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     基于前期的生物量调查资料和野外实地调查,对西双版纳热带季节雨林、处于不同演替时期的热带次生林和不同年龄的橡胶林生物量中积累的碳进行了估算,定位样地中季节雨林生物量中碳储量为180.46 tC hm-2,7、15、22和40年橡胶林碳储量分别为18.36、75.36、169.75和362.18 tC hm-2,平均年积累碳速率为7.78 tC hm-2 a-1。
     1m深土层中土壤有机碳储量为:季节雨林80.1 tC hm-2,15年橡胶林144.3 tC hm-2,水稻土103.0 tC hm-2。
     季节雨林土壤呼吸日变化不明显,但呈现明显的季节变化,与水热条件和植物生长季相密切相关。土壤、土壤+凋落物、土壤+凋落物+幼苗处理的CO2年排放量分别为9.5、12.7和14.6tC hm-2 a-1,Q10分别为2.03、2.36和2.08。橡胶林土壤呼吸也表现出明显的季节变化,但由于人为施肥、除草、松土管理等因素的影响,与温度、水分的相关性不甚明显, CO2年排放量约为10.97 tC hm-2 a-1,Q10为1.65-1.86。
     稻田土壤呼吸和生态系统呼吸日变化明显,在淹水的生长季节,生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸分别与稻田淹水深度呈显著负相关。土壤含水量较低的水稻种植前休闲季节,土壤呼吸与土壤含水量呈正相关。水稻收割后的休闲季节,土壤含水量较高,土壤呼吸主要受温度影响,Q10为2.46-3.67。稻田生态系统在常规施肥条件下土壤呼吸CO2年排放量为6.37 tC hm-2 a-1,NEE为2.24 tC hm-2 a-1,为一碳汇。
     用涡度相关法研究的结果表明,季节雨林NEE呈现明显的日变化、季节变化和年际变化,西双版纳特殊的气候环境及与之相适应的物候变化,吸收CO2的植物光合作用与排放CO2的植物呼吸、土壤呼吸、凋落物及细根分解过程,它们之间的相互联系和消长,共同决定了西双版纳热带季节雨林的NEE变化格局。2003-2006年的结果表明西双版纳热带季节雨林是一弱的碳汇(1.1872 tC hm-2 a-1),并存在季节变化,在4-8月的雨季为碳源,在其他季节则为碳汇。
Global change, with great impacts on natural ecosystems and human society, is a great concern of scientists, common people and governments around the world. The increasing CO2 concentration in atmosphere, induced from fossil fuel burning and land use/land cover change, is one of the main factors related to global warming. The research on soil respiration and carbon sequestration in vegetation is important for understanding carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystem.
     Based on the biomass data from previous studies and the dada collected in this study, we estimated the carbon stock in the biomass of tropical seasonal rain forests, secondary forests and rubber tree plantation of different age. The carbon stock in the biomass of tropical seasonal rain forest was 180.46 tC hm-2,and that of rubber tree plantation at the age of 7, 15, 22 and 40-year-old was 18.36, 75.36, 169.75 and 362.18 tC hm-2, respectively. The mean carbon increase rate of rubber tree plantation was 7.78 tC hm-2 a-1.
     The carbon stock in the soil at the depth of 1m of tropical seasonal rain forest, 15-year-old rubber tree plantation and paddy soil was 80.1, 144.3 and 103.0 tC hm-2, respectively.
     The diurnal change of soil respiration rate of tropical seasonal rain forest was small, but the seasonal change was great, in relation to temperature, soil moisture and plant phenology. The annual CO2 emission from soil, soil with litter, and soil with litter & seedlings treatment was 9.5, 12.7 and 14.6 tC hm-2 a-1,respectively. Q10 value was 2.03, 2.36 and 2.08, respectively.
     The soil respiration rate of rubber tree plantation changed seasonally, with no close relationship to temperature and soil moisture. The annual CO2 emission from soil was 10.97 tC hm-2 a-1. Q10 was 1.65 to 1.86.
     The diurnal change of soil respiration rate and rice ecosystem respiration rate were obvious. In growing season, soil respiration rate and rice ecosystem respiration rate related negatively to depth of water. In the relative dry period before rice transplanting, soil respiration rate related positively to soil moisture. In the wet period after rice harvest, soil respiration rate was mainly affected by temperature. Q10 was 2.46 to 3.67. The annual CO2 emission from rice ecosystem with normal nitrogen fertilizer dosage was 6.37 tC hm-2 a-1. NEE was 2.24 tC hm-2 a-1. This rice ecosystem served as a carbon sink.
     We studied carbon flux in tropical seasonal rain forest by eddy covariance technique. NEE changed obviously at diurnal, seasonal and inter-annual scale. The temporal change of NEE was shaped by local specific climate and related plant phenology, balance between photosynthesis and plant respiration, soil respiration, litter decomposition, fine root decomposition. The result showed that the tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna was a carbon sink from 2003 to 2006, and changed seasonally, as a carbon source in wet season (from April to August), a carbon sink in other seasons.
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