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Under the fierce market competition environment, technological innovation has beenregarded as a key factor to gain and keep competitive advantage. However, facing heavycompetition pressure from national and international market, lacking enough investment inR&D, lacking motivation for technological innovation, deficient management system andlacking effective technological innovation mode have become existed problems in presenttechnological innovation in Chinese large enterprises, which led to backward technogicalinnovation ability and technological innovation mode compring with large enterprises indeveloped countries. Therefore, how to choose proper technological innovation modeaccording to existing resources in order to improve technological innovation ability andcompetitiveness has urgent probmes.
     Based on the above situation, choices of technological innovation mode have beenresearched in this dissertation.
     Firstly, four technological innovation modes including independent innovation mode,external innovation mode, incubator innovation mode, and cooperation innovation mode havebeen analyzed. In the process of the above analysis, connotations, strenths, and weaknesses ofthe above four technological innovation modes have also been illustrated, which will supplytheorical support for Chinese large enterprises to choose appropriated technologicalinnovation mode baed on the realistic condition.
     Secondly, influence mechanisms of choices on technological innovation mode from theaspect of enterprises’ scale have been researched. According to our research purpose, relatedtheories, and specific practice in enterprises, a series of research hypothesis have been built.Then, the above research hypotheses have been tested empirically by desining questionnaireand analyzing investigation based on SEM theories. Consequently, it is proved thatrelationship among enterprises’ scale, technological ability, and choices of technologicalinnovation mode affected enterprises’ performance. Moreover, hypotheses of structural pathand elementary path about relationship among enterprises’ scale, technological innovationability, and technological innovation mode have been expressed. Based on the aboveexpression, structural model related to enterprises’ scale, technological innovation ability, andchoices of technological innovation mode has been built and path relationship among essential factors in the model has been tested. The findings show that enterprises’ scale canimprove technological innovation ability and choices of technological innovation modepositively and distinctly. As the expansion of enterprises’ scale and the promotion oftechnological ability, the path of technological innovation mode choice will evolute fromincubator innovation mode (external innovation mode), cooperation innovation mode toindependent innovation mode.
     Thirdly, game theory analysis has been inplmented to analyze problems of technologicalinnovation mode choices from the aspect of on internal absorptive capacity and externalinnovation risk. Consequently, three stages model of game based on internal absorptivecapacity in our lage enterprises have been built, which focused on the relationship amongabsorptive capacity, R&D investment, and innovation mode choices. Furthermore, accordingto buiding game model of technological innovation mode choices in oligarch enterprises, itwill help enterprises choose the proper technological innovation mode choices amongindependent innovation mode, external innovation mode, and cooperation innovation modeuder the impact from innovation risk and technological ability. Simultaneously, relationshipamong technological ability, independent innovation mode, and cooperation innovation modehas been analyzed by building game model under cooperation innovation and uncooperationinnovation, and then decision matrix has been put forward. It shows that differenttechnological innovation mode choices will be made according to the strength or weakness oftechnological ability based on innovation risk.
     Finally, internal and external factors affecting technological innovation mode choices inChinese large enterprises have been analyzed from the aspect of internal absorptive capacityand external innovation risk. Based on the above analysis, evaluation indexes system relatedto technological innovation mode choices of our large enterprises has been established. AlsoDaqing Oilfield Company Ltd. has been chosen to do example analysis. Moreover, accordingto the analysis on the internal and external environment of our large enterprises, some realisticimplementation strategies have been put forward, which includes improving the constructionof technological innovation environment in our large enterprises, building betterimplementation environment for technological innovation, accelerating technologicalinnovation regime construction, and improving financing market for our large enterprises. Atthe same time, government has to improve the process of technological innovation, which can be seen in improving the laws and regulations of technological innovation, strengthen theforce of protecting intellectual property and strength the management system of technologicalinnovation. From internal aspect, internal management syatem should be improved, whichincludes enhancing input, building and improving motivation system of technologicalinnovation, strengthening enterprises’ information construction, cultivating and introducinghigh technology talents.
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