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Since 1980s the modern evidence theory is subjected to such an influential ideological attack that the traditional modern proof method and fact cognitive model,which hold the monopolistic position in academic circle for hundreds of years,have been changed.The claim that the legitimate traditional rationalism should be subverted almost deconstructs the modernization process of evidence theory and some scholar even argued that the death time of modern evidence theory is coming.Such a powerful ideology impact is the postmodern evidence theory.
     In this dissertation I sought to provide a specific introduction to postmodern evidence theory whose background is the latest developments of western postmodern theories,esp.in evidence study and proof field. This dissertation includes three parts,involving a multiple respects of postmodern evidence theory.Based on the first hand material it attempts to develop a dialogue platform for each modern academic school and provide for China Evidence study a theory foundation of a constructive plan.
     The dissertation begins with a systematic elaboration of division between modern and postmodern evidence theory,forming a dividing boundary line between such two big schools.Then the dissertation discusses the critics from the postmodern evidence theory against the modern traditional theory in order to form an outline for deconstructive evidence theory.Next,based on such deconstruction the dissertation reconstructs the evidence theory and sets forth an innovative theoretical perspective.And then the dissertation makes a thorough elaboration of comparison and interaction.The elaboration takes rationality and non-ration resistance as its main clue,proceeds with its analysis facts centered,draws a comparison between western and Eastern thinking style, introduces multi-disciplinary and modern analytical semantic philosophy, and brings forward an innovative view of fact finding in trials.Lastly,the dissertation offers a summary description of postmodern theory and provides analysis and prediction for its future trend-scientific development.
     The primary contribution of postmodern evidence theory is to motivate us to make a reflection of preliminary notions in evidence theory. It assumes a gap between the languages and outside environment,and at same time it explains the relationship between evidence and law through a more wide aspect.It abandons the over optimistic radical attitude to proof modernization,and instead advocates a calm and even pessimistic attitude. It suggests us eliminate the conflicts between the subjective and objective bodies by the "inter-subjectivity" and "self in relationship",and reconstruct the dialogue and argument between the parities with the burden of proof by "the fellowship".Accordingly it has broken the myth that the traditional evidence study is based on the fact finding and instead makes an uncertain, open,complex and multi-dimensional conception system take place of the traditional,certain and exclusive one so that we can be confronted with the real and almost unbelievable world of reality.It is a fundamental change of evidence theory.What faces the evidence theory is its new problem and new task.The truth is not any more the only goal the evidence theory pursuits,and the common agreement is no longer its purpose.Instead dialogue,criticism,and argument are welcomed.The deviants and disagreements are not the indications of its recession any more.Because the postmodern theory opponents are quite aware that the new theory can prove its vigor and vitality only if it encounters more problems and difficulties.
     The second contribution of the postmodern evidence theory lies in its denial of the claim made by the traditional rationalist that truth is the ultimate goal of fact finding.Nowadays the main stream of evidence study is rationalism.Though the rationalism absorbed the essence from the modern scientific revolution and Enlightment,led the people to shake off the theological shackles in evidence study,brought the fact-finding into a more wide scope,but there are still some flaws-its indifference and exclusion towards non-rationality.
     The third contribution of the postmodern evidence theory is its emphasis on the relationship between the evidence study and literature, which brings the wind of freedom into the fact-finding process.It denies the traditional view that the judge should ensure accurate and timely ascertainment of facts and has entrusted the trifles of judge's daily job some poetic sentiment:When the parties presented the evidence in the trial, the judge is forming some plot in his mind.And finally what we get from this information-process is a coherent and understandable story.We can reconstruct the past events through various forms,including novel,film, poetry and judicial process.Whatever forms we choose it cannot get rid of the story model.Fact-finding is the same as the scriptwriting:you have to rearrange every fact plot,which is evidenced and scattered in your brains, and the whole arrangement process relies on your imagination.The fact finder's job is only to establish a story,which conforms to daily experience logic and is understandable for the public.This story drifts away the daily experience but at the same time derives from the fact finders' daily life. The difference between the judge and the scripter is:the former has to take the law elements into consideration.So not only the consistency and coherence should be taken into account but also the social ethics.The judge must guarantee that the approval story conforms to the theme of rule by law.
     The dissertation purports to achieve the following goals.First fill a theoretical gap.It attempts to explore the inter foundations and rules of evidence theory by a multi-dimensional view.Second realize theory innovation.It sought to realize theory innovation by a practical way of absorption of overseas and domestic advanced theory achievement.Third realize a systematic theory construction.It purports to find a new theoretical approach to evidence study through arguments and comments.
     With reference to the above goals,the arrangements and pattern design in this dissertation have taken the development track and characteristics of postmodern theory into the consideration.Chapter 1 is intended as a set of introduction to the preliminary notions of postmodern theory,difference between modern and postmodern in evidence study and the philosophical foundation of postmodern evidence theory.Chapter 2 is an elaboration of deconstructive postmodern theory and constructive postmodern theory.In this chapter I use the inter schools of postmodern theory as a standard for section division and based on the perspectives in postmodern theory I offer a multi-perspective interpretation to the problems of evidence study.Chapter 3 approaches the following questions:What is the core scope in postmodern evidence theory? How is the relationship between evidence study and other branches of law study? How about the scientifization of evidence theory?
     The methodologies in this dissertation included but not limited to: 1.Empirical analysis and philosophical argument.Take the logical reasoning and contradictory analysis as the main clues of the preliminary problems analysis.2.Comparison and induction.The dissertation involves several multi-dimensional comparisons,including between the overseas and domestic,common-law system and continental law system,evidence and history study.Finally it draws some necessary conclusions.3. Theoretical study and practical arguments.Given the law rationale and China's current situation,it analyzes the actual arguments in Chinese evidence academic circle,and ends with some practical resolutions and approaches to the challenges we met.4.Inheritance and innovation.This dissertation can be interpreted as delivering on a rash promise to construct a map of evidence theory history and create some spaces for innovative ideas to challenge the orthodox ideas.
     To be sure,for any potential substantial developments in evidence theory,the postmodern evidence theory is a powerful motivation.It offers us a considerably important perspective to analyze truth,trial process and core problems in evidence theory.Some purely fashionable and aberrant ideas would perish and some creative ideas will enter into the new era along with us as a fantastic,insightful filed in evidence study.
[1]R.Abel,"Redirecting Social Studies of Law"(1980) 14Law and Society Rev.P.826.
    [1]Steinar Kvale,"Themes of Postmodernity",in Walter Truett Anderson(ed.),The Fontana Postmodernism Reader (London:Fontana Press,1996),pp18,19.
    [3]See F.Jameson,"Postmodernism,or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism"(1984),146 New Left Rev.,p.53.
    [7]一般而言,范式可以理解为一种模式、框架,是某种事物的标准形式或使人照着做的标准样式。如托马斯·库恩(Thomas Kuhn)提出认知范式概念,即我们认识客观世界,总是从已知的知识中找出某种结构框架,作为进一步认识和把握未知事物的依托。转引自盛宁著:《人文因惑与反思--西方后现代主义思潮批判》,三联书店1997年版,第28页。格里芬将范式定义为:“一种世界观,又指这种世界观所蕴含的用以指导我们生活的伦理观。”见[美]大卫·雷·格里芬:《后现代精神》中央编译出版社1998,第23页。
    [1]Rorty,Contincy,Zrony an Solidarity,London:Cambridge University Press,1989,pp.32-33.
    [1]关于法律是否存在着空白存在激烈的争论,德沃金的“正确判决”理论认为“在疑难案件中果真不存在正确答案吗?”认为不存在空白。而H.L.A.哈特在他的1961年版的《法律的概念》一书中的“自由裁量权”理论却认为法律存在着空白。如果坚定信奉“正确答案”的理论是正确的,那么法律从组成的每个单词的 意义上来说,就是一种事实;如果承认法律存有空白之处,那么或许,或者有很大可能性,法律不是事实。然而我们认为没有理由使本文误入上述迷宫,也没有理由简单地把“法律创造”定义为“非事实性”的,甚至将已有法律视为“标准”的集合也是错误的。法律要求人们在停车点停车,允许人们的某些作为如成年人有定立合同的权力,并针对不同法律行为规定了不同的法律后果;法律并未为上述活动提供一个参照的“标准”,是否应当停车完全取决于当事人自身,但是否面对不按规定停车的法律后果却不是取决于当事人。哲学家或其他人可以任意地发现上述有趣的事,并将它们称之为义务,但义务并不是法律的本质。参见[美]罗纳德·德沃金:《原则问题》,张国清译,江苏人民出版社2005年版,第119页;[英]哈特:《法律的概念》,张文显、郑成良等人译,中国大百科全书出版社1996年版第97页。
    [1]See Jules L.Coleman & Brian Leiter,Determinacy,Objectivity,and Authority,in Law and Interpretation Essays in Legal Philosophy(Andrei Marmot ed.,),Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995,pp203,253.
    [1]John D.Jackson,Theories of Truth Finding in Criminal Procedure:A Evolutionary Approach,10 Cardozo L.Rev.475,514-20(1988).
    [2]Cass R.Sunstein,Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech,The Free Press,1993,p243.
    [3]See J.D.Jackson,Two Methods of Proof in Criminal Procedure,51 Mod.L.Rev.549,567(1988).
    [4]Hilary Putnam,Meaning and the Moral Sciences,London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1978,p 125.
    [1]See Julio Caro Baroja,The World of the Witches(O.N.V.Glendinning trans.,) Chicago Press,New York,1964.
    [1]Hilary Putnam,Meaning and the Moral Sciences,London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1978,p 125,
    [1]Paul T.Durbin:Dictionary of concepts in the Philosophy of science greeneood press,1988,P97.
    [1]S.Fish,Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive communities,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980,p.43.
    [2]Owen Fiss,"Objectivity and Interpretation",34 Stanford Law Review 739-763,1982.
    [2]Jean-Francois Lyotard,"The Postmodern Condition",in Steven Seidman(ed.),The Postmodern Turn (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994),p27.关于后现代法学,可参见郑强:《美国后现代法理学概观》,载《外国法译评》,2000年第2期;
    [1][意]克罗齐:《广义艺术概念下的历史》(1893)载于《第一评论》(prime saggy),1951年版,第38页。
    [1]A.C.Grayling,An Introduction to Philosophical Logic,The Harvester Press,1982.,Ch 5.
    [1]法律不是简单的堆积,而是一系列相互协调的规则整体。参见Neil Maccormick Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory,Oxford University Press,(1978),p198.
    [2]Nicholas Rescher,The Coherence Theory of Truth,Oxford University Press,(1973),1-24.
    [1]Ayer,A.J.The Problem of Knowledge,Oxford:Oxford University Press(1961),p47.
    [1]参见[美]卡尔·贝克尔《什么是历史事实》,载于《现代西方历史哲学译文集》广西师范大学出版社 2002年版,第284页。
    [1]See J.Frank,Law and the Modern Mind,Garden City,N.Y.,1930.
    [1]Jerome Frank,Fate and Freedom,New York:Simon and Schus-ter.I945,p28
    [2]Peter L.Berger and Thomas Luckmann,The Social Construction of Reality:A Treatise on the Sociology of Knowledge,Garden City,New York:Anchor Books,1966,pp13-15.
    [1]See Jules L.Coleman & Brian Leiter,Determinacy,Objectivity,and Authority,in Law and Interpretation,Clarendon Press,Oxford,1995,pp203,253.
    [1]A.C.Grayling,An Introduction to Philosophical Logic,The Harvester Press,1982,Chapter 5.
    [2]Cohen,L.J,The Probable and the Provable.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1977,p91.
    [1]法律与文学方面的著作和论文已经出版了很多,如Peter Brooks and Paul Cewirtz,编辑的《法律的故事》,耶鲁大学出版社1996年版。波斯纳:《法律与文学:一个被误解了的关系》,1988年版。GregoryLeyh,legal Hermeneutics:History,llaeory,and Practice,1992.James Boyd White,Acts Of Hope:Creating Authority in Law,Literature,and Politics,1994,Justice is Translation:aEssayinCuituralandl2SdCriticism,1990,等等。
    [2]詹姆斯·怀特被认为是“法律与文学”论的代表人物,著有Law and Language:Reading Law and Reading Literatun,1995。萨佛·利维森(Sanford Levinson)被认为是“法律作为义学”论的代表,著有Law as Literature,1995:The Rhetoric of the Judicial Opinion,1995
    [3]也有人将“法律与文学”的两支称为“文学中的法律”和“法律中的文学”(literatum-in-law)see Gary Minda,Postmodern Legal Movements:Law and Jurisprudence at Gentury's Land,New York and London:New York University Press,1995,pp.150,307.
    [1]C.R.B.Dunlop,"Literature Studies in Law Schools",Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature Spring-Summer,1991,pp.63-110;
    Ian Ward,Law and Literature:Possibilities and Perspectives,supra at 3;John Morison and Christine Bell(ed.):Tall Stories'?.Reading Law and Literature,Aldershot,Brook'field:Dartmouth,1996,pp.2-3.
    [2]Cf.Daniel A.Farber and Suzanna Sherry,"Telling Stories out of School:An Essay on Legal Narratives",45STANFORD University Law Review 807,1993.
    [3]Old chiefv.United States,519 U.S.172,187-89(1997).
    [1]J.b.White,"Law as Language:Reading Law and Reading Literature",60 Texas Law Review 415,417,1982.
    [1][美]大卫·雷·格里芬:《后现代精神》,王成兵译,中央编译出版社 1998年版。
    [15][英]约翰·亨利·梅利曼:《大陆法系》,顾培东、禄正平译,上海知识出版社 1984年版。
    [23]陈赞:《回归真实的存在》,复旦大学出版社 2002年版。
    [55]A.C.Grayling,An Introduction to Philosophical Logic,The Harvester Press,1982.
    [56]A.C.Grayling,An Introduction to Philosophical Logic,The Harvester Press,1982.
    [57]Arthur Engelmann,Modern Continental Procedure,in A History of Continental Civil Procedure,ed.Arthur Engelmann et al.Boston:Little,Brown,1927
    [58]Ayer,A.J.The Problem of Knowledge,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1961.
    [59]Cass R.Sunstein,Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech,The Free Press,1993.
    [60]Clifford Geertz,Local Knowledge:Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology,New York:Basic Books,Inc.,1983.
    [61]Cf.Daniel A.Farber and Suzanna Sherry,"Telling Stories out of School:An Essay on Legal Narratives",45 Stanford University Law Rev.,1993.
    [62]Cohen,L.J,The Probable and the Provable.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1977.
    [63]C.R.B.Dunlop,Literature Studies in Law Schools,Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature Spring-Summer,1991.
    [64]Cover,Robert,Violence and the Word,95 Yale Law Journal,1622.
    [65]David Hume,An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding(1748),The Liberal Arts.Press,New York,1955.
    [66]F.Jameson,Postmodernism,or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,146 New Left Rev.,1984.
    [67]Gary Minda,Postmodern Legal Movements:Law and Jurisprudence at Gentury's Land,New York and London:New York University Press,1995.
    [68]Hayden White,The Burden of History,in Tropics of Discourse,Essays in Cultural Criticism.Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1978.
    [69]H.Stuart Hughes,Consciousness and Society,MacGibbon and Kee,1959.
    [70]Hilary Putnam,Meaning and the Moral Sciences,London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1978.
    [71]Joseph R.Strayer,The Writ of Novel Disseisin in Normandy at the End of the Thirteenth Century,in Medieval Statecraft and the Perspectives of History,The University of Michigan Press,1971.
    [72]Jon Elster,Solomonic Judgements:Studies in the Limitations of Rationality Jon Elster Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1989.
    [73]James B.Thayer,A Preliminary Treatise on Evidence at the Common Law,Boston,Little,Brown,& Co.,1898.
    [74]John H.Langbein.,Torture and the Law of Proof:Europe and England in the Ancien Regime,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1977.
    [75]J.Frank,Law and the Modern Mind,Garden City,N.Y,1930.
    [76]Jerome Frank,Fate and Freedom,New York:Simon and Schus-ter,1945.
    [77]Jules L.Coleman & Brian Leiter,Determinacy,Objectivity,and Authority,in Law and Interpretation,Clarendon Press,Oxford,1995.
    [78]John Morison and Christine Bell,Tall Stories,Reading Law and Literature,Aldershot,Brookfield:Dartmouth,1996.
    [79]Julio Caro Baroja,The World of the Witches (O.N.V.Glendinning trans.,Chicago Press,New York,1964.
    [80]Jean-Francois Lyotard,“The Postmodern Condition”,in Steven Seidman (ed.),The Postmodern Turn (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1994.
    [81]John D.Jackson,Theories of Truth Finding in Criminal Procedure:A Evolutionary Approach,10 Cardozo L.Rev.,1988.
    [82]J.D.Jackson,Two Methods of Proof in Criminal Procedure,51 Mod.L.Rev.,1988.
    [83]J.b.White,“Law as Language:Reading Law and Reading Literature”,60 Texas Law Rev.,1982.
    [84]Lan Ward,Law and Literature:Possibilities and Perspectives,Great Britain:Cambridge University press,1995.
    [85]Nicholas Rescher,The Coherence Theory of Truth,Oxford University Press,1973.
    [86]Neil Maccormick,Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory,Oxford University Press,1978.
    [87]Owen Fiss,“Objectivity and Interpretation”,34 Stanford Law Rev.,1982.
    [88]Old chief v.United States,519 U.S.172,187-89 (1997).
    [89]Peter L.Berger and Thomas Luckmann,The Social Construction of Reality:A Treatise on the Sociology of Knowledge,Garden City,New York:Anchor Books,1966.
    [90]Paul T.Durbin:Dictionary of concepts in the Philosophy of science greeneood press,1988.
    [91]Rorty,Contincy,Zrony an Solidarity,London:Cambridge University Press,1989.
    [92]R.Abel,Redirecting Social Studies of Law,14 Law and Society Rev.1980.
    [93]Steinar Kvale,Themes of Postmodernity,in Walter Truett Anderson (ed.),The Fontana Postmodernism Reader,London:Fontana Press,1996.
    [94]Sir Richard Eggleston,Evidence,Proof and Probability,London:Weidenfeld and ivicolson,1983.
    [95]S.Fish,Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive communities,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1980.
    [96]Walter Ullmann,Medieval Principles of Evidence,62 Law Q.Rev.,1946.

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