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     本文又在调查统计的基础上,对民间食用广泛、食用方便且品质良好的8种特色山野菜做了较系统的分析研究。8种山野菜分别为:①省沽油(Staphyleabumalda DC.Prodr.):为省沽油科省沽油属;②腐婢(Premna microphylla Turcz.):为马鞭草科豆腐柴属;⑨石蒜(Lycoris radiata(L'Herit.)Herb.):为石蒜科石蒜属;④蕺菜(Houttugnia cordata Thunb.):为三白草科蕺菜属;⑤垂盆草(Sedum
    ~ento叙m Bge.):为景天科景天属;⑥黄篙(〔公月jm~L.):为伞形科置离属;
    ⑦水芹(口e~th。了。,。”ica(B 1.)Dc.Prodr.):为伞形科水芹属;⑧篇蓄(而伙卯num
    aviculare L.):为要科要属。分析项目为:水分、灰分、粗纤维、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、
Abstract: With the improvement of the living standard, the requirement for food has been transferred from quantity to quality. The pursuit of green and health became a fashion. Domestic and international experts predict that people will lay more emphasis on health, so returning to nature and pursuing health will become the mainstream of food-consumption in the 21st century. Wild vegetables are natural, pure and nutritional. With a variety of therapy function, they are valuable in exploitation of food and medicine and become the highlight of vegetable industry.
    There are abundant wild vegetables resources in Hanzhong district, various in style, wide in distribution and large in quantity. A lot of wild vegetables have very high nutritive value. Some of them have unique nutritive ingredient or favorable medical value. At present, there are few introductions about the exploitation and research of the wild vegetables in Hanzhong. This article made a preliminary investigation on the wild vegetables in Hanzhong, and took systematic tests on the nutritious ingredients of 8 characteristic wild vegetables. It will offer regional materials to nationwide investigations of wild vegetables. Also it will offer some basic data to the exploitation of wild vegetables in Hanzhong.
    Based on first-hand materials through field investigation and relational literatures, this article made an analysis on the wild vegetables in Hanzhong, and also made determination and classification. The result shows, there are totally 119 families of wild vegetables, including 348 genus and 587 species, among which Spermatophyta is the largest one in classification and includes 84 families, 296 genus and 427 species, taking 80.41% of all classified by resource quality, herbaceous wild vegetables take 58.94%, belonging to 52 families and 346 species. Woody wild vegetables take 20.10%, belonging to 36 families and 118 species. The fungi account for 17.38%, belonging to 26 families, 102 species. On the basis of census, the article introduces the ecological environments, the distribution, edible position, eating custom, medical and healthful functions of some wild vegetables, which involve 71 families, 113 species which people often eat. The article analyzed the natural, historical, economic and scientific advantage in Hanzhong and its feasibilities of developing wild vegetable as well. Also the article put forward some suggestions on how to exploit wild vegetables. These suggestions include: (1) Survey on the nutritious ingredients and exploitation value of principle wild vegetables. (2) Investigation to the domestication of some same species. (3) Research
    on the deep processing technology. The aim of these researches is to form a better situation of the exploitation of wild vegetables.
    The article makes systematic analysis and researches on the 8 characteristic wild vegetables that are widely eaten and have good qualities. They are as follows: 1 staphylea bumalda DC. Prodr. 2 Premna microphylla Turcz. 3 Lycoris radiata Herb.4 Houttugnia cordata Thunb. 5.Sedum sarmentosum Bge. 6. Carum carvi L. 7 Oenanthe javanica Prodr. 8 Polygonum aviculare L. The analysis item: water content, inorganic, coarse fiber, crude protein, crude fat, total sugar, reduce sugar, vitamin C, carotene, total flavonoids, amino acid.
    The results shows:
    The content of water, inorganic, crude protein and crude fat in Staphylea bumalda is the highest.
    The coarse fiber content of the Sedum sarmentosum is the highest.
    The content of total sugar and reduce sugar in Lycoris radiata is the highest.
    The content of the proportion of the reduce sugar in total sugar, vitamin C, carotene in Polygonum aviculare L. is the highest.
    Oenanthe javanica has the most total flavonoids.
    The content of the total amino acid and essential amino acid in Staphylea bumalda is the highest.
    The proportion of the essential amino acid in total amino acid in Polygonum aviculare L is the highest.
    In sum, these eight kinds of characteristic wild vegetables have more complete nutritional compositions. The nutri
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