Albine. Le Comedien(Pans:Vincent fils 1749). PP.41-4转引自Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009,P204.
    3一说嘉里克的表演风格其实是受到伦敦小剧场里的哑剧表演的影响。而这种表演早在二十年前就盛行于法国本土的集市剧场(faire theatre)之中,由于集市剧场受到下层阶级和贵族的双重喜爱,而威胁到了皇家赞助的巴黎各大剧场的生意,于是在18世纪,政府根据路易十四时期制定的相关章程修改了剧院的审查制度,规定歌剧、戏剧和音乐剧为巴黎歌剧院、法兰西剧院、意大利人剧院的垄断剧种,集市剧场只能演出这些剧种以外的节目,如哑剧、杂技、魔术等等。因此别无选择的集市剧场只能尽可能地发掘表演动作的视觉效果,以实现最大程度的吸引力。而嘉里克不过是将这种平民的戏剧形式进行了改良,使其更适合精美完善而又理想主义的古典戏剧。详见Susan Leigh Foster. Choreography & narrative:Ballet's Staging of Story and Desire. Bloomington:Indiana University Press. c1996.P34-35.关于18世纪晚期法国集市剧场的更多资料,可见Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009. P15-24.
    4“戏剧的如画主义”(dramatic pictorialism)这一术语来自悉尼大学艺术史与电影研究系教授马克·莱德伯里(Mark Ledbury),他主要的研究方向是剧场与视觉艺术之间的关系:与此术语相似的还有皮埃尔·弗兰茨(Pierre Frantz)提出的“戏剧性场面的美学”(esthetique du tableau)。关于这一术语的更多讨论及其意义,可参见Angelica Gooden. Action and Persuasion (Oxford:Oxford Univ. Press.1986); Marion Hobson. The Object of Art (Cambridge:Cambridge Univ. Press.1982).
    5狄德罗写于1783年的《表演的矛盾性》(Paradox on Acting)就是根据这些信件编写而成的,但这本书直至1830年才得以出版。
    1 Susan Leigh Foster. Choreography & narrative:Ballet's Staging of Story and Desire. Bloomington:Indiana University Press. c1996.P33.
    2 Dorothy Johnson. "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot, David, and The Oath of the Horatii", The Art Bulletin. Vol.71. No.1 (Mar.,1989).P96.关于上述各个领域对于人类动作和手势的具体研究,详见以下学者的著作:J.P.Seigel, "The Enlightenment and the Evolution of Signs in France and England", Journal of the History of Ideas,ⅹⅹⅹ.1969, P96-115:J.R.Knowlson, "The Idea of Gesture as a Universal Language in the ⅩⅦth and ⅩⅧth Centuries." Journal of the History of Ideas,ⅹⅹⅵ.1965,495-508; Knowlson. Universal Language Schemes in England and France(Toronto and Buffalo,1975).
    4这个定义是德·卡修萨克从自己的一篇论文《论古今舞蹈或舞蹈的历史》(La danse ancienne el moderne, ou traite historique de la danse,1754),后来影响了许多法国舞蹈家和戏剧家的创作。
    1关于“富有表情的头像”比赛的讨论及其理论基础,可见J.M. Wilson. The Painting of the Passions in Theory, Practice and Criticism in Late Eighteenth-Century France (New York and London,1980). P32-40.
    2 Dorothy Johnson. "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot, David, and The Oath of the Horatii". The Art Bulletin. Vol.71. No.1 (Mar..1989),P99.
    2 Dorothy Johnson. "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot, David, and The Oath of the Horatii". The Art Bulletin.Vol 71. No.1 (Mar..1989).P100.
    3 Michael Fried. Absorption and Theatricality:Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot. Berkeley and Los Angeles,1980, P138.
    4贝利萨留斯的传说长久以来存在于欧洲的文化叙事之中。有关他的生平记载最初见于与其同时代的普罗科匹厄斯(Procopius of Caesaria)的《战争史》(Wars)或《历史八书》(Histories in Eight Books),但这部著作并没有提到贝利萨留斯变盲或者沦为乞丐的情节,只是到了12世纪才出现了这样的记述。而在15至17世纪,盲人将军贝利萨留斯行乞的传说已经普遍出现了欧洲文学之中。1767年,马蒙泰尔(Jean-Francois Marmontel)的历史小说《贝利萨尔》(Belisaire)出版,马蒙泰尔虽然以普罗可匹厄斯的记载为基础,但也接受了长久以来“贫穷盲人将军贝利萨留斯”的杜撰和虚构.以增强故事的戏剧性。除此之外,17、18世纪还出现了众多以贝利萨留斯为主题的戏剧,如彼得曼(Jakob Bidermann)的《贝利萨留斯》(Belasarius)(1607),奥尔德米克森(John Oldmixon)的《贝利萨留斯的生平》(The life and history of Belisarius, who conquer'd Africa and Italy, with an account of his disgrace, the ingratitude of the Romans, and a parallel between him and a modern hero)(1713),威廉·菲利普斯(William Philips)的《贝利萨留斯》(1724),福热尔(Margaretta Faugeres)的《贝利萨留斯:一部悲剧》(Belisarius:A Tragedy) (1795)。
    1 Dorothy Johnson, "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot. David, and The Oath of the Horatii". The Art Bulletin. Vol.71. No.1 (Mar.,1989).P100.
    2这本书因为借用贝利萨留斯的故事含沙射影地讽刺了路易十五和他那些不知感恩戴德的仆人而受到索邦神学院的强烈谴责,但这反而导致其更加迅速地风靡法国。关于《贝利萨留斯》的争论,详见John Renwick. "Recostruction and Interpretation of the Genesis of the Belisaire Affair, with an Unpublished Letter from Marmontel to Voltaire", Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Centrry.53(1967).P171-222.
    3 Mark Ledbury. "Visions of Tragedy:.lean-Frangois Ducis and Jacques-Louis David". Eighteenth-Century Studies. Vol.37. No.4, Artistic Interactions (Summer.2004). pp.563.
    1佩隆于1779年创作了《贝利萨留斯接受农民的救助》(Belisarius Receiving Hospitality from a Peasant who had Served under him),描绘的是贝利萨留斯被农民收留,并得到照顾的场景:文森特(Francois-Andre Vincent)的《贝利萨留斯》(Belisarius)创作于1776年,描绘的是贝利萨留斯接受一个罗马士兵施舍的场景,在这幅画中虽然也存在相认的情节,但进行施舍的罗马士兵背对观众,使得相认时的震撼与感慨弱化了,以强调贝利萨留斯在窘境之中依旧保持着高贵的仪态。
    2 Mark Ledbury. "Visions of Tragedy:Jean-Frangois Ducis and Jacques-Louis David", Eigfaeenth-Century Studies, Vol.37. No.4. Artistic Interactions (Summer.2004). pp.564.
    3迪西在1780年版《俄狄浦斯在阿德米特》的一份复印本的注解中,阐释了更多关于如何通过肢体动作来传达语言效果的细节,详见Ducis. Oedipe chez Admete. Tragedie(Paris:Gueffier.1780)(Bibliotheque Municipale de Versailles. Reserve D.288).
    1 Dorothy Johnson, "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot, David, and The Oath of the Horatii", The Art Bulletin. Vol.71. No.1 (Mar.,1989),P108.
    2 Dorothy Johnson, "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot. David, and The Oath of the Horatii", The Art Bulletin. Vol.71, No.1 (Mar.,1989).P110.
    2 Dorothy Johnson. "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot, David, and The Oath of the Horatii". The Art Bulletin. Vol.71. No.1 (Mar.,1989).P109.
    3 Thomas Crow, Emulation:David. Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press.2006, P94-95.
    2这件作品是根据古希腊历史学家普鲁塔克(Plutarch)的记述所作,画面的主角是古罗马将军盖阿斯·马留斯(Caius Marius),他因政治斗争的失败而被拘禁于明图内,并遭到当地居民的刺杀。普鲁塔克是如此记述这一事件的:“没有人敢杀马留斯,于是一个养马的人拿着剑潜入了马留斯的房间。马留斯正躺在房内休息,虽然他处于阴暗处,但是对于刺客来说,他的目光就如同射出的一道火焰一般,只听从黑暗中传来一个响亮的声音:“孩子,你胆敢杀死盖阿斯·马留斯?“刺客闻之立即仓皇而逃。
    3根据托马斯·克劳的说法,《明图内的马留斯》与《贺拉斯》有诸多相似之处,例如马留斯的相貌与老贺拉斯,年轻刺客的动态与贺拉斯三兄弟都有几分相像,这是因为德鲁埃切实参与了《贺拉斯》的创作。据称,《贺拉斯》中的女性形象就是由德鲁埃代笔完成的。详见Thomas Crow. Emulation; David, Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press,2006, P55-61.
    1 Dorothy Johnson, "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot, David, and The Oath of the Horatii", The Art Bulletin, Vol.71, No.1 (Mar.,1989),P111.
    2原文如下:Peintre des Horaces, si je vous ai touche dans Lear, c'est que vous avez acheve mes tableaux. Oui, vos domestiques,vos bons et honnetes domestiques. auront des billets pour vendredi prochain. Bibliotheque Municipale, Besancon, MS1441(317).转引自 Mark Ledbury, "Visions of Tragedy:Jean-Frangois Ducis and Jacques-Louis David", Eighteenth-Centwy Studies, Vol.37. No.4, Artistic Interactions (Summer,2004), pp.559.
    3 Simon Lee. David. Phaidon Press,1999, P289.
    1乌利塞·德波特(Ulysse Desportes)博士在布拉格的一个私人收藏展上发现了这张草图的照片,详见Ulysse Desportes. Les Dessins de Louis David(These de doctorate de l'Universite. Paris.1956).P137.
    2德·卡修萨克的《论古今舞蹈或舞蹈的历史》(La danse ancienne et moderne. ou traite historique de la danse.1754)(?)寸诺维尔的启发很大,前文所提到的《百科全书》中“手势”的词条便来自于这本书,卡修萨克对于“手势”的定义与狄德罗的动作理论异曲同工。
    3格吕克是18世纪奥地利的一位著名歌剧作曲家,在1773年来到巴黎,将意大利歌剧传统与法国本土歌剧进行融合改造,并为法国观众写过八部歌剧,其中以《陶瑞德的伊菲戈涅》(Iphigenie en Tauride)最为成功。
    4 Guy Cogeval. "The Lure of the Stage:Painting and Theatre from David to Wagner", Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War, Skira.2010.P21.
    2 Oscar Brockett. Margaret Mitchell. Linda Hardberger. Making the scene:a history of stage design and technology in Europe and the United States. San Antonio. Tex.:Tobin Theatre Arts Fund.2010.P181.
    1 Oscar Brockett. Margaret Mitchell. Linda Hardberger. Making the scene:a history of stage design and technology in Europe and the United States. San Antonio. Tex.:Tobin Theatre Arts Fund.2010.P153.
    1 Dorothy Johnson, "Corporality and Communication:The Gestural Revolution of Diderot, David, and The Oath of the Horatii". The Art Bulletin. Vol.71. No.1 (Mar.,1989).P111.
    2 Oscar Brockett, Margaret Mitchell, Linda Hardberger. Making the scene:a history of stage design and technology in Europe and the United States. San Antonio. Tex.:Tobin Theatre Arts Fund.2010.P152.
    3这里指的是洛可可时期的法国画家华托(Antoine Watteau)以18世纪初的法国剧场为题材创作的作品,如《吉尔斯》(Gilles.1718-1719)《意大利喜剧演员》(Italian Comedian.1720)《法国剧院中的爱情》(Love in The French Theater.1714)《生活的欢乐》(The Delights of Life)等等。
    1 David Lloyd Dowd, Pageant-master of the Republic:Jacques-Louis David and the French Revolution. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press.1948. p.16.
    4 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG..2009.P75.
    3 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG..2009.P123.
    5 Clifford Geertz. "Centers, Kings, and Charisma:Reflections on the Symbolics of Power", Culture and Its Creation:Essays in Honor of Edward Shils. Univ of Chicago Pr (Tx).1977. pp.150-171.
    1 David Lloyd Dowd, Pageant-master of the Republic:Jacques-Louis David and the French Revolution. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press.1948. p.10.
    Teter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG..2009, P26.
    4科洛·德波瓦(1749-1796)是一名演员、剧作家、散文作家和革命家,他在恐怖时期是公共安全委员会(Committee of Public Safety)的成员,曾经在里昂下令处死了两千多人。
    6法布尔·德格朗蒂纳(1750-1794)原名是Philippe Francois Nazaire Fabre d'Eglantine,是一名演员、剧作家、诗人和政客,雅各宾俱乐部成员,乔治丹东的私人秘书。在1794年4月5日,他和其他丹东的支持者被公共安全委员会一起送上了断头台。
    7 Simon Schama. Citizens:A Chronicle of the French Revolution, Penguin,2004. p.497.
    1 David Lloyd Dowd, Pageant-master of the Republic:Jacques-Louis David and the French Revolution. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press.1948, p.16.
    2这一点可以在1805年4月达维特与德哥提的信件中证实。见Philippe Bordes. Jacques-Louis David:Empire to Exile. Yale University Press.2007.P46.
    4 Michael Fried. Absorption and Theatricality:Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot. Berkeley and Los Angeles,1980.P136.
    1 Michael Fried. Absorption and Theatricality:Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot. Berkeley and Los Armeies.1980.P136.
    2 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David, Drouais. and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France, Yale University Press.2006.P18.
    1 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David. Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press.2006.P142.
    2 James Henry Rubin. Guerin's Painting of Phedre and the Post-Revolutionary Revival of Racine. The Art Bulletin. Vol.59. No.4 (Dec.,1977). pp.611.
    4 J. E de La Harpe. Eloge de Racine,Paris,1772.P8.转引处 James Henry Rubin. Guerin's Painting of Phedre and the Post-Revolutionary Revival of Racine. The Art Bulletin. Vol.59. No.4 (Dec.,1977). pp.610.
    1 E.J.Delecuze. Louis David. P212.
    2 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009.P268.
    'Walter Friedlaende. David to Delacroix. P45.
    4塔尔玛是从1801年5月14日开始出演奥赖斯特这个角色的,这也是他演艺生涯中的重要事件。详见James Henry Rubin. Guerin's Painting of Phedre and the Post-Revolutionary Revival of Racine. The Art Bulletin. Vol.59. No.4 (Dec.,1977). pp.607.
    6 James Henry Rubin. Guerin's Painting of Phedre and the Post-Revolutionary Revival of Racine. The Art Bulletin. Vol.59. No.4 (Dec.,1977). pp.614.
    1出自Dialogues of the Gods. Lucian. trans.M.D.MacLeod(Cambridge. Mass.:Loeb Classical Library,1961). Ⅶ.pp.328-331.关于吉罗代参考卢西安著作的说法,最初是由乔治·莱维汀(George Levitine)提出的,详见George Levitine,Girodet-Trioson:An Iconographical Study(New York:Garland,1974).pp.126-127.
    2 Lucian.Dialogues of the Gods. p.331.
    1 Girodet, OEuvres posthumes,Ⅱ, P.396转引自Thomas Crow, Emulation:David, Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France, Yale University Press,2006, P67.
    3 Thomas Crow, Nineteenth Century Art:A Critical History, Thames&Hudson.2007, P45.
    4这里指的是格罗的《阿克莱桥上的波拿巴》(Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcole),这幅画同样创作于1801年。
    2如Tragedies d'Eschyle, trans. Le Franc de Pompignan. Paris.1770; Theatre d'Escchie. trans. F.J. G. de la Porte du Theil. Paris等等。在1794年.英国画家弗拉克斯曼(John Flaxman)为埃斯库罗斯戏剧画的插图也出现了。
    3 Robert Rosenblum. Transformations in Late Eighteenth Century Art. Princeton University Press.1970, P10.
    1这一术语并非罗森布鲁姆原创,而是来自于大英博物馆的展览《威廉·布莱克和他的圈子》(William Blake and His Circle,1957)的展览前言。
    2见Robert Rosenblum. Transformations in Late Eighteenth Century Art. Princeton University Press,1970,P3-49.
    4 Robert Rosenblum. Transformations in Late Eighteenth Century Art. Princeton University Press,1970. Pⅶ.
    3在法国出版时,这本小说的名字是:Le Chateau d'Otrante, histoire gothique, traduite sur la seconde edition anglaise par M[arc]E[idous](Paris:Prault Otranto.1767).在一年之后,这本书还被翻译成了德文。
    4原文:Il nefaut pas juger les ouvrages de M. Walpole com me ceux d'un homme de letters de profession, mais comme des objets d'amusement et de delassement d'un homme de qualite.——Correspondance litteraire. philosophique et critique par Grimm. Diderot. Meister etc..16 vols(Paris:Furne,1829),P233.
    5原文:Il fall ait expliquer la [denouement] toutes les pieces mysterieuses qui axaient servi aux incidents dans le cours de l'histoire.——Correspondance litteraire. philosophique et critique par Grimm. Diderot. Meister etc.,.16 vols(Paris:Furne,1829),P234.
    7 Daniel Hall. French and German Gothic Fiction in the Late Eighteenth Century. Peter Lang Pub Inc (December 3,2004). P53.
    1 Josephine Grieder. Anglomania in France 1740-1789:Fact, Fiction and Political Discourse, pp.65-73.
    2 E.J.Clery, "The Genesis of "Gothic" Tiction', The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction, ed. Jerrold E.Hogle. pp.21-39.
    Daniel Hall. French and German Gothic Fiction in the Late Eighteenth Gentury. Peter Lang Pub Inc (December 3.2004). P127.
    4《森林传奇》的作者是安·拉德克里夫(Ann Radcliffe).《修道士》的作者是马修·路易斯(Matthew Lewis),他们的作品于1795年左右被译成法语,不到两年的时间便在法国家喻户晓。值得注意的是,在1790年至1795年间由于战争原因,被译成法语的英国著作数量骤然下降,在1795年之后,两国重新建交才又恢复了文学交流。
    1详见Maurice Levy, he Roman 'gothique' anglais,1764-1824(Albin Michel,1995):Beatrice Didier, Ecrire la Revolution(Presses Universitaires de France.1989).
    2 Paulson Ronald. Representations of Revolution(1789-1820),P220-221.
    3 Daniel Hall, French and German Gothic Fiction in the Late Eighteenth Century, Peter Lang Pub Inc (December 3.2004), P132.
    5 Mecrure de France, 10 pluviose(法国共和历的雨月,相当于公历1月20日至2月20日)an Ⅶ. p.16-21.转引自Daniel Hall. French and German Gothic Fiction in the Late Eighteenth Century. Peter Lang Pub Inc (December 3.2004), P72.
    3 Robert Darnton. Daniel Roche, et. Revolution in Print:the Press in France,1775-1800. University of California Press in collaboration with the New York Public Library,1989, P69.
    4当然,对于图书公会的垄断地位的颠覆并不是一蹴而就的,1789年《人权宣言》中所要求的言论自由其实是一步步从抽象而空洞的宣言走向具体实践的,这一过程在本文中不再详述,具体内容可参考Carla Hesse. 'Economic Upheavals in Publishing', Robert Darnton. Daniel Roche, et.. Revolution in Print:the Press in France. 1775-1800. University of California Press in collaboration with the New York Public Library,1989
    5 Carla Hesse. 'Economic Upheavals in Publishing'. Robert Darnton. Daniel Roche, et., Revolution in Print:the Press in France.1775-1800. University of California Press in collaboration with the New York Public Library, 1989.P83-85.
    3详见Paul Delalain. L'Imprimerie et la librairie a Paris de 1789 a 1813(Paris:Delalain frere[1900]).
    4 Robert Estivals, La Statistique bibliographique de la France sous la monarchie an ⅩⅧe siecle(Paris: Mouton&Co.,1965).P415.
    5表格来自于Jean Dhombres. 'Books:Reshaping Science', Robert Darnton, Daniel Roche, et., Revolution in Print:the Press in France.1775-1800. University of California Press in collaboration with the New York Public Library,1989.P180.
    1 Angus Martin. Vivienne G. Milne. Richard Frautschi. Bibliographie du genre Romanesque francais(Paris: France Expansion.1977).ⅹⅹⅹⅵ-ⅹⅹⅹⅸ.
    2 Carla Hesse. 'Economic Upheavals in Publishing'. Robert Darnton, Daniel Roche, et., Revolution in Print:the Press in France,1775-1800. University of California Press in collaboration with the New York Public Library. 1989.P94.
    1 1791年,哥特式小说被搬上法国的戏剧舞台,从而产生了哥特式戏剧。
    2 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009, P251.
    3 Moniteur,26 dec 1795,p35.转引自 Peter Kulsrud,The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835), VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009P,251.
    4“弗勒里小姐”指的是玛丽·南斯(Marie Anne Florence Bernardy Nones,1766-1818)的艺名,她在督政府和执政府期间常常扮演悲剧中的公主。
    1 Dorothy Johnson. David to Delacroix:The Rise of Romantic Mythology,The University of North Carolina Press. 2011. P158.
    2莎士比亚对于哥特式文学的影响,详见Daniel Hall. French and German Gothic Fiction in the Late Eighteenth Century. Peter Lang Pub Inc (December 3.2004).P46-49:Oswald Le Winter ed. Shakespeare in Europe, pp.89-91. 204-207.
    3全名为玛利亚·阿侬吉亚塔·卡洛琳娜·波拿巴(Maria Annunziata Carolina Bonaparte.1782-1839),是拿破仑·波拿巴的姐姐,她后来成为了那不勒斯和西西里的皇后。
    4“行吟风格”(troubadour style)的绘画作品往往以一种细致入微的荷兰式画法表现中世纪和文艺复兴时期的历史和文学题材,并更富于个人化的感情色彩。这种作品在1810年以前的沙龙上展出量不超过30幅,而到了1819年却已达112幅之多,1822年达到122幅。这种增长趋势一直持续到19世纪30年代。——Nadia et al Tscherny. Romance & Chivalry:History and Literature Reflected in Early Nineteenth-Century French Painting. Matthiesen. 1996,P40.
    2 原文:raro antecedentem scelestum. deseruit pede Poena claudo.(Horace:Odes Ⅲ.2.31f.)
    3 1805年6月23日普吕东在写给弗洛肖的一封信中描述了这幅绘画:”正义和复仇女神总是在不断地追逐罪恶,而有罪之人从未逃脱:在一个偏僻而荒凉的地方,一个罪犯借着夜色的掩护杀害了一名年轻人,并且抢走了他的金表和衣物,还以为从此就可以逍遥法外。这个愚蠢的人!他没有看到复仇女神正像秃鹫盯住猎物一般在追逐他,并毫不留情地将他行踪告诉自己的同伴——正义女神。”(La Justice et la vengeance Divine poursuivent constamment le Crime:il ne lui echappe jamais. Couvert des voiles de la nuit. dans un lieu earte et sauvage. le Crime egorge une victime. s'empare de son or et regarde encore si un reste de vie ne servrait pas a deceler sonforfait. L'insense! il ne voit pas que Nemesis. cet agent terrible de la Justice, comme un vaut our fondant sur sa proie. le poursuil. va l'atteindre et le livrer a son inflexible compagne.)转引自Helen Weston,'Prud' hon:Justice and Vengeance'. The Burlington Magazine. Vol.117. No.867 (Jun.. 1975). pp.358.
    4普吕东幼年成为孤儿,被克吕尼修道院的修士们抚养长大。克吕尼修道院中收藏了许多罗马式艺术和哥特式艺术作口,但这些艺术对于普吕东后来的艺术创作产生了多大的影响则难以断定。详见Elizabeth E. Guffey, Drawing an Elusive Line:The Art of Pierre-Paul Prud'Hon. University Of Delaware.2001.P299-300.
    5详见Daniel Hall, "Gothic narrive:suspense and frisson', Daniel Hall. French and German Gothic Fiction in the Late Eighteenth Century. Peter Lang Pub Inc (December 3,2004).
    1吉罗代在1806年9月21日写给《巴黎周刊》(Journal de Paris)迅速否认了作品题材来源于圣经的说法,他说这样的误解是由于展览目录错将题目"Une Scene de Deluge"写成了Une Scene du Deluge" (le Deluee特指圣经中的大洪水),此后许多评论都为此做出了更改,但卢浮宫至今依然沿用着错误的题目。详见Dale G. Cleaver.'Girodet's De luge. a Case Study in Art Criticism', Art Journal. Vol.38. No.2 (Winter.1978-1979). pp.96.
    2 Thomas Crow,'Patriotism and Virtue:David to the Young Ingres'. Thomas Crow, Nineteenth Century Art:A Critical History. Thames&Hudson.2007,P49-50.
    3 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005. P72.
    4肖萨尔另一个著名的论断是,安格尔为拿破仑所作的肖像也是“哥特式”的。Dale G. Cleaver,'Girodet's De luge, a Case Study in Art Criticism', Art Journal. Vol.38. No.2 (Winter,1978-1979), pp.97.
    1 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009.P256.
    2 Mercure de France.31 juillet 1802, no.47. p.271转引自Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media: an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009.P256-257.
    3 Courrier des Spectacles.23mai 1801. no.1545. p.3..(?)转引自Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media: an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG..2009.P257.
    4 Dale G. Cleaver.'Girodet's De luge, a Case Study in Art Criticism', Art Journal, Vol.38. No.2 (Winter. 1978-1979). pp.96-97.
    5这篇论文是1817年4月24日,吉罗代在艺术学院讨论绘画的原创性时所宣讲的。Dale G. Cleaver,'Cirodet's De luge, a Case Study in Art Criticism', Art Journal. Vol.38. No.2 (Winter,1978-1979). pp.98-99.
    1 1787年的罗马大奖颁给了法布尔,吉罗代深感受辱,因此与法布尔的关系僵硬。在一些信件里,他刻薄地将法布尔称作“大鼻子”,还嘲讽他的无知和傲慢。——Thomas Crow. Emulation:David. Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France, Yale University Press.2006, P131.
    2 Sylvain Bellenger,Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre,2005, P63.
    1 Sylvain Bellenger.Girodet-Trioson. Anne-Louis (1767-1824), Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005. P21.
    2详见吉罗代在1782年2月13日写给他母亲的信,Pierre Deslandres Collection.vol.1,no.58:Latont(2001).1:32.转引自Sylvain Bellenger, Girodet-Trioson. Anne-Louis (1767-1824), Gallimard:Musee du Louvre,2005, P23.
    3 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1824), Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005, P23.
    4吉罗代对于音乐的兴趣和才能使他和音乐家亚历山大·布歇(Alexander Boucher)和艾提安·米乌(Etienne Mehul)成为了朋友。他们之间常常有书信来往,1819年吉罗代还为布歇画了肖像。
    5 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre,2005, P24.
    8原文是“Parmi les peintres francais du temps. Girodet a ete incontestablement celui qui a le plus ecrit." George Levitine," L'Oissan de Girodet et l'actualite politique sous le Consulat",Gazette des Beaux-Arts(October,1956).P42.
    1 Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet. Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave.2001. P64.
    2 Sylyain Bellenger. Cirodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005. P60德利尔因早年翻译了维吉尔的《牧歌》(Georgics)而闻名于众。后来,他还模仿维吉尔的风格创作了《花园》(Les Jardins.1782)和《田中人》(L'Homme des champs,1800)。在大革命之后,德利尔发表了自己最著名的作品《想象》(L'Imagination.1806)和《自然三界》(Trois Regnes de la nature.1808)。1807至1813年是德利尔因他的名作《花园》而获得无上荣光的时期,在这六年里没有任何诗人可以和这位“描述性”诗歌王子相媲美,即使是丰塔纳(Louis de Fontanes)也不行,因为那时他还没发表过作品。而这一时期也是吉罗代与德利尔的关系最为密切之时,画家在此时紧紧追随着德利尔的风格,就像在1783年到1789年间追随达维特一样。只不过,后者在他的绘画生涯中正处于上升阶段,而前者从1807年就开始走下坡路了。但尽管如此,直至德利尔在1813年去世之后,帝国时期几乎所有的诗人都认为他是他们的大师。
    3 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005, P68.
    4原文如下:Il n'est pas un seul morceau de monpoeme que je n'aie frequemment retouche et souvent meme refait tout entier, apres l'avoir fail d'abord avec soin.——Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet. Balzac. and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave,2001. P84.
    5原文如下:Peintre, mais egare sur le mont poetique/Je veux, n'ecoutant plus qu'un desir perilleux Parley d'un art divin dans la langue des dieux.——Alexander K.Wettlaufer, Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet. Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave,2001, P84.
    1墨慕斯(Momus)是冷笑和爱挑剔的神。原文如下:La peinture, com me la poe'sie. s'eleve aux conceptions metaphysiques. Toutes deux habitent le palais disaphane de l'allegorie; toutes deux aussi peuvent s'armer du fouet de la satire ou s'affubler du masque de Momus.——Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet. Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave.2001. P85.
    3 Alexander K.Wettlaufer, Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet. Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionaiy France. New York:Palgrave.2001. P80.
    4 Quatremere de Quincy, "Eloge historique de M.Girodet,peintre.Lue a la seance publique de l'Academie royale des Beaux-Arts.le samedi ler octobere 1825."Recueil de Notices historiques lues dans les seances publiques de l'Academie des Beaux-Arts a l'Institut par Ouatremere de Quincy.(Paris:Le Clere.1834).P310-322.转引自 Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet. Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave,2001, P63.
    5 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson. Anne-Louis (1767-1824), Gallimard:Musee du Louvre,2005, P62.
    6 Quatremere de Quincy,"Eloge historique de M.Girodet,peintre.Lue a la seance publique de l'Academie royale des Beaux-Arts.le samedi ler octobere 1825." Recueil de Notices historiques lues dans les seances publiques de l'Academie des Beaux-Arts a l'Institut par Quatremere de Quincy. (Paris:Le Clere,1834).P310-322.转引自 Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet, Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave,2001,P63.
    1 Thomas Crow. Emulation:David. Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France. Yale University Press.2006. P133.
    2在拿破仑时代,征兵制采取的是抽签的方法,一般抽到100号以后的人就可以幸免于难,因此民众中普遍开始流行一种特殊的逃避兵役的方法:雇人应征。雇主与替身之间往往会签订协议,例如1812年3月3日沃克吕兹省塞居雷的种植者兼土地所有者的儿子培尔和圣马塞兰的耕种者甘特朗德之间签订的这份,内容如下:“经协商同意,甘特朗德将放弃所抽取的108号,将其转给培尔,并视108号为培尔亲自抽取的号码。作为交换,培尔放弃所抽取的8号给甘特朗德。”(Maureau,Leremplacement militaire de l'an Ⅷ a 1814 d'apres les registres des notaries d'Avignon', Revue Institut Napoleon,1975.)在1810年后,由于寻找替身的困难加剧,佣金大幅度上涨,导致雇主很难一次性付清,多采取按年支 付的方式,因此这样的协议也可保证万一替身战死,他的亲友也可继续接受雇佣金。当然,雇人应征的情况仅限于富有的家庭,而穷人则将希望寄托于冥冥之中的保佑。这便导致护身符、魔法药房、驱魔术等迷信活动的盛行,招摇撞骗的冒牌预言家和巫师在当时四处横行,趁着人们对于战争的恐慌赚足了自己的腰包。因此,在帝国时代,法兰西的荣耀其实只属于拿破仑一人,而生死别离的痛苦与对兵役的憎恨则由广大民众来承担。
    3 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009. P31.
    4 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840, Chaucer Press,2007, P49.
    2布塔尔本人也是一位画家,他是吉罗代的好友,《沉睡的恩底弥翁》所获得的盛名有一部分要归功于他的文章。《帝国周刊》是他的表亲伯尔丁·莱尼(Benin l'Aine)于1805年所创办的杂志,该杂志为夏多布里昂提供了施展其才华的空间。
    3 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson. Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005, P70.另据吉罗代本人所说,当他在1807年开始构思《阿达拉之死》的时候.诗人查尔斯·米勒瓦(Charles Hubert Millevoye)的《诗歌的愉悦或诗歌的力量》(Les Plaisirs du poete ou les pouvoirs de la poesie)也为他提供了灵感。米勒瓦是一个体弱多病的人,他曾经是中央学院(Ecole Central e)的学生,受教于丰塔纳,而这里也是吉罗代学习文学的地方。像吉罗代一样,他也得到德利尔很高的评价,后者在他的《想象》中预见了他不久就会成为法国诗歌中的“拉斐尔”。米勒瓦的突出成就是他创造了一种短篇史诗,其中包含了“诗意历史画”的全部特征。因为读过谢尼埃的很多未发表的作品,他学习前者以“希腊风格”创作诗歌,而这些作品也为吉罗代提供了许多题材:如赫西奥德(Hesiod)与荷马之争,告别海伦,乞讨的荷马,等等。像吉罗代一样,他不知疲倦地翻译希腊诗歌,甚至包括史诗《伊利亚特》。他的二卷本《作品集》(Oeuvres completes)在1822年经由拉德沃卡(Pierre-Francois Ladvocat)出版——此人也是夏多布里昂的出版商——这在当时是一个轰动一时的文学事件。
    1 Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand. Preface de la premiere edition d'Atala, P8.
    1 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007. P52.
    2 Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand. Memoires d'outre-tombe.J.-C.Berchet(Paris:Classiques Garnier,1988),vol.3.p211.
    3 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson. Anne-Louis (1767-1824), Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005, P71.
    1 David Wakefleid. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007, P52.
    3 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007, P54.
    4 N.Schlenoff, Ingres. ses sources litteraires (Paris,1956),P69.
    1 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007.P54.
    3作为布列塔尼一个古老的贵族世家的后代,夏多布里昂为了逃避革命军的迫害,曾在1791年远赴美洲,后来在听说路易十六即将被处死的消息,他突然改变主意,在1792年3月回到法国,但是只待了很短的一段时间。因为那时正是恐怖统治最为严酷的时期,他很快加入了流亡贵族的队伍,并在1793年5月逃往英国,并一直在那里待到了1800年,在那里他完成了极具影响力的著作《论古今革命之渊源》(Essai historique. Politique. et moral sur les revolutions anciennes moderns.1797)。在他离开法国后不久,他的母亲和两个姐姐都锒铛入狱:他的长兄、大嫂及大嫂的祖父都上了断头台,而他的妻子和姐姐直到恐怖统治结束之后才获得自由。
    3这一名称来自于《(共和国历)二年芽月22日大破坏的报告》(Rapport sur les destructions operees par le vandalisme),该文章提出:宗教物品,即使是艺术品也应和王家物品在废除君主制时一样统统砸烂。
    2最早对这些诗歌提出质疑的是约翰逊博士(Dr Johnson)。David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007. P113.
    4 Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet, Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave.2001, P76.
    6原文:“Et chaque peintre allegorique/Des qu'il a quitte ses pinceaux,/Doit employer sa rhetorique/Pour nous expliquer ses tableaux."Arlequin au Museum ou critique des tableaux en vaudevilles (Paris:Marchant,1802). P4.转引自Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet. Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. P77.
    1 Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005. P140.
    2 Alexander K.Wettlaufer. Pen vs. paintbrush:Girodet, Balzac, and the myth of Pygmalion in post-revolutionary France. New York:Palgrave.2001. P79.
    4 Sarah Burns, "Girodet-Trioson's Ossian:The Role of Theatrical Illusionism in a Pictorial Evocation of Otherworldly Bodies". Gazette des Beaux-Arts XCV(1980). P13.
    5 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007. P119.
    1 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007, P120.
    1详见Etienne Delecluze. "Obseques de Girodet". Jounal de Delecluze,1824-1828(Paris:Grasset.1948).P50-62或Sylvain Bellenger. Girodet-Trioson. Anne-Louis (1767-1824). Gallimard:Musee du Louvre.2005. P15-16.
    2 Etienne Delecluze. "Obseques de Girodet". Jounal de Delecluze.1824-1828(Paris:Grasset.1948),P63转引自[法]安娜·马丁-菲吉耶,《浪漫主义者的生活(1820-1848)》,杭零译,济南:山东画报出版社,2005年,P50。
    3 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007. P77.
    2 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Usual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007. P80.
    5 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Usual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007. P81.
    6 Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby. Extremities:Painting Empire in Post-Revolutionary France (New Haven. CT:Yale University Press,2002). p.275.
    7 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007, P82.
    3这些作品的题材分别来自于《异教徒》《萨达那帕勒斯》(1821)《威尼斯总督马里诺·法利埃罗》(Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice,1820)最后一幕,以及《唐璜》。
    5 Elizabeth Gilmore Holt. The Triumph of Art for The Public:The Emerging Role of Exhibition and Critics. Decatur House Press. Washington.D.C.,1980, P269.
    5 David Wakefield. ed.. Stendahl and the Arts (New York:Phaidon.1973). pp.114-15.
    6来自于司汤达写于1824年10月9日的评论,见Elizabeth Gilmore Holt. The Triumph of Art for The Public: The Emerging Role of Exhibition and Critics. Decatur House Press. Washington.D.C.,1980. P278.
    1来自于司汤达写于1824年10月7日的评论,见Elizabeth Gilmore Holt. The Triumph of Art for The Public: The Emerging Role of Exhibition and Critics. Decatur House Press. Washington.D.C.1980. P265.
    2 Henri Beyle Stendhal. Salon de 1824.P46.
    3 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007, P88.
    6[法]安娜·马丁-菲吉耶,《浪漫主义者的生活(1820-1848)》,杭零译,济南:山东画报出版社,2005年, P19。
    1 Alphonse de Lamartine. Nouvelles Confidences. P155.转引自[法]安娜·马丁-菲吉耶,《浪漫主义者的生活(1820-1848)》,杭零译,济南:山东画报出版社,2005年,P22。
    3 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840, Chaucer Press,2007. P79.
    1 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007. P80.
    6 Etienne Delecluze. Journal de Delecluze 1824-1828:La vie Parisienne sous la Restauration(Grasset,1948).P455.转引自[法]安娜·马丁-菲吉耶,《浪漫主义者的生活(1820-1848)》,杭零译,济南:山东画报出版社,2005年,P66-67。
    3Aimee Boutin. 'Shakespeare. Women, and French Romanticism'. Modern Language Quarterly 65. no.4(2004).P508.
    4 Maria Grazia Messina.'Shakespeare and Romantic Painting in Europe'. Jane Martineau.et. Shakespeare in Art. P175.
    5 Katharine Lochnan. 'Delacroix on Stage', Guy Cogeval. Beatrice Avanzi et., Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira.2010. P179.
    1 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007. P112.
    2 George Angelo Rodetis. Delacroix:The Romantic Sensibility Visualted through the Poetry of Shakespeare and Byron. Univ. Microfilms International,1985, P3.
    1 伊阿古是《奥赛罗》中的人物,奥赛罗正是听信了他的谗言才杀死了妻子苔丝狄蒙娜。
    2 这封信写于1825年6月27日,伦敦。详见Jean Stewart, et. Eugene Delacroix Selected Letters,1813-1863. MFA Publications.2001. P126.
    3 Jean Stewart, et. Eugene Delacroix Selected Letters.1813-1863. P128.
    4 George Gordon Byron. Life. Letters, and Journals of Lord Byron. J. Murray.1839.P228.
    5 1825年,基恩被起诉与一名已婚妇女通奸,后者的丈夫是一名市议员,也是特鲁利街剧院区(Drury Lane)的一名管理者。新闻报刊借此事大肆渲染,恶意攻击,使基恩不得不承认这项罪名。
    。原文:Ils entendent mieux que nous l'effet sur le thea tre. et leurs decorations, qui ne sont pas executees avec autant de soin. font mieux ressortir les personages,(?)羊见Andre Joubin. Correspondance generate de Eugeue Delacroix.1804-1837.vol 1. P160-161.
    7 Allardyce Nicoll. Histoty of Early Nineteenth Centuiy Drama:1800-1850. Read Books.2007. P35.
    8 Katharine Lochnan.'Delacroix on Stage", Guy Cogeval, Beatrice Avanzi et., Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira.2010. P182.
    1 Oscar Brockett. Margaret Mitchell. Linda Hardberger. Making the scene:a history of stage design and technology in Europe and the United States. San Antonio. Tex.:Tobin Theatre Arts Fund.2010. P180.
    2 James Robinson Planche, 'Historic Accuracy', Richard Henry Stoddard,ed., Personal Reminiscences.P120.
    3 Katharine Lochnan, 'Delacroix on Stage'. Guy Cogeval, Beatrice Avanzi et.. Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira.2010. P182.
    4 George Angelo Rodetis. Delacroix:The Romantic Sensibility Visualized through the Poetry of Shakespeare and Byron. Univ. Microfilms International.1985. P65.
    5 Peter Raby.'Fair Ophelia':A Life of Harriet Smithson Berlioz, P63也正是这样的表演使年轻的音乐家柏辽兹深深爱上了哈莉雅特,在坚持不懈地追求之下,他终于在1833年与她成婚。虽然当时哈莉雅特已经破产,并因一次事故而变成了跛脚:
    6 Katharine Lochnan, "Delacroix on Stage", Guy Cogeval. Beatrice Avanzi et.. Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira,2010, P184.
    3 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009. P326-329.
    1 Robert Howarth. Sublime et Grotesque:A Study in French Romantic Drama(London:Harrap.1795). P94.
    3 Claude Schopp. Alexandre Dumas, le genie de la vie. P118-119转引自[法]安娜·马丁-菲吉耶,《浪漫主义者的生活(1820-1848)》,杭零译,济南:山东画报出版社,2005年,P102。
    5 Owen Chadwick. The Secularization of the European Mind. pp.193-194.
    6 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009. P329.
    1 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009. P332.
    2 Mikhail Bakhtin. Rabelais and his World. Indiana University Press,2009. pp.37-38.
    3 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009. P335.
    4 Oscar Brockett. Margaret Mitchell. Linda Hardberger. Making the scene:a history of stage design and technology in Europe and the United States, San Antonio. Tex.:Tobin Theatre Arts Fund,2010, P164.
    6原名Baron Anne-Honore-Joseph Duveyrier, Melesville是他的艺名。
    1 George H.Hamilton, "Eugene Delacroix and Lord Byron". Gazette des Beaiu-Arts.Ser.6.ⅩⅢ.1943. pp.105. 2 Nadia et al Tscherny, "Imagination and Illustration:Subjects from Literature", Nadia et al Tscherny. Romance & Chivalry:History and Literature Reflected in Early Nineteenth-Century French Painting. Matthiesen, 1996,P148.
    3 Escholier. Delacroix,Ⅰ. P192.原文:cette belle scene serait bien plus belle encore si elle avait pour base une corbeille de flammes.
    4 Beatrice Farwell, "Sources for Delacroix's Death of Sardanapalus". The Art Bulletin. Vol.40. No.1 (Mar.,1958), pp.69.
    1也有学者认为这是“隐晦地暗示了不受欢迎的波旁王朝的统治”。详见Jack J.Spector. Delacroix:The Death of Sardanapalus(New York,1974), P60.
    2 Sebastien Allard.'Delacroix, Delaroche. and the Place of the Spectator', Guy Cogeval, Beatrice Avanzi et., Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War, Skira.2010, P135.
    3 Walter Friedlaender, David to Delacroix(Cambridge.1952). P116.
    4亚历山大·弗拉戈纳尔是著名的洛可可画家让-奥诺雷·弗拉戈纳尔(Jean-Honore Fragonard)之子。
    5 Sebastien Allard,'Delacroix, Delaroche, and the Place of the Spectator', Guy Cogeval. Beatrice Avanzi et.. Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War, Skira,2010r, P135.
    1简·格雷(1536/1537-1554)是亨利七世的曾孙女,贵族达德利(Lord Guildford Dudley,1535-1554)的妻子。因与玛丽一世的继承王位之争而被后者逮捕并与丈夫一同被处死,她在世期间仅仅当了9天女王,并且没有加冕。
    2 Amaury-Duval. L'atelier d'Ingres(Paris, 1993), P2A5.转引自Sebastien Allard,'Delacroix. Delaroche, and the Place of the Spectator', Guy Cogeval, Beatrice Avanzi et., Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira,2010, P135.
    3 Sebastien Allard, "Delacroix, Delaroche. and the Place of the Spectator", Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira,2010, P136.
    4这幅作品又名《国王爱德华五世和约克公爵在伦敦塔》(King Edward V and the Duke of York in the Tower of London)。爱德华五世(Edward V,1470-约1483)是爱德华四世的长子,父亲死后即位英格兰国王,两个月后就被他们的叔父,摄政王格洛斯特公爵理查废黜。理查自己登基为理查三世。两年后,理查三世也被杀。退位之后,13岁的国王爱德华五世和弟弟约克公爵,被判决监禁在伦敦塔,此后下落不明。这幅作品表现的是两个无辜的孩子在伦敦塔里等待着未知的命运。
    2 Hilaire Leon Sazerac. Lettres sur le salon de 1834(Paris.1834).P39.
    4 Sebastien Allard, 'Delacroix, Delaroche. and the Place of the Spectator', Drama and Desire Art and Theatre from the French Revolution to the First World War. Skira,2010, P132.
    2详见James H. Rubin, "Delacroix's Dante and Virgil as a Romantic Manifesto:Politics and Theory in the Early 1820s", Art Journal, Vol.52. No.2.Romanticism (Summer,1993).
    7 1831年巴黎人口总数为890,000,1841年为935.261。Johannes Willes. Paris Capital of Europe:From the Revolution to the Belle Epoque, Holmes & Meier Pub,2003, P158.
    8 Ernest Legouve. Soixante ans de souvenirs(Paris:J. Hetzel,1886), P130.
    1 F.W.J.Hemmings, The Theatre Industry in Nineteenth-century France, New York, NY, USA:Cambridge University press,2006, P14-15.
    2 数据和表格来自Peter Kulsrud, The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835), VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009, P60.
    3 1811年,拿破仑曾为巴黎歌剧院制定了一项享受特许费用的权利,即由二等的剧院、市集剧场、展览会、杂技、舞会和音乐会等支付它的费用。这一措施主要是为了从经济上限制其他小剧场的发展。
    4 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009. P106.
    1 Girad-Klotz. These de la Gaite. P108-109.
    2 Courrier des Spectacles.19 jan 1825. no.2230.转引自 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktieneesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009, P129.
    3 Pandore, 10dec 1825,no.937,P2.
    3这里指的是巴尔扎克的书籍价格,因为从1820年代到1830年代,巴尔扎克的出版商为他的每本八开本的书籍平均定价为7.5法郎。Harry Earl Whitmore. The "cabinet De Lecture" in France.1800-1850. The Library Quarterly, Vol.48. No.1 (Jan.,1978). P22.
    5 Martyn Lyons, Reading Culture and Writing Practices in Nineteenth-century France, Toronto:Buffalo University of Toronto Press, c2008, P4.
    1 Marhyn Lyons. Reading Culture and Writing Practices in Nineteenth-century France, Toronto:Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. c2008. P51.
    2表格来自于Martyn Lyons, Reading Culture and Writing Practices in Nineteenth-century France, Toronto: Buffalo:University of Toronto Press. c2008. P23-26但仅从中摘选文学种类的畅销书名单中的前12名。
    4 Peter Collier. Artistic Relations:Literature and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-century France. Yale University Press,1994, P22.
    1 Peter Collier. Artistic Relations:Literature and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-century France. Yale University Press.1994. P21.
    2 Gustave Bienayme.'Le Cout de vie a Paris a diverses epoques'. Societe de Statistique:Journal 36 (1895):57-68.
    1 Harry Earl Whitmore. The "cabinet De Lecture" in France.1800-1850, The Library Quarterly, Vol.48. No. (Jan.,1978), P23.
    2 Catalogue des livres francais et etrangers de Galignani(Paris.1813),P2.
    6具体数据来自于[法]让-皮埃尔·里乌、让-弗朗索瓦·西里内利主编,《法国文化史》(第三卷),上海:华东 师范大学出版社,2011年,P296-297。
    4 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009.P313.
    5 Sebastien-Camille-Gabriel Charlety. La Monarchie de jullet(Paris:Hachette,1921). P22.
    7 Peter Kulsrud. The Fabrication of the Modern Media:an Investigation into the Theater and its Impact on Public Life in Paris (1760-1835). VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.,2009,P366.
    1 Peter Collier, Artistic Relations:Literature and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-century France. Yale University Press,1994, P23.
    3创建人是拉斯泰利(Charles Philibert de Lasteyrie) (?)(?)爵,他亲自到德国以石印工人的身份学习了这项技术。Peter Collier, Artistic Relations:Literature and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-century France. Yale University Press,1994. P96.
    5 Peter Collier, Artistic Relations:Literature and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-century France. Yale University Press,1994, P103.
    4 Charles Desprez. Souvenirs intimes, P64.
    1 Theophile Gautier. Portrtaits contemporains(1881), P8.
    3 Beth S. Wright, "Walter Scott and French Art:Imagining the Past", Nadia et al Tscherny, Romance & Chivalry: History and Literature Reflected in Early Nineteenth-Century French Painting. Matthiesen,1996.,P133.
    4 M.G. Devonshire. The English Novel in France 1830—1870. London:Frank Cass & Co.,Ltd.,1967. P6.
    5具体数字来自于David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840, Chaucer Press,2007, P133.
    1 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007. P133.
    3详见1838年1月巴尔扎克写给汉斯卡夫人(Madame Hanska)的信,Honore de Balzac. Letters to Madame Hanska.1799-1850. Boston. Hardy, Pratt & co.,1900. P20-22.
    4 Sainte-Beuve. in Le Globe.27 September 1832.
    5 Salon de 1837. in L'Artiste. ⅩⅢ,1837
    6 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press.2007,P133.
    2 David Wakefield. The French Romantics:Literature and the Visual Arts 1800-1840. Chaucer Press,2007, P140.
    1 Nadia et al Tscherny,'Imagination and Illustration:Subjects from Literature', Nadia et al Tscherny. Romance & Chivalry:History and Literature Reflected in Early Nineteenth-Century French Painting. Matthiesen,1996,P133.
    2 Theophile Thore. Le Salon de 1846(Paris). pp.83-85.原文如下: Il est doue d'une intelligence comprehensive et d'une rare sensibilite... La tournure de son esprit est syrtout metapliysique, comme le genie des hommes du Nord...Ⅱ avail trouve dans Goethe une veine sympathique a son propre genie. Personne n'a mieux que lui traduit la poesie allemande. qui est bien un peu franqaise et revolutionnaire. dans Goethe surtout...Sa Marguerite qu'il poursuit est la forme et la beaute. A quoi bon toutes les richesses de l'esprit, si elles n'eclatent pas dans les images lumineuses et saissantes!
    3 Frank Anderson Trapp. The Attainment of Delacroix(Johns Hopkins Press,1970).P144.
    4 Patrick Noon. Richard Parkes Bonington:"On the Pleasure of Painting". P263.
    5此外,弗拉戈纳尔还创作有《甘泪卿的幽灵》(Apparition de Marguerite),但原作己佚,仅有版画保存下来,另外还有两幅《浮士德》的插图,出版于1829年,现存于法国国立图书馆。
    1马泽帕(1644--1709)足一个真实的历史人物,他是17世纪波兰国王让·卡齐米日(Jean Casimir)的年轻侍从,伏尔泰最早在其《查理十二史》(L'Histoire de Charles Ⅻ)中向法国读者介绍了“马泽帕“的佚事。他年轻时因通奸罪而被人赤身露体捆绑在烈马上拖着向他的祖国乌克兰飞奔而去。途中被哥萨克人收留,由于才智出众,迫使沙皇封他为乌克兰君主。但马泽帕后来背叛沙皇,投靠瑞典国王查理十二。波尔塔瓦一役失败后,马泽帕退出政坛。这一历史故事被拜伦写成了长篇叙事诗,并于1819年发表。
    4 Lord Byron. George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron Poems. The World's Poetry Archive,2004, P136.
    1 Paul Joannides. "Colin, Delacroix. Byron and the Greek War of Independence", Burlington Magazine. August 1983.pp.495-500.
    2本文所选用的这张画是一幅草稿,图片来自于Paul Joannides, "Colin, Delacoix, Byron and the Greek War of Independence", Burlington Magazine. August 1983. pp.495-500.这篇文章专门探讨了这件遗失的作品。
    Lord Byron. George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron Poems. The World's Poetry Archive,2004. P67-68.
    5 Salon de 1827.P68.
    6 Lee Johnson. The Paintings of Eugene Delacroix(Oxford.1981),P206.
    2 Nadia et al Tscherny, "Imagination and Illustration:Subjects from Literature". Nadia et al Tscherny, Romance & Chivalry:History and Literature Reflected in Early Nineteenth-Century French Painting. Matthiesen. 1996,P151.
    1 Dano Bloch. Madame Zola. Paris:Livre de Poche,2002,P61.
    2 Martyn Lyons, Reading Culture and Writing Practices in Nineteenth-centwy France, Toronto:Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. c2008. P4.
    3这两个术语来自于卢·安德鲁(Lew Andrews)的专著《文艺复兴艺术中的故事与空间:连续性叙事的再生》(Lew Andrews. Story and Space in Renaissance Art:the Rebirth of Continuous Narrative. New York. NY: Cambridge University Press,1995)他指出14世纪的意大利绘画有两种叙事模式,即连续性叙事和单景叙事,前者是继承自中世纪的传统,以连环画的形式将故事的来龙去脉展现出来:后者则是文艺复兴的主流,强调时间和地点的统一,人物只能出现一次。二者貌似背道而驰,但其实是共存关系:首先,单一场景所暗示的无线宽广的空间也暗示了事件的连续性:其次,单景叙事模式所再现的真实空间也是为了加强教徒们对于宗教故事的记忆。因此,作者倾向于将二者统称为连续性叙事模式。到16世纪由于焦点透视的兴起,连续性叙事逐渐减少:进入17世纪之后,连续性叙事基本让位于对于瞬间动作或事件的描绘。
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    44. Yvonne Korshak, Paris and Helen by Jacques Louis David:Choice and Judgment on the Eve of the French Revolution, The Art Bulletin, Vol.69, No.1 (Mar.,1987), College Art Association, pp.102-116.

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