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Brief Sunnary
     In Chinese educational history, there are many
     different views of the relationship between reading
     and writing. Among so many viewpoints, the concept of
     揜eading promotes writing?was popular once ,and had
     great effect. When it was put in practice, people found
     that the effective result wasn抰 very good, some of
     them criticized it ,and some wanted to deny the
     validity of this viewpoint. In my paper, I try to judge
     from history, and use the method of combining of theory
     and practice?to recouiprehead 搕he promoting
     fanction of reading to writing? thus approving the
     concept of 揜eading promotes writing攃o,pletely.
     This paper analyse the forming process of the
     concept of 揜eading promotes writing? and summarices
     the relative theory抯 research and makes up the
     shortcomings of this theory抯 research that is it only
     saw obvious functions of 搑ead well?will lead to
     搘rite well?and 搑ead badly?will cause 搘rite
     badly? neglecting the vague functions of 搑ead well?
     may lead to 搘rite not so well?and 搑ead not so well?
     may cause 搘rite well?
     I will try to find out the some of the idea
     reading may not promote writing?from theory and
     practice, and absorb versatile merits and combine them
     with my teaching practice on Senior Cb~inese, advancing
     the following solutions change the thinging of
     teachers change teaching methods and learning
     methods, and keep the effective ways to give full play
     to the traditional concept棓Reading promotes
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