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National defence science and technology industry is the strategic industry to maintainnational security and be responsible for the historic task of high-tech weapons and thedevelopment of conversive high-tech industries. National defence science and technologyindustry must have a competitive strategic advantage to obtain the sustainable and steadydevelopment and it must establish its own core competitiveness to have this competitiveadvantage,because core competence is the source of sustainable competitive advantage. Inthe21st century,knowledge-based economy is rapidly developing. A country’s strategicresource is the knowledge resource and knowledge management applications in the nationaldefence science and technology industry will bring the driving force of sustainabledevelopment,form and enhance the national defence science and technology industry corecompetitiveness. Therefore,the underlying mechanism of knowledge management on the corecompetitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry aims to enhance thecore competitiveness of it to provide reference.
     The paper defines the connotation of the knowledge management and the corecompetitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry and annlyzes thestatus of deeply. Firstly, it summarizes the concept and the models of the knowledgemanagement, and defines the connotation of the knowledge management in the nationaldefence science and technology industry based on it. It also analyzes defines connotation ofthe core competitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry. Secondly,Itanalyzes the status of the knowledge management and the core competitiveness of he nationaldefence science and technology industry.The analysis above laies a solid theoreticalfoundation for the next in-depth study.
     The paper analyzes the mechanism of the knowledge integration improving the corecompetitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry,introduces theconnotation,functionality and content of the knowledge integration and define the connotationof the defense industry knowledge and knowledge integration.The paper builds the model ofthe knowledge integration improving the core competitiveness of the national defence scienceand technology industry from four aspect of the explicit-implicit knowledge integration, individual and organization knowledge integration,internal and external knowledgeintegration,old and new knowledge integration. The paper analyzes the mechanism of theknowledge integration improving the core competitiveness of the national defence science andtechnology industry from the four aspects.
     The paper studies the mechanism of the knowledge learning improving the corecompetitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry. Illustrate theconnotation,characteristics and role of the knowledge learning and analyzes the source of theendogenous and exogenous knowledge learning of the national defence science andtechnology industry and the mechanism and interactive relationship of the knowledge learningimproving the core competitiveness of the national defence science and Technology industry.
     The paper analyzes the mechanism of knowledge sharing improving the corecompetitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry,clarifies themeaning and types of knowledge sharing and analyzes the positive and negative impacts theknowledge sharing improving the core competitiveness of the defense industry and build themodel of the knowledge sharing improving the core competitiveness of the national defencescience and technology industry. The paper analyzes the mechanism the knowledge sharingimproving the core competitiveness of the national defence science and technology industryfrom two aspects of the endogenous knowledge-sharing and the outer Healthknowledge-sharing.
     The paper studies the mechanism of knowledge innovation improving the corecompetitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry. It analyzes themeaning,content and functionality of the knowledge innovation,the method of knowledgeinnovation to the core competitiveness of the national defence science and technologyindustry and analyzes the mechanism of the knowledge innovation improving the corecompetitiveness of the national defence science and technology industry.
     The paper makes an evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledgemanagement enhancing the core competitiveness of the defense technology industry. ItEstablishes evaluation index system of knowledge management enhancing the effectivenessand efficiency of core competitiveness of the defense technology industry, and then selects theevaluation methods of the effectiveness and efficiency.The forner using the fuzzy integralmethod and the later using the DEA method. Select five typical enterprises in the aerospace industry to make the empirical analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency evaluationrespectly and a comprehensive analysis, it provides a new basis for decision making to furtherimprove the knowledge management enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the corecompetitiveness of the defense technology industry.
     The paper proposed the countermeasures to enhance core competitiveness based onknowledge management in the national defence science and technology industry. The paperincludes five aspects countermeasures:creating the modern enterprise culture suited to theknowledge management; building the management system for knowledge integration;enhancing knowledge learning,improving the organization's ability to learn; strengthening theexchange of knowledge and knowledge sharing; accelerating the knowledge innovation.
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