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Is America a Nation-State or an Empire? To answer this question, this paperselects the early American history since the day of Declaration of Independence tillthe end of the Civil War to search for the origin and early buildings of Americannation-state and empire. The buildings of nation-state and empire run parallel andinteract as the two major clues in early American history. It offers a new perspectiveto the understanding of contemporary America and world by careful examining ofthese two trends.
     Chapter Ⅰ Introduction. This part proposes the significance of study and clarifiesthe current researches on American nation-state and empire thoughts andinterrelations. It also gives a general picture of research approach and thesis structure.
     Chapter Ⅱ Nation-state and empire. This chapter runs through the existingtheories and definitions on nation-state and empire. Starting with the idea of nationand nationalism, this chapter explains the nation-state’s double meaning in reality andin idea, and goes deep to the characteristics of American nation-state. It also adds theinterpretation of British empire and its shared origin with the American empirebuilding. To address the relationship between nation-state and empire, this chapterpoints out the difference of American statehood and empirehood.
     Chapter Ⅲ origins of American nation and empire. This chapter traces the originof American national identity from the aspects of species, religion and the union ofcolonies, and shows that American colonies has acquired its nationhood to someextent before the revolution. The development of self-rule and the conflict withBritain became the primary conditions for revolution. At the same time, as the integral part of British Empire, the American colonies were imbedded with expansionistimpulse with the support of Exceptionism and early form of Manifest Destiny.
     Chapter IV the initial stage of nation-state and the launching of empire,1776-1815. This chapter gives a detailed account of the development from theDeclaration of Independence to the making of American Constitution by explainingthe founding principles of the United States. Through the heated political arguing, theFederalists and the Republicans together set forth the framework and directions ofAmerican nation-state. At the same time, America has launched its first trial on empirebuilding via trans-Appalachian exploration and Louisiana Purchase. The relationsbetween nation-state and empire was shown by the Empire of Liberty proliferation’sinstigation to the forming up of national consciousness, while federal government waspushing forward expansionism.
     Chapter Ⅴ great development of nation-state and expansion of continental empire,1815-1848. This chapter offers the development of nation-state building after thesecond Anglo-American War detailed by the boost of American economy, the rise ofnationalism and the era of good feelings. After that, the internal contradictions gaverise to the two party system which democratized and popularized American politicallife, and paved the way for further disintegration. In this period, the American empirebuilding has reached a climax with the absorption of Florida, Oregon and theAmerican-Mexican War. The Westward Movement also started to Americanize theWestern territories. The relations between nation-state and empire is shown by thesplit of nation-state and its temporary relief by territory expansion. However, thestatus of newly joint state became another disputing spot of North-South divide.
     Chapter Ⅵ nation-state reunification and the end of continental expansion,1848-1867. This chapter depicts the process of the divide, crisis, disintegration andrebirth of nation-state caused by the debates around slavery, the collapse of old partysystem and the emergence of new party system. The empire building has also gainednew features. The continental empire ends with the Alaskan purchase. The relationsbetween nation-state and empire is shown by the irreconcilable conflict betweenNorth and South roused by statuses of new territories and slavery. The federal government has contributed a lot to rescue nation-state and insisted on expansionpolicy shortly after the end of the Civil War.
     Conclusion gives three basic features in nation-state building and empirebuilding:1, nation-state building and empire building are two basic clues inunderstanding early American history;2, nation-state building and empire buildingshared common development phases;3, nation-state building and empire buildinginteracted in both promotive and discouraging ways
    2David Waldstreicher, In the Midst of Perpetual Fetes: the Making of American Nationalism,1776-1820, North
    3Carolina: University of North Carolina Press,1997.2010.Rod Gragg, Forged in Faith: How Faith Shaped the Birth of the Nation,1607-1776, New York: Howard Books,
    3Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, New York, W. W. Norton&Company,2005.
    3Paul Johnson, Civil War America,1850-1870, New York: Harper Perennial,2011.
    4Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire: A History of American Expansion, New York: Vintage Books,2009.
    5Alan S. Gordon, Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic,1789-1815, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress,2009.
    1William Weeks, Building the Continental Empire: American Expansion from the Revolution to the Civil War,Ivan R. Dee,1997.
    2Arthur Burr Darling, Our Rising Empire,1763-1803, New Haven: Yale University Press,1940.
    3Peter Marshall, Glyn Williams ed, The British Atlantic Empire before the American Revolution, Totowa: FrankCass,2005.
    4Steven S. Woodworth, Manifest Destinies: America’s Westward Expansion and the Road to the Civil War, NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf,2010.
    1Alan Taylor, The Civil War of1812, New York: Vintage Books,2011.
    2Walter R. Borneman,1812: the War that Forged A Nation, New Yiork: Harper Perennial,2005.
    3Alice Teichova, Herbert Matis, ed, Nation, State and the Economy in History, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,2003, p. I.
    6Kjell Goldmann, Transforming the European Nation-State, London: Sage Publications,2001, p.56.
    1John O. Sullivan,“The Great Nation of Futurity”, The United States Democratic Review, Volume6, Issue23, pp.426-429.
    3John Darwin, After Tamerlane: the Rise&Fall of Global Empires,1400-2000, London: Penguin Books,2008.
    1Webster’s New World Dictionary and Thesaurus, New York: Macmillan,1996, p.308.
    5Vladislav M. Zubok, A failed empire: the Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev, Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,2007, p. IX.
    1Niall Ferguson, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World, London: Penguin Books,2004, p.113.
    2Niall Ferguson, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World, London: Penguin Books,2004, p. xxiii.
    3Walter Russell Mead, God and Gold: Britain, America, and the Making of Modern World, New York: VintageBooks,2007, p.5.
    2Thomas F. Madden, Empire of Trust: How Rome Built-and How America is Building-A New World, London:Plume,2008, p.17.
    1Rod Gragg, Forged in Faith: How Faith Shaped the Birth of the Nation,1607-1776, New York: Howard Books,2010, p.17.
    2Rod Gragg, Forged in Faith: How Faith Shaped the Birth of the Nation,1607-1776, New York: Howard Books,2010, p.55.
    1Bernard Bailyn, The Origins of American Politics, New York: Vintage Books,1968, p.59.
    1Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation, New York: McGraw Hill,2004, p.22.
    3Siobhon McEvoy-Levy, American Exceptionalism and US Foreign Policy: Public Diplomacy at the End of theCold War, New York: Palgrave,2001, p.23.
    1Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation, New York: McGraw Hill,2004, p.136.
    1David Reynolds, America, Empire of Liberty, London: Penguin Books,2010, p.74.
    2Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln. New York: W. W. Norton&Company,2005, p.31.
    4Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, New York: W. W. Norton&Company,2005, p.32.
    1Jack N. Rakove, The Annotated U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press,2012, p.106.
    1Edward G. Bourne,“Alexander Hamilton and Adam Smith”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.8, No.3(Apr.,1894), pp.328-344.
    2James Willard Hurst,“Alexander Hamilton, Law Maker”, Columbia Law Review, Vol.78, No.3(Apr.,1978), pp.483-547.
    2Alan S. Gordon, Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic,1789-1815, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress,2009, p.53.
    3Ronald L. Hatzenbuehler, Jefferson's Empire: The Language of American Nationhood by Peter S. Onuf, Journalof the Early Republic, Vol.20, No.4(Winter,2000), p.726.
    2Ronald L. Hatzenbuehler, Jefferson's Empire: The Language of American Nationhood by Peter S. Onuf, Journalof the Early Republic, Vol.20, No.4(Winter,2000), p.727.
    2在Wilson P. Shortridge,"Henry Hastings Sibley and the Minnesota Frontier," Minnesota Historical Bulletin, III,
    116中首次使用了这个短语,”the first real American West." Quoted in Edward Channing, History of the UnitedStates, New York,1927, V,44, note1.
    3Alfred P. James,“The First English-Speaking Trans-Appalachian Frontier,” The Mississippi Valley HistoricalReview, Vol.17, No.1(Jun.,1930), p.58.
    2Sally Senzell Isaacs, America in the Time of Lewis and Clark:1801-1850, Heinemann Library,1998, p.8.
    3“Idealism in rhetoric, realism in policy,” in Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire: A History of American Expansion,New York: Vintage Books,2009, p.40.
    4James F. Simon, What Kind of Nation, New York: Simon&Schuster,2006, p.16.
    2Richard Hofstadter, Great Issues in American History, Volume II, New York: Vintage Books,1958, pp.227-229.
    3Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire, New York: Vintage Books,2009, p.75.
    4Richard Hofstadter, Great Issues in American History, Volume II, New York: Vintage Books,1958, p.234.
    1Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire, New York: Vintage Books,2009, p.90.
    4Walter R. Borneman,1812: the War that Forged a Nation, New York: Harper Perennnial,2004, p.303.
    5Arsene Latour, Historical Memoir of the War, Applewood Books,2009, p.337.
    2Walter R. Borneman,1812: the War that Forged a Nation, New York: Harper Perennnial,2004, p.304.
    2William Williams, ed., The Shaping of American Diplomacy, Vol. I,1750-1914, Oregon State University,1872, p.59.
    3Jefferson B. Fordham and Theodore H. Husted, Jr.,“John Marshall and the Rule of Law”, University ofPennsylvania Law Review, Vol.104, No.1(Oct.,1955), p.59.
    1Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation, New York: McGraw Hill,2004, p.215.
    2Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation, New York: McGraw Hill,2004, p.211.
    2Lester Harris,“The Cession of Florida and John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State, U. S. A.,” The FloridaHistorical Quarterly, Vol.36, No.3(Jan.,1958), p.223.
    2John Hope Franklin,“The Southern Expansionists of1846”, The Journal of Southern History, Vol.25, No.3(Aug.,1959), pp.323-324.
    1Charles H. Ambler,“The Oregon Country,1810-1830: A Chapter in Territorial Expansion”, The Mississippi
    2Valley Historical Review, Vol.30, No.1(Jun.,1943), p.5.Charles H. Ambler,“The Oregon Country,1810-1830: A Chapter in Territorial Expansion”, The MississippiValley Historical Review, Vol.30, No.1(Jun.,1943), p.21.
    3Edgar McInnis, Canada: A Political and Social History, Toronto: Rinehart,1957, p.281.
    4H. H. Powers, America and Britain: The Story of the Relations between Two Peoples, New York: The MacMillanCompany,1918, p.29.
    1Robert W. Johannsen and Pedro Santoni,“America's Forgotten War”, The Wilson Quarterly (1976-), Vol.20, No.2(Spring,1996), p.96.
    2Richard Kluger, Seizing Destiny: The Relentless Expansion of American Territory, New York: Vintage Books,2007, p.361.
    3Richard Kluger, Seizing Destiny: The Relentless Expansion of American Territory, New York: Vintage Books,2007, p.362.
    4Robert W. Merry, A Country of Vast Designs, New York: Simon&Shuster Paperbacks,2009, p.176.
    2Robert W. Johannsen and Pedro Santoni,“America's Forgotten War”, The Wilson Quarterly (1976-), Vol.20, No.2(Spring,1996), p.96.
    1Robert W. Johannsen and Pedro Santoni,“America's Forgotten War”, The Wilson Quarterly (1976-), Vol.20, No.2(Spring,1996), p.97.
    4Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire: A History of American Expansion, New York: Vintage Books,2009, p.222.
    1Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire: A History of American Expansion, New York: Vintage Books,2009, p.223.
    3Theda Perdue, Michael D. Green, The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears, London: Penguin Books,2007, p.114.
    3Walter Nugent, Habits of Empire: A History of American Expansion, New York: Vintage Books,2009, p.234.
    4Donald William Meinig. The Shaping of America, Vol. II, New Haven: Yale University Press,2004, p.193.
    1The Annals of Congress, House of Representatives,15thCongress,1st Sess., p.1482.
    2Albert Watkins,“The Whigs as Anti-Expansionists,” The Sewanee Review, Vol.8, No.1(Jan.,1900), p.58.
    2Robert W. Merry, A Country of Vast Designs, New York: Simon&Schuster Paperbacks, p.459.
    3Steven E. Woodworth, Manifest Destinies: America’s Westward Expansion and the Road to the Civil War, NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf,2010, p.329.
    1Walter A. McDougall, Throes of Democracy: The American Civil War Era,1829-1877, New York: HarperPerennial,2008, pp.317-318.
    2Walter A. McDougall, Throes of Democracy: The American Civil War Era,1829-1877, New York: HarperPerennial,2008, p.319.
    1Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln on the Civil War, New York: Penguin Books,2011, p.22.
    2Richard Hofstadter, Great Issues in American History, Volume II, New York: Vintage Books, p.370.
    2Richard Kluger, Seizing Destiny: the Relentless Expansion of American Territory, New York: Vintage Books,2007, p.483.
    2J. Fred Rippy,“Anglo-American Filibusters and the Gadsden Treaty,” The Hispanic American Historical Review,Vol.5, No.2(May,1922), p.166.
    1Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr.,“William Walker and the History of Nicaragua in the Nineteenth Century”, LatinAmerican Research Review, Vol.15, No.1(1980), p.237.
    2Walter LaFeber, The American Age: U.S. Foreign Policy at Home and Broad,1750to the Present, New York: W.W. Norton&Company,1987, p.165.
    1Hallie M. McPherson,“The Projected Purchase of Alaska,1859-60”, Pacific Historical Review, Vol.3, No.1(Mar.,1934), p.84.
    2Foster R. Dulles, Prelude to World Power: American Diplomatic History,1860-1890, New York: MacMillan,1965, pp.53-56.
    3Thomas A. Bailey,“Why the United States Purchased Alaska”, Pacific Historical Review, Vol.3, No.1(Mar.,1934), p.41.
    2S. F.比米斯:《美国外交史》(第2分册),商务印书馆1987年版,第170页。
    1Paul Johnson, Civil War America,1850-1870, New York: Harper Perennial,2011, p.1-2.
    1David Halberstam,“Introduction: Our Nation,” From David Halberstam, Edited, Defining A Nation: OurAmerica and the Sources of Its Strength, Washington, D.C.: National Geographic,2003, p.23.
    2Sanuel P. Hungtington, Who Are We? The Challenge to America’s National Identity, New York: Simon&Schuster Paperbacks,2004.
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