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The detail investigation for Shuiquangou complex in the field and laborarydemonstrates that it is magmatic origin, not the product of metasomation ormcgmatization, which is still insisted by many schlors. Their petrological and min-eralogical characteristics show that shuiquangou complex is a potassic and high-potassic complex consisting of calc-alkaline, weakly-alkaline and alkaline rocks.The complex can be derided into four associations and ten types. According to theirgeochemistry, REE, trace elements and stabe isotope, it originated from upper—mantle, but assimilalied by crustal materials. The magma has two evolutionarytrends: acid and alkaline trends. Its internal evolutionary mechanism is alsoprobed. The structural study suggests that the dyke propagation is the main type ofmagma emplacement, and the stopping is local mechalnsm, and they are formed inthe extensional and relaxation period after collission. On the basic of the mineral-ized characteristics of Dongping and other gold deposits in research region, the fluidinclusion, stable isotope, and thermodynamic calculations with the theory of Mass—Energy field are used to demonstrate that most of the gold deposits in the investi-gated region belong to the telluride—rich type of gold deposits, and that the threeconditions are necessary for the telluride—rich type. So, the relationshoip betweenthe alkaline rocks and the telluride—rich type of gold deposits is not a simple or di-rect, but an indirect and organic relationships. On the basis of these, the authorpoints out the special criteria for this type of gold pospecting and prospecting sug-gestions.
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