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     (2)分别计算各种气候替代指标的Hurst指数和分形维数,并对各气候指标进行相关分析,探讨了各气候替代指标对各气候要素的指示关系。选取磁化率、碳酸钙含量、总有机碳含量和0.01~0.05 mm粗粉粒含量作为气候替代指标,利用小波分析方法研究了A、B、D三个剖面全新世以来气候变化情况。结果表明,总体上,A和B剖面10000 a B.P.~8500 a B.P.为变暖期;8500 a B.P.~3000 a B.P.温湿大暖期;3000 a B.P.以来为变冷干期;而D剖面表现为,8000 a B.P.~4000 a B.P.为温湿大暖期,4000 a B.P.以来为变冷干期,其时间差异可能是由于D剖面比A、B剖面相同时期的埋藏土壤年龄偏老而造成的。
     (3)运用土壤深度-年龄曲线法,得到各剖面全新世以来不同气候条件下黄土沉积速率,A、B、D剖面全新世平均黄土沉积速率为0.0179 cm/a、0.0153 cm/a、0.0213 cm/a。该研究区黄土沉积速率分布图表明,黄土沉积速率由西北向东南逐渐减小,并且在中部出现了极低值点。利用磁化率重建历史时期降雨量变化状况,并根据降雨量与土壤侵蚀强度的关系分析了地质时期土壤侵蚀情况,详细讨论了土壤侵蚀对各气候时期的沉积速率的影响,发现此极低值是由该地区地质时期土壤侵蚀造成的。因此,黄土沉积速率受到土壤侵蚀作用的影响。土壤深度-年龄曲线法得到的黄土沉积速率可以对这一综合结果进行精确地定量表达。
     (4)首次通过塬面和坡面对比研究,利用土壤年龄、黄土沉积速率以及气候替代指标,复原了12000 a B.P.以前C剖面所处坡面的地貌,并且发现该坡面12000 a B.P.以来由于受到自然侵蚀和人为加速侵蚀的共同作用,导致土壤侵蚀速率大于沉积速率,为定量研究地质时期土壤侵蚀及地貌提供了新的思路和方法。
Soil loss in loess plateau in northern Shaanxi is the most serious all over the world. The loess deposition rate in this region is the base for determination of soil loss tolerance. Unstable climate in the Holocene affects on loess deposition and formation. Meanwhile, the loess formed in this period has the closest relationship with human. Thus, it is necessary to research the loess deposition rate under influence of climate in the Holocene. This study could provide theoretical basis and data supporting for determination of soil loss tolerance and assessment of soil erosion risk.
     Four soil profiles A, B, C and D were located in three locations in north, middle and south of loess plateau in northern Shaanxi. The loess deposition rates were researched by analysis of soil ~(14)C age in every layer of the profiles. The main results were that: (1) Particle size distribution, TOC, pH and CaCO_3 content of A, B, D profiles on tableland were analyzed. The variation of particle size distribution and CaCO_3 content showed that the climate affected on soil formation. The changing of TOC and pH with latitude indicated that the degree of pedogenesis decreased from south to north in this region. These results laid a foundation for researches on climate changes and tempo-spatial variations of loess deposition rate.
     (2) The Hurst index and fractal dimension of seven climatic indexes were calculated, and correlation analysis was done between all the climatic indexes. The indexical relation between the climatic indexes and climatic elements was discussed. Finally, four indexes (χIf, CaCO_3 content, TOC and the content of 0.01~0.05 mm particles) were selected, and wavelet analysis was used to analyze variations of paleoclimate. In total, in A and B profile, 10000 a B.P.~8500 a B.P. was warming period, 8500 a B.P.~3000 a B.P. was warm period, 3000 a B.P.~ present was cooling period; in D profile, 8000 a B.P.~4000 a B.P. was warm period, 4000 a B.P.~ present was cooling period. The differences between them may be caused by the older age of the soil deposited at the same period in D profile than in A and B profile.
     (3) The loess deposition rate in different climate period was calculated by depth and age of soil in every layer. The average loess deposition rate of A, B and D profile in the Holocene was 0.0179 cm/a、0.0153 cm/a、0.0213 cm/a, respectively. The distribution of loess depostion rate in this region showed that, it decreased from northwest to southeast, and the minimum was in the middle of region. The soil erosion in the Holocene was analyzed by the annual rainfall which was calculated by magnetic susceptibility. The influences of soil erosion on soil deposition rate were discussed. The minimum in the middle of region was caused by soil erosion. Therefore, the loess deposition rate was comprehensive results of deposition, erosion and other pedogenesis. The loess depotition rate derived from soil depth and age could show the comprehensive result quantitatively.
     (4) Soil age, loess accumulation rate and climate indexes of B and C profile were used to reconstruct the landforms on the slope where the C profile on before 12000 a B.P.. The soil eosion rate was lager than loess deposition rate, and it was proved that this method could be used to research on soil erosion and reconstruct the landforms in geological period.
     (5) Soil erosion risk of the research region and a watershed was assessed by the ratio of soil loss to soil deposition. The soil erosion risk in Luochuan, Yanchang and Heangshan was 14.1、43.3 and 24.8, much larger than critical value 1, so this region should be an important protection and control area. With the growth of management degree, the soil erosion risk dropped from 28.8 in 1997 to 0.2 in 2007 in Yan’gou watershed. The soil erosion was under control.
     This study could provide theoretical basis for determination of soil loss tolerance, soil genesis and development. It would provide new idea and method for quantificationally research on reconstruct the landforms in geological period. The application of loess deposition rate on assessment of soil erosion risk could provide theoretical basis for environmental treatment decision.
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