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     结果:结石组与对照组胆管内胆汁中HP-CagA IgG检出阳性率有显著性差异(P<0.05),伴有和不伴有急性胆管炎的胆结石患者胆管内胆汁中HP-CagA IgG检出阳性率亦有显著性差异(P<0.05),而术中胆管穿刺与内镜下选择性胆管插管抽取的胆汁中HP-CagA IgG检出阳性率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。
Objective:To study the relationship between the Helicobacter pylori infection and the formation of gallstones. To collect the evidence of HP existing in biliary tract, and to study the detective methods of bacteria in biliary tract.
     Methods:Twenty-eight cases of patients with gallstone collected bile by direct puncture during operation and other eight cases with gallstone by ERCP operation. HP CagA immunoglobulin G detected by enzyme - linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA). Sixteen cases of patients without gallstone was the control group. Eight cases collected bile by direct puncture during operation and other eight cases by ERCP operation.
     Result:The detection of HP-CagA IgG of the two groups has significant difference. There was also significant difference with/without acute cholangitis in biliary tract of the patients with gallstone. However, there was no significant difference between the direct puncture group and ERCP group.
     Conclusions: HP exists possibly in biliary tract and has some relationship with the formation of gallstone. It’s feasible to detect Helicobacter pylori CagAIgG through ERCP.
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