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The State Aid Regime of the EU is a fully developed subsidy control system that has lasted for over half a century. By controlling and directing subsidies granted by Member States to undertakings so that they correspond with the Union's interest, the EU aspires to establish and maintain a Common Market in which competition is undistorted. In recent years, particularly through the "EU-China Trade Project" dialogue, the Commision has proposed to its Chinese counterparts that China should establish a State Aid control system similar to that in the EU. This thesis strives to undertand and draw lessons from the European model of State Aid control.
     Studies in economics indicate that aid granted by the government to undertakings usually elevates the competitive status of those undertakings, which is unfair to other competitors on the market. If the aid itself lacks purpose, then, while adversely affecting competition, it would become a waste of public funding. If aid is not delivered in a reasonable manner and according to the principle of proportionality, competition may be disporportionly affected. Moreover, the recipient of aid is not necessarily the ultimate beneficiary, which means that the government may confer an advantage to certain undertakings by granting subsidies to individuals.
     State Aid is not the only type of state acts that may affect competition and alter market conditions, such as general economic policies. Why is it that an act of state is governed by the rules on competition in the EU? This is because the EU is a supra-national polity with unique economic and cultural characteristics. During its integration, the EU strives to achieve economic solidarity, harmonizes laws of Member States, and coordinates efforts via various policy instruments in developing the economy. Therefore, it is unlikely for a Member State to unilaterally develop general economic policies against the interests of the Union, to unilaterally harm the Union's solidarity, and to unilaterally cause a serious disturbance in the economy by restricting competition via legislation. It is under this context that State Aid may prove to be a valuable instrument in maintaining the cohesion of the Common Market, and heavily influence the coordinated development of Europe's economy and society. Nevertheless, State Aid control does not necessarily probihit all State Aids. The EU is not a state, but a conglomeration of states with competencies in economic, social and cultural development according to the Principle of Subsidiarity. Member States possess the financial power to provide State Aid. On the one hand, without State Aid control, competition shall be unduly damaged in the Union, and the integration efforts shall be in vain. On the other hand, State Aid in general is a rational act of state that addresses market failure, which must be subject to scrutiny before reaching a conclusion of incompatibility with the Common Market, and should not be treated the same as state acts in violation of the "four freedoms". Moreover, compatibility is largely determined by economic indicators relating to competition. It is therefore quite plausible for State Aid to be regulated by EU competition law.
     According to Article107-109TFEU, Member States must apply for clearance to the Commission before issuing State Aid. This begs two questions:What constitutes State Aid? And what constitutes lawful State Aid? In order for a government action to become State Aid, it must satisfy4criteria: Aid to be granted by the State, to undertakings, conferring a competitive advantage, that which is specific. This portion of the analysis involves the application of the Imputability Test, the Market Economy Investor Test, public undertaking's financial relations with governments, as well as taxation and regional autonomy.
     The rules on lawful State Aid are divided into two categories:aid deemed to be compatible with the Common Market and aid which may be compatible with the Common Market. The latter type of aid governed by Article107(3) TFEU is explained in further detail by regulations, directives, guidelines, and communications made by the Commission and the Council.
     The State Aid Regime of the EU is developed in a unique social, economic, cultural and legal environment, and has little in common with AML's provision on administrative monopoly and the laws relating to public finance. Therefore, in order to introduce a similar system, and able to enforce such a system, China would have to make too many changes in the legal system to make it worthwhile.
     The State Aid Regime of the EU, however, does provide insight to China's competition law enforcement. The reason is that, for many years, China has turned a blind eye to anti-competitive effects of government subsides in the market, and there is nearly no sign of "competition" in official documents relating to public finance. This results in inapproate and intransparent handling of aid in China without analyses of the aid's impact on competition. One should keep in mind that the European model is established under the rule of law and a sound auditing system of undertakings and public finance. Therefore, it is necessary for China to focus on establishing the rule of law and reforming the laws on public finance, while cultivating a culture for competition.
    ②State Aid Scoreboard:Number of newly introduced measures by type of aid (2005-2010)。
    ①Musgrave, Richard A. and Peggy B. Public Finance in Theory and Practice (4th ed.). New York:McGraw-Hill,1984.参见李扬:《财政补贴经济分析》,上海三联书店1990年版,第27页。
    ②Musgrave, Richard A. and Peggy B., ibid, pp71-72,转引自李扬:前引书,第27页。
    ②Ehlermann, Claus-Dieter and Martin Goyette."The Interface between EU State Aid Control and the WTO Disciplines on Subsidies". EStAL42006, p714.
    ②参见Ehlermann, Claus-Dieter and Martin Goyette."The Interface between EU State Aid Control and the WTO Disciplines on Subsidies". EStAL42006, p699.
    ⑤Case C88/03Portual v Commission, Judgment of6September2006,未公开出版。参见Ehlemann前引文,第704页。
    ①参见Case C-301/87, France v Commission [1990] ECR I-307第33段,和Cases T-239/04&T-323/04, Italy v Commission [2007] ECR11-3265第127段。
    ①见Mill, John Stuart and Jeremy Bentham. Alan Ryan (ed.). Utilitarianism and other Essays. New York:Penguin Books,1987. pp.65-112.272-338.
    ②见Hobson, John Atkinson. Imperialism. Cambridge:Cambridge UP,2010. pp.76-99.
    ③见Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawny. James Meadowcroft (ed.) Liberalism and Other Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP,1994. pp.10-23.67-102.
    ①参见Dimand, Robert et al (ed.). Keynes' General Theory after Seventy Years. IEA Conference Volumne No.147. pp.63-90.
    ②参见Keynes, John Maynard. The General Theory of Employment. Interest and Money. New York:Classic House Books,2008. pp.96-111.
    ④参见Dumenil, Gerard and Dominique Levy. The Crisis of Neoliberalism. Cambridge:Harvard UP,2011. pp1-13,28-32.
    ①Bacila, Nicolae."The Relation between State Aid and Economic Development in the European Union". REJ ⅩⅢ, no.362010, p113-114.
    ④参见Krugman, Paul Robin "Introduction:New Thinking about Trade Policy" in Paul Robin Krugman (ed.) Strategic Trade Policy and the New International Economics. Cambridge, MIT Press,1998. ppl-22.
    ①Brander, James Alan."Rationales for Strategic Trade and Industrial Policy",前引书,pp23-46.
    ①参见Dumenil, Gerard and Dominique Levy. The Crisis of Neoliberalism. Cambridge:Harvard UP,2011.297-326.
    ②"Less and better targeted aid-key figures"和"Subsidies (1) to the railway sector, in million EUR;2000-2010" State Aid Expenditure Scoreboard2010, http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state aid/studies reports/expenditure.html访问日期:2012年2月1日。
    ①Council Regulation (EC) No994/98of7May1998on the application of Articles92and93(now87and88respectively) of the Treaty establishing the European Community to certain categories of horizontal State aid, OJ L142,14.05.1998,第一页,第2和第3条。
    ②Commission Regulation (EC) No1998/2006of15December2006on the application of Articles87and88of the Treaty to de minimis aid OJ L379,28.12.2006,第510页,第二条,前言部分第12和第13款。
    ①Commission Regulation (EC) No800/2008of6August2008declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles87and88of the Treaty (General block exemption Regulation) OJ L214,9.8.2008,第3-47页,第一条。
    ①见Communication of the Commission:Temporary Union framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis. Official Journal C6,11.1.2011,第5页。
    ①详见Communication from the Commission on the application of the European Union State aid rules to compensation granted for the provision of services of general economic interest OJ C8,11.1.2012,第4-14页。
    ②该指令又称《透明度指令》("Transparency Directive"),详见Commission Directive2006/111/EC of16November2006on the transparency of financial relations between Member State and public undertakings as well as on financial transparency within certain undertakings, OJL318,17.11.2006,第17页。
    ①Case26/62Van Genden Loos [1963] ECR1, A,B两段。参见Craig, Paul and Grainne de Burca. EU Law. Texts. Cases and Materials4th ed. OUR第275页。
    ②见Consolidated Version of The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, OJ2008/C115/88, TITLE VII, Chapter1:"Rules on Competition"
    ③同上,Section2,"Aids Granted by States".
    ②Case T_171/0,Regione autonoma della Sardegna v Commission [2005]ECR Ⅱ.2123第60段。
    ①Jones, Alison and Brenda Sufrin. EC Competition Law3rd ed. Oxford UP,2008,第101页。
    ⑤Case C-482/99France v Commission [2002]I-4397第39段。
    ②Conor Ouigley. European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford:Hart publishing,2009,第448页。
    ①Conor Quigley, European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford:Hart publishing,2009,第1-31页。
    ②Case290/83, Commission yF rance [1985] ECR439.
    ③Case C-379/98, Preussen Electro AG v Schleswag AG[2001]ECR1-2099,总顾问意见。转引自Conor Quigley, European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford:Hart,2009,第21页。
    ④关于以上分析,参见Ian Winter,"Redefining the Notion of State Aid in Article87(1) of the EC Treaty", Common Market Law Review, Vol.41, No.2,2004, pp.475-504.
    ⑤Commission Directive2006/111/EC of16November2006. OJ L318/19.
    ③目前学界有一种译法,将Public Undertakings"译为“公共企业”。见程卫东、李靖堃译:《欧洲联盟基础条约》第106条(经《里斯本条约》修订),社会科学文献出版社2010年版。
    ④Commission Directive2006/111/EC of16November2006.OJ L318/19。
    ①Case C-342/96,Spain v Commission[1999]ECR Ⅰ-2459.
    ①Case47/69, France v Commission [1970] ECR487,第16段。
    ①参见Case259/85,France v Commission[1987]ECR4393,第24段;Case C-303/88,Italy v Commission[1990] ECR I.1433.第27段;Cases C-278/92-280/92.Spal-v Commission[1994]ECR1-4103,第41-42段。
    ②Case234/84,Belgium v Commission[1986]ECR2263,总法律顾问的观点,第2274页。
    ③Case C-280/00,Altmark Trana v Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Altmark GmbH[2003]ECRI-7747,第81段。
    ①参见Case C-482/99, France v Commission [2002] ECR1-4397.
    ①Case78/76, Steinike und Weinlig v Germany [1977]ECR595,第21段。
    ③参见Case C-482/99France v Commission [2002]1-4397。
    ④该并购金额远远低于欧盟企业并购集体豁免条例规定的申报门槛,因此不属于企业并购的规制范围。参见Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004of20January2004on the control of concentrations between undertakings (the EC Merger Regulation)。
    ①参见Case C-482/99France v Commission[2002]I-4397序言部分:“The imputability of a measure to the State cannot be inferred from the mere fact that the measure at issue was taken by a public undertaking".
    ①Case C-482/99France v Commission [2002]I-4397,第56段。
    ①Case T-196/04Ryanair Ltd v Commission[2008]ECR Ⅱ.nyr,第53-61段。
    ②Conor Quigley,European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed.Oxford:Hart,2009,第102页。
    ③Case173/73Italy v Commission[1974]ECR709,第15段。
    ②参见Berwin Leighton Paisner律师事务所对Ryanair-一案的评论:http://www.inhouselawyer.co.uk/index.php/eu-a-competition/7216-ryanair-wins-cfi-overturns-charleroi-state-aid-d ecision。访问日期:2012年2月1日。
    ③Case T-196/04RyanairLtd v Commission of the European Communities ECR [2008]11-3643"Application of the private investor in a market economy test",
    ④Case C-278/00, Greece v Commission [2004] ECR1-3997,第41-59段。
    ⑤Joined cases T-228/99and T-233/99Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale and Land Nordrhein-Westfalen v Commission ofthe European Communities ECR[2003]Ⅱ-435,另见Press Release No13/036March2003。
    ①Case84/82,Germany v Commission[1984]ECR1451,总法律顾问Slynn的意见,第1501页。
    ②Case C-278-280/92,Spain v Commission[1994]ECR I-4103,总法律顾问Jacobs的意见,第4112页。
    ③Case C-39/94,SFEI v La Poste [1996]ECR I-3547,第60段。
    ④Case67,68&70/85,Van der Kooy v Commission[1988]ECR219,总法律顾问Slynn的意见,第250页。
    ⑤Case T-196/04Ryanair Ltd v Commission[2008] ECR Ⅱ-nyr
    ①Case T-98/00,Linder v Commission[2002]ECR Ⅱ.3961,第46段。
    ②Case T-123/97,Salomon SA v Commission[1999]ECR I.2925,第68段。
    ①参见Hall, David."Public Enterprise in Europe".由Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), UK赞助。Commissioned by:Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), UK. Presented at:IPPR Conference24th November1997"What Future for Public Enterprise?"1998年2月。www.psiru.org/reports/9803-U-Eur-Pubent.doc.访问日期2012年2月1日。
    ①Joined Cases188,189and190/80France,Italy and UK v Commission[1982]ECR2545.
    ②即Commission Directive80/723/EEC OJ L195/35.
    ③Joined Cases188,189and190/80France,Italy and UK v Commission[1982]ECR2545,第21段。
    ④Commission Directive2006/111/EC of16November2006.OJ L318/19.
    ①参见Application of Articles92and93of the EEC Treaty to public authorities' holdings (Bulletin EC91984) http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/legislation/ec1984_en.html.访问日期2011年2月1日。
    ②Commission Directive2006/111/EC of16November2006.OJ L318/19第1至3款。
    ①请参见Wolf Sauter,"Services of general economic interest and universal service in EU law". E.L. Rev.2008,33(2),179.
    ②Case T-289/03, BUPA Ltd v Commission [2008] ECR11-81,第178段。
    ①Case C-280/00Altmark Trans GmbH and Regierungsprasidium Magdeburg v Nabverkehrsgesellschaft Altmark GmbH[2003]ECR I-7747第89段。
    ③Case T-266/02Deutsche Post AG v Commission,OJ C209.15.8.2008第39-40页。
    ⑤Commission Decision2005/842/EC on the application of Anicle86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid inthe form of public service compensation granted to certain undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest (2005)OJ L312/67
    ⑥Communication from the Commission—European Union framework for State aid in the form of public service compensation (2011) OJ C8,11.1.2012第15-22页
    ①Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin. EC Competition Law (3rd ed). OUP,2007,第654页。
    ②Communication from the Commission-European Union framework for State aid in the form of public service compensation (2011) OJ C8,11.1.2012,第15-22页,第2.3-2.5条
    ①参见State aid scoreboard,2(?)08年8月,第49页。
    ①参见The Commission Notice on the application the State aid rules on measures relating to direct business taxation OJ1998C384/3.
    ②Case57/86, Greece v Commission [1988] ECR2855,第10段。
    ③Quigley, Conor. European State Aid Law and Policy. Oxford:Hart publishing,2009第73页。
    ④参见Case C-182/03&C-217/93, Belgium and Forum187v Commission [2006] ECR Ⅰ-5479和T-211/04&T-215/04, Government of Gibraltar v Commission [2008] ECR Ⅱ-nyr.
    ④T-211/04&T-215/04, Government of Gibraltar v Commission [2008] ECR Ⅱ-nyr.第171-173段。
    ①Case C.353/95P,/Iterce Ladbroke v Commission[1997]ECRI-7007,第33-35段。
    ②参见Case C-159/01,Nethertands v Commission[2004]ECR I-4461,和Case C-182/03&C-217/03Belgium andForum187v Commission[2006]ECRI-5479.
    ③Case T-308/00,Salzgitter AG v Commission[2004]ECRⅡ-1933.
    ①Report on the implementation of the Commission notice on the application of the state aid rules to measures relating to direct business taxation, c(2004)434,第34-37段。
    ②Cases C-400/97-C402/97, Administracion delEstado v Juntas Generates de Guipuzcoa[2000]ECR1-1071总法律顾问Saggio的意见,第37段。
    ③Case T-92/00&T-103/00, Teritorio HIstorico de Alava-Disputacion Foral de Alava v Commission [2002] ECR11-1385第27段。
    ④Case C-88/03, Portugalv Commission [2006] ECR1-7115,第56-58段。
    ③以上关于欧盟地方政府自治权的论述,参见Quigley, Conor. European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford: Hart publishing,2009%79-86页.
    ①Case52/72, Benedett vMunari [1977] ECR163,第13-15段。
    ②Guidelines on State aid in the aviation sector, section Ⅲ.3, Thirtieth Report on Competition Policy(2000),第378页。
    ③参见Twenty-Fourth Report on Competition Policy (1994),第354页。
    ①见Case T-445/05, AssociazioneItaliana delRisparmio Gestito v Commission [2009] ECR Ⅱ-nyr,第182段。
    ②Twenty-Second Report on Competition Policy (1992).第495页。
    ③Guidelines on State aid in the aviation sector, section Ⅲ.3, Thirtieth Report on Competition Policy(2000),第378页。以上参见Conor Quigley. European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford:Hart,2009,第127-129页。
    ④Eighth Report on Competition Policy (1978).第164页。参见Conor Quigley, European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford:Hart,2009,第129页。
    ③参见Twenty-Second Report on Competition Policy (1992),第497页。及Case C-364/90, Italy v Commission [1993]ECR1-2097,总法律顾问Jacobs的意见,第2113页。
    ①Case T-268/06, Olympiaki Aeropria Ypiresies AE v Commission [2008] ECR Ⅱ-nyr,第66段。
    ②s Twenty-Fourth Report on Competition Policy (1994).(?)第495页。
    ①Case C-156/98, Germany v Commission [2000] ECR Ⅰ-6857,第52-55段。
    ②Twentieth Report on Competition Policy (1990),第178页。
    ①《地区援助指南》Guidelines on National Regional Aid for2007-2013OJ2006/C54/08第16段。
    ②Case C-225/91, Matra SA v Commission [1993] ECR1-3203第27段。
    ③Case310/85, Deufil GmbH v Commission [1987] ECR901第17段。
    ④Case C-278-280/92, Spain v Commission [19941ECr1-4103第49段。
    ⑤Twenty-second Report on Competition Policy (1992)第356页,以及Twenty-fifth Report on Competition Policy (1995),第238页。
    ①Sixteenth Report on Competition Policy (1986)第180页。
    ②见Case C-301/99, Germany v Commission [2003] ECR1-9919,第106段。
    ③见Commission Decision84/508/EEC, Belgian polypropylene fibre and yarn OJ1984L283/42
    ④Commission Decision88/167/EEC, Greek Industry OJ1988L76/18
    ①Case84/82, Germany v Commission [1984] ECR1451,总法律顾问Slynn的观点,第1504页。
    ②Twenty-second Report on Competition Policy (1992).第446页。
    ③Twenty-first Report on Competition Policy (1991),第272页。
    ④Case C-301/87, France v Commission [1990]ECRI-307,第54段。
    ①Cases62&72/87, ExecutifRegional Wallon v Commission [1988] ECR1573,第29段。
    ②参见N221/2003, Dutch aviation museum, OJ2003C301/7
    ③Commission Decision2008/354/EC, Videogames, OJ2008L118/16
    ①Conor Quigley, European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford:Hart,2009,第142-143页。
    ①参见Case T-162/06, Kronoply GmbH v Commission [2009] ECR Ⅱ-nyr
    ②见Case74/76, Iannelli v Meroni [1977] ECR557
    ④参见Case18/84, Commission vFrance [1985] ECR1339
    ①Nineteenth Report on Competition Policy (1989)第152页。
    ②例如Case152/73, Sotgiu v Deutsch Bundesport[1911] ECR153,第10段。
    ③参见Case C-156/98Germany v Commission [2000] ECR1-6857
    ②Case C-35/98, Staatssecretans van Financien v Verkooijen [2000] ECR1-4071,第36段。
    ①参见Conor Quigley, European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed. Oxford:Hart,2009,第151页。
    ①Bacila, Nicolae."The Relation between State Aid and Economic Development in the European Union". REJ ⅩⅢ, no.362010, p113-114.
    ②State Aid Expenditure Scoreboard, http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/studies_reports/expenditure.html访问日期:2012年2月1日
    ①State Aid Scoreboard,Autumn2008.第4-5,7页。
    ①参见Commission Regulation No.800/2008OJ2008L214/3,第5条(1)项。
    ①Case C-86/89,Italy v Commission[1990]ECR I-3891,第18段。
    ②参见Case C-288/96,Germany v Commission[2000]ECR I-8237.
    ③Conor Quigley,European State Aid Law and Policy2nd ed.Oxford:Hart,2009,第191页。
    ③Commission Regulation No.800/2008OJ2008L214/3,第6段。
    ④Regional Aid Guidelines2007-2013,第1-3段。
    ①同上,第30段。另见Summaries of EU Legislation: http://europa.eu/legislation summaries/competition/state aid/g24242en.htm,访问日期:2012年2月1日。
    ②Regional Aid Guidelines2007-2013,第12-14段。
    ②同上,第38、40段,以及Commission Regulation No800/2008,第8、13条。
    ③同上,第50-54段,以及Commission Regulation No800/2008,第13条。
    ①State aid expenditure for agricultural sector by Member State in million Euro (2005-2010).
    ②另见Council Regulation (EC) No1698/2005OJ L277,21.10.2005第22条。
    ②Commission Regulation (EC) No1857/2006of15December2006on the application of Articles87and88of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No70/2001, OJ L358,16.12.2006,p3-21.第4-16条。
    ②Commission Decision No2496/96/ECSC,第4(2)-(4)条。Communication on rescue and restructuring aid and closure aid for the steel sector, OJ C702002年3月19日第2.2-2.3段。另见王晓晔:《欧共体竞争法》,中国社会科学出版社2007年版,第283页。
    ③见《地区援助指南》Guidelines on National Regional Aid for2007-2013OJ2006/C54/08第8段。
    ①Press release IP/11/1488:State aid:Commission extends crisis rules for banks,2011年12月10日
    ②Communication from the Commission-The application of State aid rules to measures taken in relation to financial institutions in the context of the current global financial crisis. OJ C270,25.10.2008,第8页,第19-23,第27段。
    ③Temporary framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis (consolidated version) OJ C83,7.4.2009,第1页。
    ④Temporary Union framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis. OJ C6,11.1.2011,第5页。
    ①Handbook on Community State Aid Rules for SMEs.2009.2.25
    ②Small Business Act for Europe (SB A) http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/small-business-act/implementation/files/sba_imp_en.pdf,访问日期:2012年2月1日。
    ③Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions "Think Small First" A "Small Business Act" for Europe". http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2008:0394:FIN:en:PDF访问日期:2012年2月1日。
    ④见“The SMEs in the frame of the 'Europe2020strategy'" http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/finance/files/citibank position paper for sme forum en.pdf访问日期:2012年2月1日。
    ①Handbook on Community State Aid Rules for SMEs.2009.2.25
    ②同上第6页,另见Commission Regulation No1998/2006on the application of Articles87and88of the Treaty to de minimis aid" OJ L379,28.12.2006,第5页。
    ②Commission Regulation No800/2008OJ2008L214/3, Annex I第2条。
    ①参见Guidelines on Risk Capital Aid OJ2006C194/2, Section4.2
    ②Commission Regulation No800/2008OJ2008L214/3第1条(2)-(6)
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